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Awaken Inner Psychic Abilities

13 ways to unlock inner gifts from a professional medium.

By Honey Rachelle Graham Published 3 years ago 19 min read
Angel Reading Cards by Amalia I. Chitulescu, Debbie Malone.. Photo taken by Rachelle Bernal gel Reading Cards by Amalia I. Chitulescu, Debbie Malone

I'm no angel. Sometimes I'm a demon. Mainly, I'm a channel to assist others. I don't remember what I say or write as I give professional readings. I write as fast as spirit comes through me. It’s called automatic writing, it’s a trance-like state allowing the Other Side to utilize me as a vessel or conduit.

I inherited the torch from my mother. She is claircognizance or clear knowing, clairsentience or clear feeling, and clairvoyance or clear seeing. Like me. This is the most rewarding work/service I have ever done in my whole life.

I include below thirteen ways to strengthen your inherent abilities and knowledge of your worth as a unique and intuitive soul.

(1) Release the fear. Breathe it out. Write it out. Get it out. Burn it. Put it in an imaginary box. Include your shadow side, the thoughts you’d never tell a soul.

This is when imagination comes into play. Here you can do no wrong. Here you can make all the mistakes you want.

Ask for protection, knowing you are surrounded by a soul team who would do anything for you. Including keeping you safe and taking away your fear.

Embrace the unknown without hesitation. Drop down your walls and suspend disbelief. The only way to move forward is to do it with an open heart and mind.

It’s ok to be different. We are taught our whole lives to fit inside a box as tightly as possible by almost everyone around us. So those around us will feel better. Now is the time for you to feel your best, to light that candle inside yourself. To be the authentic you.

(2) Talk to others about their experiences. First, start with sharing yours.

Fear almost stopped me from one of the most healing experiences of my life thus far. My dachshund child and service dog of over 13-years died last November of pneumonia. I was a wreck, barely avoiding a hospital stay. Days after grieving her death in the worst way, I came across a self automatic reading. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe what was in front of me. Half a year before, in my past google files, was the exact date of my doggies death and other details like coming home to my dad burying her was included in the past reading.

Faith. Taken by Rachelle Bernal

This comforted me greatly. I was scared to share this with my mechanic/gaming/clear-headed husband. Fighting my fear with the hope to ease his grief, I showed him my past reading in google documents, untouched and dated six months before. When our doggie was not sick. I was in that trance mode, and don’t even remember writing it.

I hardly ever dream due to sleep medications. Fortunately, my husband sometimes experiences dream visitations. That day, he gained the courage to share with me his dream of our dog, Faith, visiting him in the middle of the night. She barked like a young dog, protecting us from a draining spirit in the corner of the room. He woke up in a sweat and swore she was there clear as day with this blurry energy. Young, happy and safe with the awareness she was always by our side

What’s so nice about sharing our paranormal experiences, as I do with my clients. Is when they match perfectly. Like this day, with my husband. Since we both shared, I knew what Faith was barking at in the visitation dream. The day before his nighttime dream, a negative spirit was around me the whole day. I kept seeing it in the corner of my eye and checking behind me. Hearing my name, but no one there.

Shivers went through my body, and comfort filled me from the inside out. Our healing could finally begin.

My husband is still doubtful of having any gifts, but I am sure he does. He is a natural touch healer, with absolutely no reiki or massage training. On our honeymoon, a huge migraine overcame me. The kind that only sleep can take away. But it hurt too bad to even sit still. I chose not to take my night pills at ten in the morning.

He came over to me on the hotel bed in Las Vegas, and lightly put his finger on my forehead. The next thing I remember, I’m awake and headache free. This is only the first example of many times he has taken away my pain. Somehow.

As I mentioned earlier, my Mom is a clairvoyant. She is gifted with premonitions when she’s awake and visions in her dreams. She always knows when something is wrong with her four daughters or when something bad will happen to us.

One tragedy that changed her life forever first occurred in a nightmare, a week before the actual event and before her step-dad was declared missing. She said the dream was as real as anything in her waking life. Throughout the night, she saw her step-dad's jet crash and land in British Colombia. The jet was demolished and set ablaze with fire. She awoke in a sweat, unable to go back to sleep or sleep much at all for quite some time. She shared her experience, but back then, it was only met with doubt and shame by her loved ones, They branded her an evil freak, even after family was notified a week later of his demise in the exact same way of her premonition.

(3) Everyone has inner psychic abilities and intuitive gifts. Or the ability to have them if asked and ready to receive. No matter what religion you are. No matter if you’re a disbeliever. No matter your history. We are a soul first. A human a distant second. The veil is thinning every day, allowing for more awareness inside ourselves and around us. We are all unique and here at this crucial time for a reason. We are all worth more than we know. And we are never alone. All of us on Earth volunteered to be here as a soul, this theory supported by all the major religions, at this time in this high-density place. We came from many places before Earth, whether directly from Source or God, as many call her/him. Or reincarnation. Or as this theory is starting to gain momentum. From other planets, where we had more opportunities to develop our unique psychic gifts and abilities, whether that is possessing a healing touch, being a high-vibrational being who raises the energy of all those you come in contact with, or the list is endless.

My selfie. Rachelle Bernal.

(4) Seeing or hearing spirits through your third eye or psychic mind is different than being the other similar sounding word; psychosis.

Before I strengthened and used my gifts that helped heal me and others around me, I believed I couldn’t do anything right. The kids growing up bullied me. My sisters mostly hated or pitied me. My parents put me in therapy. My grades were below average. My tests were even worse. While my sisters skipped grades, in elementary or AP classes, I barely graduated. Sad part is. I tried. I studied all the time. I highlighted everything. And I still ended up hiding my D’s in English of all classes, in my drawers. Adulthood was even worse. Going through maybe hundreds of boyfriends or girlfriends. Yes, those kinds of girlfriends in a culture and a religion that excommunicated me. The worst part was losing what friends I had and family that could barely look at me for quite some time. I went on to fail at practically everything I tried, back then it was sport teams I tried, now it was every single job I tried. My college classes at the local community college, especially in biology and math, were headed for not-passing grades. This wrecked havage on my already low self-esteem and started seeing and hearing spirits. I even confused my parents for evil spirits and therefore, ran away from them. My best friend transformed into an angel necessary for the salvation of the world. She never talked to me again. I was in psychosis. I couldn’t tell the difference between actual humans and those my mind made up.

The other patients later told me I was in an empty room, talking to myself. Or even in a group, talking to a space where no one was there. But in my mind, someone was there.

Seeing spirits through your mind's eye over psychosis is like day to night. I see energy mostly and colors or get images in my mind when I am seeing through my third-eye.

Many psychics told me they see images or words for their clients the same way, through their third or mind’s eye.

Some of my psychic co-workers believe that certain medications, especially psychiatric medications, feel they keep the spirits away or block them. If they are blocking the spirits, then those weren’t actual spirits.

For me, my medications are the reason I can give accurate and truthful readings. Medications keep me alive and are the reason I get out of bed in the morning to be there for my clients. To be healthy and happy, you have to take care of yourself.

We all have to forge our own path to our inner spirit and merge with our higher self. Some people may be able to go all natural but there are many of us who need holistic health, including traditional and alternative measures to keep alive. We may have eternal spirits, but we're still in human bodies that need tune-ups of both the physical, spiritual and mental areas of our lives.

There is nothing to be ashamed of, for having a mental illness and needing therapy or medications.

There is also nothing wrong with being a La Bruja or Witch as my family and friends call me. But I own it. I love it. It is one of my greatest joys in life and one of my purposes for being here. Nothing is better than the feeling you have helped someone deal with their grief, gain closure from their loved ones who have passed, and even day-to-day problems.

Disbelievers may call me a Witch, in a good or a bad way, but when the stakes are down, my phone starts ringing. I often hear the words, "You are always so on. So, I called you again."

There is no greater compliment than a returning client. Just make sure they don’t rely too heavily on you, and then don’t learn how to tap into their greatest joy, their higher self. Where they can learn to listen more efficiently to what their soul team wants them to know. I believe a soul team consists for most people of anything from their spirit animal, spirit guides, guardian angels or even tap into the collective unconscious or Divine or God or Source or whatever you call the place you will find the purest joy and most accurate knowledge.

(5) There are many ways to connect to spirit or give a professional reading.

I used to believe my options were limited to only tarot cards. My first professional psychic job, I began by focusing on tarot and oracle readings. It was actually a client, who looked at my computer, and wondered what it was doing there at my desk. I told him I enjoy writing stories and have self-published a few YA novels.

Since, I was feeling blocked. He suggested I try to write the answer to his question. I did as he suggested. At what he called warp speed, I wrote more than just the answer to his question and details he’d been wanting for some time came through on the page.

Later, I consulted my google, and discovered automatic writing is another way to connect to spirit. Now I could combine my two top loves into one.

(6) List the five activities you love doing the most to find an outlet that brings you closest to Spirit or the collective unconscious stream, where all knowledge resides.

Swimming was in my top five, along with writing. I discovered later on when my best friend wanted a reading and we happened to be swimming in an empty pool at the time but as soon as he asked, it was clear we were anything but alone.

I had never before been able to see spirits visually until that day. They were no longer blobs of energy in the back of my eye and gone when I did a double take. They weren't solid like human beings,but they had a clear form.

It wasn't until months later I learned why. Water can be a conduct or tool for divination awareness. I didn't know. What's so exciting about this, like many other specialties, is it is always a learning process.

When you're doing something you love, you are less tense, more open and already have done it or practiced it many times. If you're fully passionate or in love with what you're doing, your vibration is at its highest peak. Spirits, at least the ones you want to talk to, are at a high vibration as they are generally closer to the Divine and out of the human limitations and restrictions.

(7) Practice, Practice, Practice. As with anything, we have to first learn how to do it. Whether it is riding a bicycle or playing the piano well. It takes hours and hours or years and years of practice. So does our abilities and gifts.

The best way is to practice on yourself or others. Make it fun. Make it a game. There is no reason to be hard on yourself. You will find what makes you exceptional.

Whether it's guessing what your friend wrote on a piece of paper or attempting to pick up on someone else's mood or thoughts, there are countless ways to practice at being psychic.

(8) Thank the Spirits, Angels and Guides. Gratitude to the Divine or Source or members of the Higher Council(s) is highly valuable. It keeps us humble by reminding the reader, whether experienced or novice or somewhere in between, that everything is connected. We are vessels or portals. We are all equals. Spiritual beings, like humans, appreciate being thanked and are more likely to help you in the future if you are sincere and genuine about your appreciation to them.

Acknowledging this work isn’t done by only the healer, it helps keep in check their ego, mind and personal beliefs and experiences that can get in the way of accuracy in a reading.

We are all one, acting as one. No one is better or worse than anyone else, no matter what they can do spiritually or physically or academically.

(9) Become the best you. Spirits and clients are drawn to light. They are operating at a higher frequency so if we want to communicate with them, we need to operate there as much as possible. Finding inner joy and happiness will be a candle for them in the darkness. This means being a healthy you. Do what you love most. Take time for self-care, even if time is priceless.

Accepting everything about you is the first step to improving you. The higher and kinder you are as a person, the closer you are to the spirits and collective unconscious and source that provides the information needed to help the person sitting in front of you.

Listen to your guides, whether you hear them during a prayer, or while reading a spiritual novel or bible, or if they come through your writing, as they do for me. Sometimes it's as simple as cutting out that cupcake at night and eating that apple. Or deciding to go to the gym more often or if you're like me and don't have the money right now for a gym membership. Then make your home your gym. Or in my case, I prefer to do my out-of-rhythm dancing when my latino husband is not home. Not a Chicano, he was born and bred in a country where dancing all-night is a normal activity for holidays. My man can dance, and his accent is even better.

Anyway, choosing as a partner or friend is vital to maintaining and assessing your gifts. To become the best version of you, it is important to be surrounded by people who respect and love unconditionally. My closest friends and closest family members are a small number, but I can call up any one of them when I need a listening ear. They are there for me, as I am there for them. They don’t drain my energy or are unkind. I learn so much from them. For example, my Dad and my husband teach me patience and to slow down. They help me be mindful of the present moment. This makes me healthier and less drained emotionally, as I stop worrying about the future and stop regretting the past.

This way, I can be present for my clients and for the spirits trying desperately to get their message across. Working as a medium or psychic can be draining and overwhelming.

Remember we are not alone, and we don’t need to save the world as empaths or/and intuitives can believe. No one can do the work of saving a person for them. Our worth and value never changes, even if we can only breathe for a day, a week or a year.

(10) Disconnect from feelings of shame, judgement and polarity.

Unconditional love is the highest vibration. Judgement, shame and self-blame reside in the past, where they belong.

Forgive yourself and others. The times I am the hardest on myself or negative, I struggle giving a reading. Same goes for if I’m angry with someone, it tends to interfere.

Polarity doesn’t exist where the higher spirits reside. There is no clear wrong or right. For everyone needs to follow their inner guide. What's right for one person may not be right. for another.

(11) Set boundaries with humans and spirits. Not only will a toxic or energy vampire drain the happiness or kindness out of the room. They will also drive the kind spirits out. Leaving you in a low energy place. Many people are unaware of this.

Also, as one progresses in their gifts, their connection to the other side increases. Sometimes, one lets out a beacon of light and it draws lost or discarnate spirits their way. Making it necessary to simply tell them to leave and say it firmly. I heard one of my other mediums/psychic friends say once. She found it necessary and helpful to have an open/closed sign. When she wants to help the spirits find the light or someone asks her for a reading, she will turn the sign to open. If she is tired and overwhelmed or ready for sleep, and doesn't want any visitation dreams, she will turn the sign to closed. They listened to her and would wait for the sign to be turned back to open.

(12) Celebrate differences. Not merely opening your history books but getting to know people who speak a different language, or are a different race. Why? Acceptance of everyone is acceptance of all of you. That is the best way to raise your vibration and go beyond the first chapter or pic on the cover and get to truly know and understand someone else.

(13) Embrace the joy of helping yourself and others.

Don’t worry if you make mistakes here and there. Your clients will understand, especially concerning future events. The future is always changing as we are all still deciding. Most major events are plotted on the Other Side before you came down to this incarnation and even practiced. Some will be able to tap into this better than others.

It may seem scary, but unlocking what's out of your 3D world or the five senses it is undeniably beautiful. It is the purest love. It can save you and those you share with a world of hurt and pain.

Last week, my stepdaughter was attempting her third try to fly out of Salt Lake City airport and into Bogota. As we were walking to the airport, I zoned out.

Stepdaughter’s Selfie

She placed her long blond hair in a pony-tail and turned her head, “What’s wrong?”

Embarrassed and sad because of what I had seen, but happy for her. I lied, “I’m just tired.”

Thirty minutes later, inside the airport, I wrote in a google translator, as to make sure my spanish wasn’t lost in translation, “ I saw a vision of you landing in an empty airport. You’re going to make it this time. It made me sad but happy for you, as well.”

She moved her hands as if trying to compose herself for the emotions overtook her. She was more a believer of my inutional gifts after living with me for four months, then she was at the beginning. She was open about it and wanted to learn. Giving me the idea to write this article to help those like her. Like you. That hopefully will benefit from my experiences.

Third time's the charm. My vision was on. Even if it wasn’t, there was some reason for it. Maybe something changed its course. But as with a single piano piece I played for hours, days and even months, my accuracy also changed.

I love that I can comfort others when they need it the most. Be a voice for a spirit or loved one who no longer has a human voice.

As one of my clients said just the other day, "You have given me such joy. You comfort me so much with your soft, soothing voice. I feel as if you are on a high wavelength. I asked my spirit guides the other day why you hadn’t come to me sooner. And they told me it was because I wasn’t ready to truly listen.” Her voice cracked as she continued, “I’m so glad I have you. You’re an Angel to me.”

I may not be an Angel. I am here to help overcome the demons inside us all, who tell us we are anything but perfection.


About the Creator

Honey Rachelle Graham

I love to write and I tend to enter some form of quantum field when I write as hours turn into minutes and the day flies by.

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