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Can Seminal Vesiculitis Cause Hematuria?

Hematuria is a sign of seminal vesiculitis

By Amanda ChouPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Can Seminal Vesiculitis Cause Hematuria?
Photo by Testalize.me on Unsplash

 Seminal vesiculitis may cause hematuria. Hematuria is a primary clinical manifestation of seminal vesiculitis, which needs to be diagnosed in combination with the severity of the disease.

Hematuria caused by seminal vesiculitis is mainly due to inflammation of the seminal vesicle, and the patient's seminal vesicle will be in a high state of congestive edema. During the patient's urination, the urine is excreted from the bladder contraction ureteral peristalsis to the urethral orifice. 

When seminal vesiculitis occurs, gland congestion and swelling are apparent, and some patients will have blood in the urine. During urination, due to the contraction of smooth muscles, the capillary rupture and bleeding of the blood enter the urethra, or as the urine is excreted, hematuria will form. In addition, seminal vesicles have congestion and inflammatory edema, which are more likely to cause hematuria.

Seminal vesiculitis may be caused by bacterial infection, or it may be caused by excessive sexual life, resulting in local trauma, manifested as perineal pain or ejaculation pain, frequent urination, urgent urination, urinary pain, etc. Some people will have ejaculation as blood sperm, resulting in pink or blood clots in semen. If timely and effective treatment is not received, symptoms such as low sexual desire and spermatorrhea may also occur, which will have a severe impact on the daily life of patients in the future.

Seminal vesiculitis is one of the causes of hematuria. But hematuria is also a common symptom of genitourinary diseases, such as urinary tract infection, prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, glomerulonephritis, stones, and tumors, which can lead to hematuria.

Hematuria is just one symptom, not necessarily caused by seminal vesiculitis. If it is determined that hematuria is caused by seminal vesiculitis, as long as it is cured, hematuria will naturally disappear.

How to treat seminal vesiculitis?

1.Traditional Chinese medicine treatment, including oral traditional Chinese medicine or proprietary Chinese medicine, as well as acupuncture and massage, can promote blood circulation and qi and blood circulation in the prostate, which is very helpful for the recovery of seminal vesiculitis.

When a man has seminal vesiculitis, he can take traditional herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to relieve inflammation and pain, and clear away heat and diuresis. While using traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, strengthening personal hygiene and health awareness, exercising more, and enhancing individual resistance.

2. Surgical treatment refers to seminal therapies suitable for patients with severe seminal vesiculitis. Retrograding entry into the seminal vesicle to remove the lesion can relieve discomfort symptoms such as frequent urination pain and semen blood.

3. Dietary conditioning treatment, patients with seminal vesiculitis should eat more foods with heat-clearing and diuretic effects, such as mung bean sprouts, balsam pear, loofah, etc. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and do not eat spicy, irritating, fried, and greasy food.

4. Drug treatment is suitable for patients with seminal vesiculitis with less severe symptoms in the early stage of the disease. It is mainly antibiotic drugs, such as levofloxacin, amoxicillin, azithromycin, cephalosporin, etc., that can effectively resist various pathogenic bacteria's continuous infection. At the same time, combined with ibuprofen, aspirin and other drugs can inhibit the secretion of prostaglandins and have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which can promote the faster cure of seminal vesiculitis.

During the above treatment, patients diagnosed with seminal vesiculitis should be careful not to smoke or drink alcohol and not drink coffee, strong tea, or carbonated drinks. Otherwise, it will aggravate the condition and affect recovery. During this period, you should also pay attention to more rest, not overwork, maintain a good mental state, and avoid too much mental pressure. This can promote the faster cure of seminal vesiculitis and restore a healthy life.


About the Creator

Amanda Chou

Looking to restore your life troubled by prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis and other male reproductive system diseases? Here are the resource to help you in this endeavor.

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