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China's top health preservation (deep good article)

Troubles have no roots, and if you don't pick them up, it's natural.

By leoonePublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Sanmao said:

I have no time to be young seriously. When I understand, I can only choose to be old seriously.

When we go through thousands of sails and warm and cold, we can understand what is the most important thing in life.

There is such a sentence: "health preservation, such as illness, cannot be begged by others."

Health preservation is the same as curing diseases. It can only be seen step by step. There is no shortcut.

In fact, the most advanced health preservation is just these eight words.



There is a problem on the Internet:

What are the characteristics of those happy people around you every day?

The following highly praised answer is only two words: "forgetful".

For decades in life, if everything is kept in mind, the brain will become a garden full of weeds. Regular cleaning can maintain physical and mental health.

I have heard such a story:

Someone always felt that life was very tiring, so he went to visit the eminent monk and asked him for advice.

The eminent monk gave him a bag to carry on his back and asked him to put a stone in the bag every step he took.

The man did so. As a result, the bag on his back became heavier and heavier. Finally, he had to take it down.

The eminent monk told him that this was the reason why he was very tired in life. If he kept putting things in his heart, he would become more and more tired.

The man then asked, "is there any way to reduce the weight?"

The eminent monk replied:

The regrets and pains in life are like stones in a bag. If you always think about stones, the burden will be heavier and heavier. Only when you clear it regularly and learn to forget it, will it be easy.

In this journey called "life", forgetting is more important than memory.

Forget your troubles, and naturally more and more happiness; Only by forgetting the past can we make more room for a new life.

As psychologist Bergson said, "the role of the brain is not only to help us remember, but also to help us forget."

Life is a heavy journey. If we remember the past too clearly, it will only add unnecessary burden.

In the second half of life, learn to forget, pack light, and take every day as a new beginning.


Less resentment

Zeng Guofan said, "if you complain too much, you will stop it later."

Resentment is like poison. When attacking others, it is easy to hurt yourself by mistake.

I have read such a story.

One day, 8-year-old Paco came home angrily after school and said to his father, "Hua Jin made me lose face in front of my friends. Now I especially hope that he will encounter a few unlucky things."

When his father heard this, he picked up a bag of charcoal in the corner and gave it to Paco, saying, "you regard the white shirt as Hua Jin and the charcoal as bad luck. Smashing the white shirt with charcoal, every time you hit a piece, it symbolizes that Hua Jin encountered a bad thing."

After hearing this, Paco immediately picked up charcoal and threw it at the white shirt. After throwing all the charcoal, Paco was relieved.

At this time, his father asked Paco to look at himself in the mirror. Paco saw that he was covered in black charcoal in the mirror, and only his teeth were white.

Father said earnestly:

The shirt didn't get particularly dirty, but you yourself became a black man. You want a lot of bad luck to happen to others, but the worst thing falls on yourself.

"Baize night marsh" said: "resentment is a valuable knot in the barren wasteland, which opens a bright and untimely flower. When the power of hatred finally dissipates, the stumps and leaves wither, and the flowers fall with sound."

Life is entangled by resentment, and bitterness becomes double. If you are trapped in hatred for a long time, it is difficult to get out of the strange circle of resentment.

Just like the Hercules effect: the deeper the hostility in your heart, the more vicious the other party's revenge on you, until both lose.

Zhang Yiyun said, "don't spend more than 10 minutes complaining, nagging and self pity every day."

Put down your resentment towards others and try to live your life well every day.


Not compare

I have heard such a sentence:

"The tiredness of life stems partly from survival and partly from comparison."

If we can't restrain our desire to compare, we will lose our original heart and make ourselves more painful.

We media author ping an once told such a story.

Ping'an has a friend with a good family. He has two suites in the county, and his child has also got married. It is reasonable to say that friends should be old enough to enjoy happiness.

However, when my friend saw someone buying a new house in the provincial city, out of the psychology of comparison, my friend moved around and loaned another suite in the provincial city.

The calm life has been broken, the original two suites have been exhausted, and the new high mortgage has made friends breathless.

A friend who used to travel once a year has not gone out for two years. When I was sick, I didn't dare to see a doctor, so I had to hold on.

The newly bought suite not only failed to improve the quality of life of friends, but also made life messy and happiness plummeted.

The little monk of Yichan said, "you don't have to compete all the time. If you don't compete, you will have your own world."

Everyone has his own stage. If you envy others' lives too much, you will only lose your nature and destroy your own life.

Yi Shu said:

When I was 40 years old, I was healthy, saved a little, married, my husband was considerate, my children were obedient, and I had a job I really liked, which was success.

Everyone's happiness is different. Don't lose your happiness by blindly comparing with others.



Zhihu has a question: "what is the root cause of life's pain?"

The following highly praised answer is: "think too much".

In fact, all the troubles are caused by thinking too much.

During World War II, a Mr. Rand worried about some things for a whole summer.

Worried about the safety of his son who served in the army; Worried that the compensation received by the old house is not enough to buy a new house; Worried that the tuition fee is insufficient to enable her daughter to continue to university; Worried about the business school founded, unable to recruit students.

Seeing that he was restless all day, Rand's wife asked him to write down these troubles, then forget them and do what he should do.

A year and a half later, when Rand was sorting things, he found the note recording his troubles.

He was surprised to find that none of the things that bothered him had happened.

Lin Qingxuan once said, "after sweeping today's fallen leaves, tomorrow's leaves will not fall down today. Don't worry about tomorrow, and try to live at this moment."

But we are always used to worrying about things that have not yet come, trapping ourselves in negative emotions and making it difficult to get away.

As the old saying goes, "troubles have no roots, and if you don't pick them up, you will have nothing."

There is no trouble in life. We think too much, and trouble comes to us automatically.

Long life road, give up unnecessary thoughts, can light up.


As the saying goes, "without the consciousness of longevity, there must be no healthy body."

In fact, the best "Health Secret" is around us.

Be forgetful, heal your heart with forgetting, and move forward calmly;

Less resentment, make yourself happy, in order to meet more good luck;

No, live at your own pace;

Be thoughtless, abandon too many concerns, and do the little things in front of you.

Click to see, the long road of life, I hope you have a healthy body and keep a happy little day.

Shoes that are not suitable for you will only abrade your feet.

People who don't cherish you will only consume their sincerity.


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