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Beachbody: Cult or Family?

Exploring Whether This Well-known Fitness Company Brings People into a Cult or into a Family

By Zellie WickerPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

"Beachbody." So many people cringe when they hear that word. Why? Because it has definitely become known as a cult or something that should be avoided at all costs.

For those that don't know what Beachbody is, it's an online-fitness company that offers a lot of different workout programs to do at your own house. Okay, that sounds pretty fantastic, so why do people cringe? Well let me tell you a little about why those that haven't become involved in these programs fear joining; or, at least, my own experience with the fear of joining.

Let me start by saying that yes, I am a Beachbody coach. Does that mean I don't understand why people avoid it? Not at all. Honestly, I avoided it for the longest time. It can be expensive and some coaches can definitely get super pushy. The first person that introduced me to Beachbody kept pushing it on me, which I was not a fan of. It made me want to avoid the company at all costs, and I did not want to pay for something that I was very much not wanting to be a part of.

That was about four years ago, and I didn't sign on to be a coach until this year, so you can see how much I did not want join Beachbody. I avoided everything about it. That one coach kept telling me that I could "try it free for two weeks and have her as a free coach!" Well, I kept telling her that I didn't want to try it for two weeks since I wasn't sure if I would use it. I also didn't really care about if she was my coach or not, or even if I had a coach (now my thoughts have slightly changed, but I still definitely understand past-me's thoughts). Yes, I was incredibly intrigued by Cize, but not intrigued enough to try it. After all, I had access to free workout videos via YouTube, so what did I need to pay a subscription for? I also had access to a gym, so why would I not use that either?

As I continued my fitness journey, I came across someone on Instagram that I hardcore looked up to with where she came from in her fitness journey. She always supported me, even though I did not want to join Beachbody or become a coach (even though she told me many times that I would do well as a coach). Instead, I just began to join groups that she co-hosted. These included ones such as five-day sugar detoxes, getting fit for summer, learning how to run, and improving one's nutrition.

All of these groups were incredibly helpful for me, and were definitely things I needed in my life. However, I still wasn't super comfortable becoming a Beachbody member, especially because all the groups and posts on Instagram I saw involved Shakeology. For those that don't know what Shakeology is, it's Beachbody's protein powder. Many people will stand by how effective it is even if their lives' were on the line, but I am not one of those people. It could be that I can't eat chocolate, or it could be that protein powder has just never tasted good to me, regardless of how it was mixed. These days I have a brand I absolutely adore and will often blend with coffee, ice, and milk, but that's a different story.

I also couldn't get over the fact that I felt as though I was just trying to be sold something. I mean, if I said that I hadn't wanted to do something or purchase a product, why could these people not just leave me alone?

So, if I didn't want to join this company for so long, what made me change my mind? Honestly, it was that someone roped me in to buying the 80-Day Obsession package. It came with Beachbody On-Demand for one year, or BOD, a recover protein powder (some coaches hardcore stand by it, but I think it tastes like a grainy and gross orange creamsicle), the items required for 80-Day Obsession, and a jar of Energize (Beachbody's pre-workout). Have I actually done 80-Day Obsession? No. Did I try the first few days? Yes.

However, I was recovering from an ac-joint injury (where your shoulder meets your collarbone) and 80-Day Obsession requires a LOT of planks and push-ups. So what did I do instead? I tried two other programs, concurrently: Core de Force and 3-Week Yoga Retreat. Core de Force is an mma-style workout series, while 3-Week Yoga Retreat is, well, about yoga. With both I saw a great deal of improvement in my overall fitness ability and health. Yes, I used Energize to get through the workouts, but since then I've done a few other workout programs and I've been able to limit how much pre-workout I use.

About a week or two into doing these first two programs I decided to become a coach, mostly so that I could get the discounts on products. I don't have many clients (or, well, any) but that's partially because I don't want anyone else to feel like I did for those first few years of hearing about Beachbody. Instead, I post on Instagram about my journey, but I don't make it super about Beachbody. Yes, I reference the programs and say that I'm a coach, in case someone wants to learn more, but I don't try to push it on anyone.

But even though I don't have any clients, I still try to inspire others to take charge of their fitness, health, and wellness journeys. If they don't want to work out, that's fine, and if they don't feel as though Beachbody is for them, that's also fine. However, having it as a tool in my arsenal is one of the most helpful things possible. Instead of questioning what workout I'm going to do every day, I can just look at a calendar and know what to do. Instead of wondering how I should eat, there are plenty of meal plans and advice on how to meal prep. Instead of needing gym equipment, I can use my own body. Instead of feeling uncomfortable trying something new in front of people at the gym (which is made even more difficult due to having extreme social anxiety), I can workout at home, where my only audience is my cat.

I use Beachbody mostly as a way to keep me on track with my workouts. The workout programs are incredibly helpful, and I get free stuff for completing workout programs. When I do eventually (hopefully) help someone, regardless of if it's through getting them into Beachbody or getting them to just walk outside for 10-minutes (or doing a 5k, since I do a LOT of those), I will feel accomplished.

And you know what? That sense of accomplishment won't just come from inside. Beachbody also recognizes their coaches a great deal for helping others, which is something I greatly appreciate about the company. Now I have access to a large array of workouts, which range from beginners to experts in the fitness world, have different types of workouts (such as mma, yoga, and dance), and range in length of the workouts (time-wise). I have a marvelous team of women and a wonderful coach who helps me through some of my worst times. I have received a great deal of advice and encouragement from her, and I honestly don't know what I would do without her.

No, I'm not a Beachbody coach because I want to have people throw up in their mouths; I'm a Beachbody coach because I want to have every possible option available to help anyone around me that wants it.

So even if Beachbody may seem to be a cult (yes, I can definitely see that, especially since there are things such as Summits where coaches get together and workout), it is also a family with an impressive amount of recognition.

If, for whatever reason, you do choose that you wish to be a part of this cult/family, or you just want to share your story, feel free to let me know. Since I still have zero idea how messaging works on this site (if at all), you're more than welcome to contact me.


About the Creator

Zellie Wicker

Mental health advocate

Wannabe writer and photographer



Just trying to make it through this thing called "adulting."

Open to messages, just send them to [email protected]

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