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Best leg workout tips at home 2020

leg workout tips

By Badnam KuruPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
leg workout tips

Workout helps people slim down and lose weight as well as lower the risk of some illness. Working out on a regular basis decreases a person's danger of establishing some conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. Exercise also can assist maintain your body at a healthy and balanced weight. Workout can help a person age well.

Pretty much everyone wants to look bulky or at least shredded. Having strong legs is a desire of men women alike. Strong legs with bilk mass and sharp cuttings look so intimate. Being in the lockdown, everyone has somehow managed to experience bloating. Looser muscles and no more the stiffness that one felt before he lockdown. It all has to do with the gym schedules.

But don’t worry. We are ready to help you with your home workout. If you are obsessed with leg workout and what to regain the prime stance, follow our thread and get to know the best leg workouts at home.

1- Squats

  • 3 sets of 10 reps

In order to perform the famous squat, stand with your feet hip width apart. Then lower yourself until your thighs are aligned parallel to the ground. Once done, raise your stance back to normal, and there you go, one squat checked.

Target: Hamstrings, quads, and glutes.

2- Single-leg box squats (A.K.A pistol squats)

  • 3 sets of 10 reps (each side)

Out of every bodyweight variation workout, the pistol squat is perhaps the toughest of all. Include standing on one leg and dropping into a deep squat, pointing the raised leg straight out in front of you. The weight is mainly gathered on the other leg. You can also use a box to assist in hovering down initially. But then you’ll probably get used to it.

Target: Hamstrings, quads, and glutes.

3- Good Morning

  • 3 Sets of 10 reps

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Palms on your neck from behind, now bend your upper half and try making 90°. When you feel a pull in Hamstrings, then reverse back up.

Targets: Hamstrings and glutes

4- Donkey kick

  • 3 Sets of Reps 10 for each side

Get on all fours while aligning your hands with shoulders and knees with hips. Now crunch your leg out while bending, in a way that the sole of your shoe faces the ceiling. When you feel a stretch on glutes, reverse it. Keep performing it on one leg; then perform second set on other leg.

Targets: Hamstrings and glutes

5- Single-Leg Hip Raise

  • 3 Sets of 10 reps

Lie down with your faceup and arms out on your sides at 45°, left foot should lie flat on the floor with your knee bending, and put your right leg up straight. Raise your right leg until it gets aligned with your left thigh. Then push your hips up until your lower back elevates. Now return to the starting position.

6- Lunge

  • 3 Sets of Reps 10 for each side

From a standing stance, take your left foot forward and step large. Make a 90° with your left knee bending parallel to the floor and your right knee bending 90 but towards the floor. Reverse and repeat for one leg and other set for right and keep alternating.

Target: Hamstrings, quads, and glutes.

7- Side Lunge

  • 3 Sets of Reps 10 for each side

From standing, take a big step to side and lower your body until the other knee bends 90°. Don’t bend your stepped leg; trail it straight. Now reverse and repeat for other leg and keep alternating.

Target: Abductors.

8- Stiff-leg deadlift

  • 3 Sets of 10 reps

You’ll be needing some weights for this one. Hold one weight in each hand. Bend your knees a little but stay thorought. Now lower your self from your hips and close the distance between your legs and hips. Reverse when you feel your hamstring stretching.

Target: Hamstrings, and glutes.

9- Glute bridge

  • 3 Sets of 10 reps

Lie on your back with your sole on the floor, knees bent, and feet close to your glutes. Now raise your hips making an incline. Pause for some time then lower and reverse. Repeat.

Target: Hamstrings, and glutes.

10- Calf raise

  • 3 Sets of 10 reps

Stand easy, and try shifting all your weight from your heels towards your toes until you balance. Equalize and hold yourself until you cant. Repeat.


About the Creator

Badnam Kuru


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