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Are You A Busy Mom Wanting to Stay Fit?

Best Exercises for Busy Mom's

By Edward FayPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

So you're a busy mom balancing. Let's be honest, you run the show but between your career, children, family, and even social life it's like having several full time jobs. Modern-day lifestyles are filled with the unexpected which makes it so difficult even to find an extra five minutes to chill much less the time for a ten-minute workout. Does this sound like you?

If this describes you chances are you're feeling overwhelmed with the constant go, go, go, What is the real reason you can't take a few moments to yourself, do some self-care, and learn to develop a simple yet effective, exercise program that you can do at home to keep your body fit? Exercising regularly and losing body fat also helps you to get a slimmer waist, but they also help you to stay healthy.

Here are the main reasons why you should perform workouts on a regular basis.

Healthy body and mind: By keeping fit you can circumvent so many health complications that include, critical illnesses, cardiovascular diseases, and even obesity. Having excess body fat also puts you at risk for diabetes.

Increased confidence: Shedding some stubborn body fat will help boost your confidence. When you do get a slimmer waist because you will. You can put on that sexy outfit that looks good on you. Then you can throw out or donate those baggy jeans and clothes that don't fit you anymore.

Exercising regularly also releases endorphins and dopamine which is the "feel-good" chemical in the brain to help keep you motivated for the day. A solid fitness program and exercising regularly will keep you healthy and also help to improve your sex life. Consistency is key, especially in the beginning. Even if you commit to exercising ten minutes every day you will see results over a period of time.

Now for the question we've all been waiting for... Drum roll, please! How does a busy mom stay fit?

Before we can start achieving our fitness goals let's look at some equipment that a mom can use to create a home workout routine. You will need a good exercise mat, tension band, stability ball, and hand weights. You will need some basic equipment for an efficient workout at home.

By Fezbot2000 on Unsplash

1. An exercise mat, you can do sit-ups, planks, and leg raises

Sit-ups combined with eating healthy nutrient-dense food is very important as they can help you to get rid of the fat around your belly and also achieve a slimmer waist. Sit-ups will help you build strength in your abdominal muscles and help your belly to be flat. You can easily do these exercises first thing in the morning or at any other time of the day.

2. Stability ball helps add some extra resistance to the abdominal strengthening routine.

The stability ball can be used to do crunches, push-ups, and even workout abdominal muscles. You will need to be patient with yourself and learn how to use the balls before you are completely confident using them. You can substitute the traditional sit-ups with the stability ball exercises. Working out for at least fifteen minutes in the morning and again in the evening is enough to keep you fit. As you progress you can add more exercises for longer periods of time.

3. The resistance bands

Having a flat stomach is the epitome of fitness on a visual level, Feeling great is just as important if not more important than looking great so you need to focus on full-body workouts not just focusing on a particular part of the body. Resistance bands are used to emulate weight and add some difficulty to your workouts which will help build and tone muscles. When they are used correctly, they can strengthen your arms, ab muscles, and core muscles. It may be hard to perform exercises with tension bands in the first few days, but once you get used to them, you will realize it is a breeze. When you include a stability ball with resistance bands for fifteen in the morning and evening, you will realize a significant difference within a few weeks. The best part is that resistance bands are affordable, and there are also a lot of workout videos that you can use to perform these exercises.

By Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

4. Use free weights for simple weight lifting at home

Weight lifting is another form of exercise that you can add to your regular workout routine. Lifting weights will build muscle which aids in fat loss which helps you achieve that hourglass figure.

Aside from the above-mentioned exercises, you can also participate in outdoor activities that will help you keep fit. For example, instead of driving your children to school, you can choose to ride a bike or walk them to school. Mom's who are very busy can also jog and run whenever they have some spare time.

As you can see, implementing these exercises will not require you to make huge changes to your schedule. An effective fitness program is tailored around your lifestyle that way you don't neglect the important things in your life. what do you think, are you ready to start being the best version of yourself?

Edward Fay

Physique Competitor and Entrepreneur


About the Creator

Edward Fay

For the last eight years, I've been an entrepreneur in financial services while pursuing my passion for fitness by competing in bodybuilding competitions

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