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Ayahuasca/DMT [Part One]


By Eric DurlandPublished 5 years ago 16 min read
Anza Borrego desert, CA.

(VLOG posted at bottom for those who prefer to watch and listen rather than read.)

It's being open to finding and thus accepting the beauty, knowledge, and wisdom being offered—even when it seems to be absent or insignificant from the perspective of our own ignorance and arrogance—that makes us Wise and Enlightened beings.

I'm going to be switching gears from my usual content for a few weeks to spread harm reduction and awareness on a substance that has truly transformed my life in so many wonderful ways; given me guidance when I was most stranded, given me comfort when I was at my lowest, given me assurance—in something—when nothing else could, and most importantly, given me the ability to think outside of the box society lives within. By showing a respective traveler realities that simply aren't possible until you see them for yourself—which in-turn opens doors and pathways to thought and creativity that aren't naturally there.

If you haven't guessed, over my 28 years of soul-searching, gleaned from an adolescence of trying new things—particularly the things society tells us are "bad", just to learn that these things society tells us are "bad" aren't in-fact all that "bad" at all—one of those things was experimenting with drugs like ecstasy, LSD, magic mushrooms, and DMT: The Spirit Molecule, or, Dimethyltryptamine—otherwise known as Ayahuasca—our topic of choice.

When I was in university, after having my first mind-opening & -boggling experience with DMT: The Spirit Molecule, I'd made it my mission to learn for myself if this substance is truly a Divine connection in some way, shape or form to the Unknown, or if it is just another trick of the Universe; simply a hallucination. At this time, when I was at one of my lowest—actually, the same time I had one of my most profound spiritual experiences with DMT, albeit at the time, I just couldn't believe it—the logical thinker in me couldn't see past the fact that this very well could just be some super complex substance that interacts with our super complex brain in super complex ways. . . You see, at this time, like many logic-based thinkers, I didn't have enough evidence to believe in something like a "God" (or whatever you may), and I just couldn't believe the effects were anything more than a magical trick of this utterly random universe run by chance and coincidence; and in instances of near-death experiences, I tended to lean towards the idea that it is just that last bit of peace and serenity sending us off into our blissful state of nothingness.

Well, now, after years of soul-searching and trying and failing, a "God" revealed to me It's presence in a way that my logic couldn't deny—by making the contrivances in our environments so clear that we are operating on some kind of a script—and I can truly say that there is no doubt in my mind that—when pairing various experiences I've had on DMT with my recent experiences with this "God"—DMT is in-fact a connection to some aspect of the Guiding Force of the Universe that is here to be respected as a gift for our benefit; possessing the ability to provide a traveler a Connection to some Divine aspect of the fabric of space and time. A Connection to the omniscient Knowledge of the Universe and It's physics-bending capabilities of separating the higher self from the lower self of that which is truly mystical and utterly surreal.

For starters, let's backtrack a bit. What is DMT?

DMT is a naturally occurring substance that is found within a multitude of plant an animal species—including humans. Although there is speculation as to where, when and how DMT is released into our bodies, as far as my studies and experiences have shown me, most of these answers are still greatly unknown. But the most commonly held theories are that it is produced both when we dream and under events of severe stress; such as when we are born, when we die and during traumatic experiences that could be things like, severe isolation, that leads to things like, "paranormal activity". It is the substance that shamanic religions have used for thousands of years, and is even speculated by Dr. Rick Strassman to be the channel by which Yahweh (or Allah or Brahama) could deliver to a given prophet a prophecy (if you believe in such things). In-fact, Jesus, believed to be tracked down by a sixteenth century traveler—who wrote a book on the matter—is speculated by this traveler during the years he was apparently "missing" to be studying Asian religions and cultures under a different name.

Now, back on track, for those who don't know, the Buddhist belief is that we are made up of two selfs. A lower self, that is born of flesh and tied to the illusions of the material world; and a higher self, that is eternal and unborn with no attachments at all. Thus, for example, where the lower self craves the pleasures of the physical world, the higher self knows only the Bliss of the Universe. Coming from a seasoned knowledge and understanding of the power The Spirit Molecule possesses, this couldn't be more true. As the magic possessed within the tea (or smoke) can Enlighten a given seeker on many different fronts. It can show them that which surrounds them, be it Light or Darkness. It can show them real life HD images, video footage, memories. It can show them complex animations just like cartoons on a TV. It can show them perceptions that extend outside of 1st-person viewing, and really any-person viewing at that. (Which is in-fact bizarre beyond telling. . .)

All this, and so much more. . . But only after surrendering control to the whim of the Universe will one venture deep inside It's Knowledge and learn what It believes they most need (or are most ready) to learn or experience. But relinquish control, one must. For in reality, we have none. We are puppets given "freewill" yet built within a scripted—in one sense or another—reality of that which is existential manifestation, driven by "intuitions", which is essentially how we are controlled by these Divine Guiding Forcesand this becomes blindingly apparent by choosing to surrender to the Insights of the Universe at the whim of The Spirit Molecule.

Now, I wanna quickly touch upon intentions and expectations. Because I believe this topic to be quite important—and it is something I always preach to prospective travelers.

Being the short duration of about three to five minutes when smoked—which is where I have most of my personal experience, and of which personally for me tends to be on the shorter sidepaired with my life's mission to learn this substance's Truth, I have probably smoked DMT more than a few hundred times. And though I have certainly had similar experiences—similar themes, similar animations, etc.—I have never had the same experience twice. Whilst every single time has the ability to blow your mind equally as the first. The point of this back story being, jumping in with expectations is counter productive—but intentions are key. Because the Universe's lessons and teachings come in the most unsuspecting of ways—and one of the ultimate goals of this first segment is to show you this. But I've digressed!

Like with everything, making our intentions known to the Universe is of the utmost importance for the Universe to be able to provide to us what it is we are seeking. So, should you choose to be like me and fight back against what society tells you is "wrong", just to learn that these "wrong" things aren't actually all that "wrong"—as our myth is chalked-full of misinformation because of the plethora of charismatic BS'ers with loud voices, no moral compass and agendas propagating the masses in anyway that pleases them and that gains them selfish Triumph—and your goal is to experiment with DMT, making your intentions blatantly clear is so very important.

For example, why are you seeking the Guidance and Wisdom of the Universe? Are you seeking the comfort of a Divine Knowledge that you are being watched after and there is a plan? Are you seeking to delve into yourself and learn who you are at a deeper level? Or are you looking for answers to some other questions you aren't sure of?

Your intentions could literally be anything, but when you go into the experience, clearly knowing what it is you seek—which can be a task on its own, one which took me personally twenty-six years to unlock—and thus, when the Universe clearly knows what it is you seek, if the answer is a response the Universe is ready to give you, you've still got to be able to decipher the message. Which can take practice. Because the Universe doesn't speak to us and teach us through "the voice of God", It teaches us through the contrivances in our environments. As the contrivances in or environments are the "voice" of "God"; as "God" is all that is—down to every microscopic interaction on a cellar level, every element in the Universe, and quite simply any and every thing that is a part of existential manifestation. It is all under the control of the Ether, the Field, the Force, the Divine Matrix (or whatever you may), thus the Divine Consciousness that is the Universe, that is "God".

Ergo, like the Universe Itself, DMT is a complex substance—and if you think it is just going to "speak" to you a revelation—all though it could—this is generally not the case. Through my experience, it isn't uncommon for revelations to come through the users interaction with their environment, just as much as from the visuals the substance can show them.

Again, this is one point I hope to hammer home. Because, yes, despite the visuals being quite literally in-your-face (should you be fortunate enough to blast-off into the DMT-verses), the revelations often aren't. They must be pondered over and deciphered, and most importantly, one must be proficient at trusting their intuitions, whilst possessing a willingness to think outside of the box society puts us in by accepting what feels right to believe when our intuitions start ringing those bells—no matter how outside of the box a thought/belief may seem. (Which is an invaluable skill simply being witness to the majesty of all of that which is DMT can teach us.)

Now, wait a minute... You said visuals... We're talking about psychedelics here... What about "bad trips".

As far as "bad trips" are concerned—Like Dr. Strassman, I don't like the word "trip", which you'll see is why I choose to use other words—from what I've experienced—through my personal experiences and through guiding others and gathering their stories—is that if you are a Dark person, DMT will show that to you pretty much immediately. But the reality is, if you are a generally happy person with no Dark skeletons hiding in your closest that you haven't confronted, and you are surrounded by positive energy, having a "bad" experience is really quite rare. Whilst "bad"—as usual—is often a figment of perception.

I do find it is important to emphasize, most all "bad" DMT experiences that I've heard of from others were entirely a matter of point of view. What I mean is, I've had a few different people—the only "bad" experiences I can really recall—who claim to have returned to a similar experience when they inexorably hopped back on the horse, and the "bad" aspect became a figment of perception. They said it was how they chose to look at what they were seeing that made it "good" or "bad", "enjoyable" or "scary".

Thus, a good rule of thumb, and piggy-backing on my more usual content, if you are around someone who generally looks like they are having a "bad" time and would talk negatively about this substance as a means of sugar coating why it made them have a "bad" time, they are very possibly a deceiver in your midst with skeletons they are hiding in their closet. Because if there is something "bad", and everyone present are truly loving and open-minded people, an experienced traveler (or, better yet, a sober sitter) will be able to alter the environment in a manner that the "bad" all but fades away.

Do you see what I mean? At the end of the day, for the most part, "scary" is a figment of looking at images from strange perceptions that alter time and space. But your totally safe—particularly when you do it in a safe environment with experienced travelers, whilst an empathetic sober-sitter is always recommended.

Personally, out of all my experiences, I can pinpoint maybe three with DMT that were notably "bad" or "frightening". But, one time was rather easily correlated to being around negative close-minded people; and the other, for one, I was abusing other substances (as well as DMT) in order to find a sense of peace and happiness in my life (which is when substances tend to bite back); and two, I was engulfed by multiple entirely superficial and duplicitious hierarchies—including my middle-class family tree—that, free and clear of them now, it has been quite easy to deduce the root of my "bad" experience (as well as all of my depression at that—what do yah know?). But I am going to touch upon why DMT can be "frightening" when I unload the mother load of my experiences onto you in next weeks segment.

Now, to bring this back around. With one of my most recent experiences revolved around Ayahuasca—which is ingested rather than smoked, and whose effects I have found to be less potent, but longer lasting (about three hours)—I merely scratched the surface of the levels the Universe could show me (no visuals at all). Yet still, otherworldly revelations did I have! One of which I'm going to use to show you how these revelations can be entirely environmental, and the substance merely being the conduit for the Connection.

The revelations spawned on me as a friend I had shared the experience with—who has been homeless for many years now—was talking about his history with regards to both the pains and the Triumphs of his past that have made him who he is today. This truly touched me in so many ways—how he spoke of all these seemingly insignificant things to probably most people that were far from insignificant to him. And it was listening to these little triumphs and hearing the pride in his tone—getting medals in the military, learning how to drive a big rig just to prove he could and he could do it good to his family, and other things like this—truly warmed my soul. And what shined clear and true as he spoke was: That we must learn to find worth in everyone and everything around us. As the sad Truth is, presently, it's the people who have the most to offer that are being stepped all over; the people who have learned the hardest lessons and the hardest Truths—the truly strong souls.

I guess the point is, DMT shows you the Connection, but you don't always need it to learn some of things It can teach you. Again, it is a conduit to the Connection, but we are in-fact always Connected—just in the reality most humans would consider as "normal."

What I've found is, DMT is a conduit that sparks the feelings, actions and emotions that illicit a very particular sequence of events whilst one is in a state of Heightened Connection. But this happens every minute of every day. DMT just really helps one to see it.

My friend Aaron has been stepped on all his life—and he was open to sharing this with me, which was deeply humbling. This is why he is who he is today; embodying spite, reproach and resentment towards people, coincided possessing an unwavering sense of knowing who he is. But the point being, himself, like billions of others with so much to offer, are constantly being told they're "failures", they're "weird", they're "losers" and they're "worthless". Which is what invokes such feelings of reproach and resentment, whilst coincided coming to seek with all of one's heart—as we all deserve—to have someone recognize our worth. Albeit, sadly, oftentimes in the wrong ways in this world owned by Darkness.

There is worth in everything. If there wasn't, it would not be a part of existential manifestation. Everything was created with a purpose, a reason, a lesson—even the Darkness (that which we clearly still have the most to learn from). Where there is beauty in the most vivacious, lively and lush rain forests, so too is there beauty in the most "dead", barren and arid deserts. Quite the same, there is great wisdom and knowledge in the downtrodden equally so, if not more so, than in the Triumphant. It's being open to finding and thus accepting the beauty, knowledge, and wisdom being offered—even when it seems to be absent or insignificant from the perspective of our own ignorance and arrogance—that makes us Wise and Enlightened beings.

This is the revelation that spawned on me through this experience. Do you see? It came from the Universe placing me with a very specific person(s), to have one of us say something (or both of us) that sparks a revelation in the other (or in ourselves), in which my being able to interpret this lesson was entirely based on my understanding of how DMT—how the Universe—can communicate to us It's lessons. (Which, again, aren't always through visual animations. For the record, I didn't even blast-off this experience. I repeat, I had no visuals outside of the standard DMT euphoria. Which isn't a "blast off"—nor would be simple equalizer-like visuals.)

This revelation, amidst others, was exactly what I needed to learn at this point in my life. Fulfilled, were my intentions and seekings made clear prior to my journey, though, of course, in ways I never would have imagined; spurred from a conversation that was very specifically supposed to be happening, at that exact moment, and during this precise spiritually enlightening experience. Carefully written in the script of predestination, I do thoroughly believe it was. Which is why I'll leave you with the words as written in my journal:

It is finding worth in everyone and everything, that is the most important.

Anyone who might find themselves reading/watching this now, I encourage you to check out PsychedSubstance's YouTube channel—who greatly influenced me to speak out on my experience with this magical substance—and Joe Rogan's podcast. Both individuals are greatly knowledgeable on the topic of psychedelic awareness. Also, Rick Strassman's book DMT: The Spirit Molecule is a superb source of scientific information; albeit, where some of the patients descriptions of the animations they saw were spot on, I find it lacks an answer as to why certain individuals might have saw what they saw—what the "frightening" (or inviting) images were trying to relay to them about themselves or the people they surround themselves with. Because the science doesn't offer insight on how to interpret these messages that an experienced traveler might be able to. What is important to remember is, at the and of the day, DMT is trying to talk to you, the important part is being able to get to the root of how and why.

Oh, and If you want to hear about how I launched a Kamehameha wave once while venturing within the DMT-verses—by which I mean, I almost threw a basketball that had become a glowing energy ball within my three-fingered hand at a 100-inch flat screen TV—tune in to next weeks segment!


About the Creator

Eric Durland

My only goal is to say all the things you don't want to hear, to make you think about the things you don't want to think about.

All I offer you is the truth.

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