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Achieving Absolute Stillness

The art of interconnectedness

By Gabriella KorosiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The World by Andrea Mihaly

Achieving Absolute Stillness, The art of interconnectedness

Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi


Remarkable, the peace that surrounds you.

It is still dark outside. You are lying in bed. Your eyes are closed. You have been taking in a deep breath. It does not happen at first. It will take time. Your mind is wandering around a bit. You are thinking about the day ahead. All the things that need to be taken care of today. You gently bring your mind back to focusing on your breath. Current issues come up. Your mind wonders about everything that is happening in your life, at your work. Keep breathing. You are not judgmental. You know that the mind wonders all the time. It makes sense there is so much information in your brain and consciousness. You are just trying to process all of it. Taking in the world with everything that surrounds you one thought at a time.

You keep focusing on your breath and nothing. First, you count your breath. You count until five as you deeply breathe in. Count until five while you are holding your breath. You are counting until five as you slowly breathe out seems to be hard. The breathing out wants to go quick. Your body seems to be in a rush even though you are calmly lying in bed. You keep trying to take deep breaths. After breathing out you count to five before you breathe in again. It does not always work. Sometimes you feel like you need to take a deep breath and stop the pattern.

There is a moment when it comes, and you are not sure how long it lasted. The feeling is here again.

You are yourself, yet you're also not yourself.

You are everything, and nothing at the same time. You understand the meaning of everything and the meaning of nothing. There's a connection with everything around you. You are not in your bed anymore. you are surrounded by darkness tiny lights around you. You don't have a body you became one of those tiny lights. you realize that's what you are is consciousness and energy. Nothing more and nothing less. You're not sure how long this feeling lasts the next moment you are back in your bed taking a deep breath within your body, inside of your bedroom any other house.

The feeling is gone, but the knowledge remains. It is now deeply ingrained in your brain and heart that you are a tiny particle of everything surrounding you. You are nothing more, and nothing less than everyone else than everything and everyone else. You know that you could not exist without all the other particles surrounding you. You are them, and they are you.

Learning about these connections will change your life. It is impossible to look at everything around you the same way ever again once you have had one of these experiences. We are together in everything and nothing at the same time.

I am very grateful to all the gods, spirits, angels, and the powers of the universe that I have had some of these experiences.

I am you, and you are me. We are all the part of everything that becomes a whole. Our journey is to learn that we are all the same that we are all connected. All you have to do is experience stillness around you for a moment to have the same experience of the ultimate interconnectedness to everything and nothing.

Thank you for reading. If you had any similar experiences plase share them wit me. You will find some techniques below that mighte helpful in achieving stillness and interconnectedness in your life.

Originally Published at Gabriella's site Dancing Elephats Press on 10/25/2021. All rights reserved.

Paying Attention

Purpose: Paying attention to one thing, a chosen target your breath and reduce anxiety, accept present experience

What you need to do: get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down

Time: 1-3 minutes

Pay attention to your surroundings, get comfortable

If your mind wonders just bring it back to your breath

Focus on your breathing nothing else

Breathe in slowly through your nose and out (through nose or mouth) and observe yourself berating

Option: Count to three while breathing in and out

You can count your breath; let’s take 4 breaths’ together

Take 4 breaths in and out

If your attention wonders, it is fine, just bring it back to your breathing

Variation: inhale through one nostril while holding the other and exhale through the other nostril

Deep Breathing

Taking a deep breath is very important for our well being and calming our nervous system down. I recommend deep breathing before getting up in the morning and at any time when you feel you need to center yourself.

Close your eyes

Take a slow breath inhaling to your stomach counting to five

Hold your breath for one or two seconds

Exhale slowly by counting to five

Repeat 5-10 times until you feel calm and a slight tingling feeling this tells you that your body is filled with oxygen

Breathing techniques originally published on Gabriella's website:


About the Creator

Gabriella Korosi

I am a writer, public health professional, a nurse. Creator of connections, spreading positivity. Interests: health/spirituality/positivity/joy/caring/public health/nursing. My goal is to create positive change.https://gabriellakorosi.org

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