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Can Sun Damage Your Skin Through the Window? And Why Organic Sunblock is So Important and How to Fix Your Skin With Organic Laundry Soap

Sun Damage Your Skin Through the Window And Fix Your Skin With Organic Laundry Soap

By Adrian PraljakPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

A question that many people never think about, is whether or not UV rays can be harmful through glass. If you're sat by a window feeling the sun on your skin – does risk causing sun burn or other damage? Perhaps you're sitting by a window as you read this right now; are you in danger?

The unfortunate answer is yes – to at least some degree, you can experience sun damage through glass windows.

More specifically, glass windows block as certain wavelength of light known as 'UVB' while allowing UVA to still come through. UVB is the 'shorter wavelength' of light and is the main kind that is primarily responsible for sunburn and skin cancer. So that's good news – if you sit by a window at work then you probably won't get sunburn.

But UVB does make it through to some extent, at which point it's weak enough to make it through to the epidermis. This can still cause damage but nothing near the potential amount of damage that you might experience were you to sit in direct sunlight.

On the other hand though, UVA rays are the longer wavelengths and these can pass directly through glass and still cause problems. This is the same type of light that is used in tanning beds and which is known to penetrate into the deeper levels of the skin through the epidermis and to the dermis.

Compared with UVB, UVA is actually worse when it comes to aging your skin. In fact, there are a number of pictures doing the rounds online of people who have spent their whole lives driving a truck or working in an office with a window on one side. These people look considerably older on the side exposed to sunlight through the window than on the other side!

Wearing sun block throughout the day – even in doors – is unfortunately NOT the solution. The problem with this, is that it actually damages your skin (and your general health) in a number of ways due to harmful ingredients. Did you know that products you apply to your skin actually get absorbed into your bloodstream?

That means that you should never apply a product to your skin that you wouldn’t be happy to eat!

Wearing these products all throughout the day is out of the question.

And that is why using organic sunblock is such an important strategy.

Sunblock is So Important and Fix Your Skin With Organic Laundry Soap

If you struggle with acne or oily skin, then there’s a chance you’ll have tried just about every shop-bought product going. You might have used products designed to dry up your skin and remove oil, or perhaps you may have tried products that “burn away” the top layer of your skin to remove dead skin cells.

Chances are these just made matters worse.

In fact, the likelihood is that your bad skin is caused by unnatural products to begin with. And these can even include things that you don’t consider as being “skin products.”

For example, if you are currently sleeping on a pillow, then your face is in direct contact with your laundry detergent. If you notice that you have worse acne on one side, then you might be having a reaction to the ingredients in that product!

The solution? Make your own laundry soap!

How it Works

Natural laundry detergent products instead rely on coconut oil, sodium bicarbonate, essential oils and other similar inclusions. These work to break up grease, to imbue a pleasant scent and softness and to kill off bacteria. Then again though, the high temperatures of your washing machine will be able to do the latter all on their own!

A Simple How-To for Organic Laundry Soap

If you want to try making your own organic laundry soap, then this is an excellent way to save a lot of money as well as to ensure you can be completely sure of what has gone into it.

One option is just to mix a little natural washing soda (sodium carbonate) with some borax. Washing soda is made from common salt and limestone and you can either buy it or make your own from regular baking soda. Borax is also a naturally occurring mineral that contains sodium, oxygen, boron and water. It is found in most organic soaps and detergents and it’s very useful for cleaning. Simply grate the soap with two quarts of water and then add to five gallons of hot tap water and 2 cups of washing soda. You can find out more about this particular recipe here.

There are a few different organic laundry detergent recipes you can try but in this case it is often easier just to buy one of the best organic laundry detergent products readymade. These are affordable, efficient and completely healthy and safe.


About the Creator

Adrian Praljak

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