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Astrological Signs

A small guide to astrology

By Feathermoon Published 2 years ago 4 min read
Constellations and Date Chart

From then to now, there exists one thing, Astrological Signs.

Astrology had started in the 1st millennium B.C. in the Babylonian times. Apart from that, are Astrological Signs, which we now call ‘Star Constellations’, and they are made up of zodiacs and stars. The zodiacs draw on star-lines in earlier Babylonian catalogues, and they make up different picture-like row of stars.

Every person has a star sign with a special symbol. Your signs depend on where the sun, moon, or stars were in the sky on the day you were born.

But do you think that this is all nonsense and that you couldn’t make up this is your mind? Take it easy. You can have a look at this paragraph whenever you don’t understand how to calculate the basics. People with the star sign “Aries” are born from March the 21st to April the 29th. This star sign on the sky represents ‘The Ram’.

People with the star sign “Taurus” are born from April the 20th to May the 20th. This is a chart that all of the main 12 zodiacs.

There are also 4 main groups. They are the Air Sign, Water Sign, Fire Sign, and Earth Sign. The constellations in the Fire Sign are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, while in the Earth Sign there is Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. In the Air Sign, there is Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, and furthermore in the Water Sign is Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. People that are in Air Signs are often curious, and good at making friends, and people that are in Water Signs normally are sensitive and good at understanding other people. The Earth Sign represents people who are polite and can get along with other people, while the Fire Sign is said to be smart and strong.

But what are all of these about? How are the stars even formed?

We are now being surrounded by stars, but some are more special to us than the others. Because Earth orbits in a flat plane around the sun, we see the sun against some of the same stars- the constellations of the zodiac- again and again at regular intervals. The zodiac, the 12 signs listed in a horoscope, is closely tied to how the Earth moves through the universe. The stars are derived from the constellations that mark out the path on which the sun appears to travel over the course of a year. You might think that dates in a horoscope correspond to when the sun passes through each constellation. But they don’t, much of the time, because astrology and astronomy are different systems. Plus, a closer examination of the motion of the Earth, the sun, and the stars shows the zodiac to be more intricate than what you imagine!

As Earth orbits the sun, the sun appears to pass in front of different constellations. Much like the moon appears slightly different place in the sky each night, the location of the sun relative to distant background stars drifts in an easterly direction from day to day. It’s not that the sun is actually moving. Its motion is entirely an illusion, caused by Earth’s own motion around our star, the Earth.

In Western astrology, astrological signs are the twelve 30-degree sectors that make up Earth's 360-degree orbit around the Sun. The signs enumerate from the first day of spring, known as the First Point of Aries, which is the vernal equinox. The astrological signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. The Western zodiac originated in Babylonian astrology, and was later influenced by the Hellenistic* culture. Each sign was named after a constellation the sun annually moved through while crossing the sky. This observation is emphasized in the simplified and popular sun sign astrology. Over the centuries, Western astrology's zodiacal divisions have shifted out of alignment with the constellations they were named after by axial precession of the Earth while Hindu astrology measurements correct for this shifting. Astrology (i.e. a system of omina* based on celestial* appearances) was developed in Chinese and Tibetan cultures as well but these astrologies are not based upon the zodiac but deal with the whole sky.

Astrology is a pseudoscience*. Scientific investigations of the theoretical basis and experimental verification of claims have shown it to have no scientific validity or explanatory power.

According to astrology, celestial phenomena relate to human activity on the principle of "as above, so below", so that the signs are held to represent characteristic modes of expression. Scientific astronomy used the same sectors of the ecliptic as Western astrology until the 19th century.

*Hellenistic: Relating to Greek history, language, and culture from the death of Alexander the Great to the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony by Octavian in 31 BC. During this period Greek culture flourished, spreading through the Mediterranean and into the Near East and Asia and centering on Alexandria in Egypt and Pergamum in Turkey.

*Omina: Omens that were first categorized and cataloged in ancient Mesopotamia.

*Celestial: positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy.

*Pseudoscience: a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.


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