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By Radha KarkiPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Photo by Fakurian Design on Unsplash

As a student, you have a lot of experience understanding and remembering your exams. If you have strong image memory, your job is very simple. But if you are just one of us who dies, you will face two problems: first, you do not remember everything you have to do, and second, it takes a lot of time to remember! What if I told you that you could get your cake and eat it with you? Here's how to improve your memory, remember facts, and spend less time doing it. Now there are various types of memory, such as process memory, such as the ability to throw a golf club, and the recalling memory, such as the ability to identify and draw the cervical plexus for your anatomy examination.

We care about semantic memory, which is a kind of descriptive reminder, which will help you get an A in your chemistry final and 525 in the MCAT. From exploring the neural networks of the marine snail to caring for amnesic patients with localized lesions, neuroscientists have learned a great deal about how human memory works and how to squeeze what is most useful in our hippocampi. Hippocampi are centers in our brain that store long-term memory. Looking back over a hundred years ago, we can thank psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus for studying his memory and for doing what is now known as the Forgetting Curve. In simple terms, Forgetting Curved shows that after making a memory, we gradually forget as time goes on. Recovering memories is a different process of keeping them, and this too is incomplete.

That is why eyewitness accounts are notorious for their dishonesty. We know from the basic basics of neuroscience that repetition empowers neural connections and allows us to remember details actively. The problem is that we have too much information to learn - we cannot repeat all the facts we need to know every day. Enter Space Result. With repeated exposure to another piece of information at intervals during each repetition, we can increase memory by memory and retain information retrieved in less time. The important thing here is to remember the details, not just to see them. Remembering means being given a clue and finding the right information on your own. Recognition refers to seeing a piece of information and getting to know it, thinking "yes I know that." For memory purposes, memory is much higher than acceptance. This is in line with the test result, where testing and recalling a piece of information strengthens the memory input process. The effect of Space is very strong when the time is right. If too little time passes between repetitions, the information is not forcefully strengthened.

When too much time passes, you forget and unable to remember the details you want. Medical students have the task of learning the details of a very short period of time. Needed, many have turned to unusual study tools to help them overcome this seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Install repetition software with spaces, King of Anki. Anki and other separate replication software do the process of editing the facts you need to learn in the form of flashcards. Even though it’s a long way off, Anki is the best option we have right now. I do not associate with Anki, but I used it extensively as a medical student and explained my great success in using it well. It is a shortcut platform and syncs to all your devices, which is important for reasons I will be able to access soon. Inevitably, many students ask me if they should make their own cards or if using a pre-made dock is okay. There are pros and cons in each and every way. If you make your own flashcards, you are using the active form of reading, so you will learn information from those who are on the flashcards faster successfully. Second, if you make cards, they are your words, and you will have no difficulty understanding them. Lastly, you can practice good flashcard principles and good habits, which many students do not follow in creating their flashcards. Creating these flashcards is ineffective and "bad" is a very common mistake and the main reason why readers end up abandoning Anki completely.

The great advantage of using a pre-made deck is is that you will save time on the card-making process. However, if you follow the guidelines from this channel, you should be skilled enough to make your own cards and reap those extra benefits. As a medical student, I always made my perfect cards. That being said, if you get a high-quality cable with high-quality cards, one might excuse taking a base on the practical learning of the benefits of saving time. When studying heavy-duty data, such as reading MCAT or USMLE Step 1, using Anki will not only help you learn the details faster but also save you time. By using Anki in your biology or psychology studies as a young person, you will remember some details 2 years later when you were studying for MCAT.

With heavy but easy-to-navigate details, such as biology, sociology, or psych, your reliance on Anki should be even greater. Some subjects, such as physics and organic chemistry, are extremely complex. Flashcards are still in use for all of these topics, but I can make a few cards here and put them forward to create other potential problems instead. Some people suggest that you create a problem card of your choice, but I advise you to repeat this, as you may find yourself memorizing the answer to a question, rather than confirming the details and concepts you need to read. More on good card design in the two-part video.

If you are a medical student, know that most of your studies will be easy on flashcards. I have a complete playlist on how to use Ankimost effectively. If you are not yet familiar with the program, these short videos will speed you up quickly. In the second part of the next video, we will talk about the best ways to make beautiful flashcards. Remember, Anki’s benefits are simply made like the flashcards you build. Now while creating beautiful flashcards is important, daily use of Anki is equally important. Here's how to put one together for use with your daily routine. First, Strategic Review As a medical student, I was reviewing between 50-300 cards daily for months at a time. As someone who got into the specialty of the competition, it was very early in the morning and late at night, reducing the time I spent updating my Anki booth. So to be able to read all my cards and make this habit stable, I have learned to use them whenever I have to review writing cards Unlike studying every speech, Anki cards are is self-made, which means reviewing 5 cards in one or two minutes takes us a while. well, your time. That meant folding 10 or 20 cards while waiting in line for breakfast while waiting for the elevator or even walking between buildings.

These few cards here and there are inserted quickly, allowing me to complete most of my updates before returning home for the day. It is not good and it is not easy, but practicing cards in such a way was one of the most important factors that allowed me to break my boards and enjoy going to the surgeons in exchange for my tests. Personally, I am not a fan of doing Anki form than 30 or 60 minutes straight. So, if it was a weekend and I was spending the whole day studying, I would set one 25-minute Pomodoro of Anki to complete the monotony in another study. This is a great strategy to improve your credit over the course of the day. In the end, it is much easier to make four sets of 75 cards than one session of 300 cards. Number two, Familiarize yourself with One Day Anki works on an algorithm that prepares you to learn details, but it is not easy to schedule breaks. It doesn't matter if you are sick, if you want to rest, or if you are on vacation. It is therefore important that you do your flashcards every one day.

This is a challenge for the first few weeks as you build this habit. During this time, your update load is also building, which means the number of cards you are assigned to update daily. Number three, Avoid Going Back to Cards Inevitably, you will be left behind. You will skip a day here or there. Understand that this should be different, not the law. The longer you skip the days, the harder it is to keep, and the less use you will get from Anki. If you fall behind, your best bet is to take a few days to play catch up to get stronger with your expired cards. Avoid skipping dates and avoid resetting cards, as you miss important intermittent details that ultimately help consolidate your semantic memory. Number Four, Don't Make Too Many Cards The two main reasons why students fail to stick to Anki create bad flashcards, which we will discuss in part 2, and create multiple flashcards, resulting in an unpredictable daily update load. Students are often assigned when using Anki first, sometimes creating more than a hundred cards in one sentence.

Understand that each card you create is an award that you will need to update next. Practice a certain limit and create cards with the most important information while leaving out less important details. We look at how we can do this directly in the previous video. And lastly, Honestly Remembering vs Recognition Remember, this algorithm and spacing function works best for memory, not recognition. So don't fool yourself. If you can't find the card correctly without scrolling to see the background, then mark the card as incorrect. Many times students are forced into a situation where they have to cheat on the cards for fear of an unreasonable review burden. In many cases, this can be solved by creating better flashcards. On the other hand, if you forget one word or a few details on a card, do not hold it so tightly that you never have time for 1 day. In the second part of the video, we will talk about the science and art of how to create beautiful Anki flashcards. While much of your performance in your tests go to improve your memory, there are several other important things you need to use.

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About the Creator

Radha Karki

@[email protected]

I am very curious ar learning new things, love to read books, paintings, art, and love singing too.

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