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Angelic Messages

An open mind can open your eyes to the magic all around you.

By Lorna MPublished 4 years ago 12 min read

I have always believed in angels: in fact they are the only deities that I have not questioned during my 34 years on this earth. But believing in them is not the same as actively engaging with them. They are always present; they convene on the other side of that diaphanous veil that separates the tangible from the intangible. They're our eternal guardians and they will never give up on us. They watch over us, protecting our immortal souls from the demons that lurk in plain sight. They are pure beings made up of love and light and they only want the best for each and every one of us. But, we are beings of free will and as a result, they cannot intervene unless we will it. Its up to us to ask for their help and as soon as we do they will gladly come to our aid.

I knew nothing about the ways in which they try to communicate with us until I was almost 28. Consequently, I was ignorant to their presence and lacked the ability to recognise their subtle messages. Up until that point my life had been a succession of hurt, failure, pain, tragedy, and heartache. My world was bleak; there was no happiness to discover, no faith to raise me up from my depths of despair and no hope of new horizons to explore.

But that was before I met Sarah.

She came in to my life and opened my eyes to the imperceptible wonders of the world and I will always be grateful to her for that. I had been living my life with my eyes wide shut and if I hadn't of met her, I'd still be blindly stumbling through the rubble and ruins of my own destructive nature.

This is a story about how I was introduced to the angels, how I became able to communicate with them, how they restored my faith and how they guided me out of the darkness into the light.

About six years ago I met Sarah, an incredibly spiritual woman, when visiting my Lisa. At the time I was going through a particularly bad rough patch and was severely depressed. Lisa and I would meet up at least once a week to have a catch up over a cup of tea. She had not long given birth to a beautiful baby boy and so, instead of making her traipse the four and a half miles that lay between her place and mine, I came up with the idea of having our weekly catch up at hers instead.

I didn't realise that I was on the brink of an episode. My anxiety was once again trying to imprison me and my depression was working with it in a bid to keep me in solitary confinement. I'd let her down for the past two weeks and I really didn't want to let her down a third time. I knew that I'd be ok when I got to hers. It was the journey that I was afraid of but I ventured out and made my way to her house. It took all of the strength I had to get to hers that day.

I couldn't face walking through the town: the thought of so many people made me feel physically sick so I decided to stick to the alleyways, side streets and bike routes instead. It added an extra 45 minutes to the journey but at least I didn't have to fight my way through the crowds and throngs of the general public.

After 95 minutes I finally made it to hers and knocked on the door even though I knew it would be open. "Come in" she shouted. As the door closed behind me, I let out a sigh of relief. I'd made it. Beads of sweat were running down my forehead and my hands were shaking uncontrollably. I took a deep breath before walking in to the front room, calming my nerves by reassuring myself that I was now in a safe place. When I walked in to the front room I froze. I thought it would just be me, Lisa and the baby but to my shock, there was another woman there, one I'd never met before.

"Hi, I'm Sarah" she said in a warm and friendly voice. "Hey, I'm Lorna. I didn't realise Lisa had company" I replied. The momentary pause of my anxiety was over before it had barely begun. The sweat began to trickle down my forehead once more and my hands started to shake again. I wasn’t any good at meeting new people at the best of times let alone when I was going through an episode. I felt out of place so I made up an excuse to get out of there.

"Sorry Lisa, I should've called first. I best get going. I'm sorry for disturbing you both." Sarah looked at me with her deep blue eyes and then at Lisa. "Your not disturbing us" she said "in fact, you're exactly where you should be". I didn't understand her meaning; the confusion must've been written all over my face because she smiled at me and asked me to sit down.

"Lisa was just about to put the kettle on, weren't you Lisa? Why don't you stay for a bit? After all, you must be shattered what with having to lumber that heavy grey cloud around all the time. Its attached itself to your aura you know. No matter what you do to try and rid yourself of it, it won't go. Its the reason why you suffer with anxiety and depression and no amount of prescription medication will make it go away." I was astounded: rendered speechless. She had only just met me and yet somehow she knew that I was suffering. Stunned in to submission, I sat down.

"By the look of it, its been with you for many years now. Its draining your energy and preventing you from achieving your full potential. I bet you think that you'll never find true happiness or that you’ll never know what it’s like to have peace of mind. I’ll bet my last penny that the doctors have labelled you with all sorts of mental health disorders. Am I right?"

I was still unable to find any words. My mind was trying to comprehend what my ears had just heard, I could only manage to nod in response. "Don't worry" she said "the angels have guided you here for a reason. I can help if you let me".

Over the next few hours she told me about her gifts. She was an empath and an indigo child. She had gone through a lot in her life and had been lucky enough to meet a lady who had introduced her to the angels and taught her some of the many wonderful ways in which they tried to communicate with us in order to help us heal.

I was hooked. I wanted to know everything. For as long as I could remember I had felt as if I was missing something; as if the world wasn’t just black or white but rather innumerable shades of grey, and now, here in this moment, my feelings were being validated.

She offered to do a reading for me. I had never had one before so I was intrigued to find out what the angels wanted to tell me. She lit some candles and incense and put a handful of crystals in the middle of the table. She explained that each one symbolised a different thing. Rose quartz symbolised love and Tiger Eye was a powerful crystal that helped the bearer release fear and anxiety whilst simultaneously encouraging harmony and balance. She looked up at me, "you can have this one, you need it more than me".

I can't remember the cards that I picked or the interpreted meaning but I remember feeling relieved. I remember feeling joy. I remember the way that the reignited embers of hope warmed my heart and soul. I felt as if I was on the brink of discovering a whole new world; a world full of magic and mystery.

And so began my quest to find out the hidden secrets of the world I lived in. I started to meditate regularly and I spent hours researching angels, crystals and indigo children. Strangely enough, I began to feel better. I was even able to go into town on my own without suffering from panic and anxiety attacks. I carried my tiger eye crystal with me wherever I went.

About two weeks later I was in town and found myself drawn to a charity shop. I was learning to listen to my instincts so I went in. I'm a lover of literature so I began to peruse the shelves containing the books. To my utter disbelief, I found an angel card reading pack and I bought it without thinking twice.

I began to teach myself how to use them and I became more in touch with myself. I practiced meditation on a daily basis. At first I struggled but as the days turned in to weeks and then months it got easier: I was able to quiet my mind, still my body and visualise my chakras spinning in a clockwise maelstrom of magnificent yellows, majestic reds, mellow oranges, marvellous greens, mesmerising blues and mind-blowing purples. Then one day I stumbled upon the term 'lucid dreaming'.

For those of you who don't know, lucid dreaming is a form of Kung Fu. The successful practitioner can detach their mind from the constraints of their physical body and astral project to both earthly and ethereal plains. It requires practice, dedication, commitment and consistency; it involves many attempts and many more failures. To be successful you must be patient and have an unwavering sense of possibility in yourself.

The human 'mind' is an incredibly powerful thing. It perceives; it thinks; it concentrates; it senses; it constructs; it builds; it interprets; it relates; it is empathic; it creates (and solves) problems; it translates; it concludes; it analyses; it recalls and remembers; it does all of this and more.

There is a brilliantly enlightening book named 'The Kyballion' which I strongly recommend you read. It discusses the universal laws which we are all subjected to, whether we believe in them or not, and it explains the massive role our mind plays in creating our own individual realities.

It states that you are the sculptor of your own reality: "The Mind is All and The Universe is Mental". Read that again. Let it sink in. It didn't make sense to me at first but the more I thought about it, the more I understood. I found these new ideologies fascinating. They made so much sense.

The Law of Attraction is an excellent example of how our mind can shape and create our world. We attract what we think of the most. If we are constantly thinking negative things we will manifest negative situations but if we are positive, we will manifest a positive reality. Its a logical explanation as to why some people are successful while others aren't so lucky.

The more I learned the more I wanted to know so I delved deeper; researching alternative forms of healing like acupuncture, yoga, reiki, and Thai Chi as well as other channels of angelic communication.

My next discovery was Angelic Numerology. I kept seeing the same reoccurring number sequences, 444 and 111, so I acquainted myself with their meanings.

I was awestruck to find out that the number 444 is a sign from the angels to let you know that they are with you. Equally amazing was the meaning of the number sequence 1111. It meant that my soul was awakening and that I was ascending spiritually. And that was absolutely true. My brief encounter with Sarah was no coincidence: it was the start of my spiritual journey to enlightenment.

In Doreen Virtue’s book on Angel Numbers she says “Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you’ll look up in time to notice the clock’s time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you’ll be aware that you’re seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.”

She then goes on to state that "the second way in which [the] angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number [that] they want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of various license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailed messages.”

Have you been seeing the angel number 1111 everywhere and wondered what it means? Seeing 1111 repeatedly is not a coincidence, it’s a sign from your guardian angels. There is a greater significance to mathematics than even the most learned among us cannot yet fathom.

I believe that the angels try to give us signs via numbers, cards, and other synchronicities but in order to recognise them, you must first open your mind to the possibility of it actually working.

If you keep noticing the same number sequences whether on digital clocks, microwaves, trains, buses, cars or on your mobile phones it is, in my opinion, very naïve to believe that these are all merely coincidental.

It is foolish too presume that we already know everything there is to know about the Universe. There are larger powers at play here and they cannot quantified or explained.

A few years ago a pregnant looking Starling visited my garden every day for a good two weeks. Every time I looked in my garden, sometimes in the morning and other times in the evening, it was there, as if it was deliberately trying to get my attention. After two weeks of questioning this oddity, it suddenly dawned on me that the regular visitations of this bird could signify a heaven sent message: but what did it actually mean I wondered? I turned to the trusty Google search engine and within five minutes I had found out that the Starling symbolised confidence.

The fact that the Starling appeared to be pregnant helped me attach a specific type of confidence to the overall meaning of the message. The angels wanted me to recognise that my parental confidence needed strengthening. Strangely enough, the pregnant Starling didn’t visit the day after. I can only assume that its absence was due to the fact that I had finally made sense of its meaning.

Angels communicate with us in many different shapes, forms and sizes. Some of these include seeing the face of a loved one who has recently passed away; card readings, meditation, dreams, reoccurring number sequences and the regular presence of a particular type of animal or bird. These messages are subtle and unfortunately many of them go unnoticed. But if you keep an open mind your eyes will see the world in a whole new light.


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