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A Walk to Find Yourself Again

how to turn a simple walk in the nature equivalent to a sit-down mindful meditation

By LoisPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

It's easy to get stressed, worried and caught up in little things in our daily life. People have been using different method to relieve these negative feeling. Some may find their ways through relaxing music, some may run themselves a fragrant bath and some may do a meditation in a totally quiet environment.

But the truth is, having the luxury to sit down in your own protected space does not always come easy. Is there another way to do meditation? The truth is, yes. Meditation does not always have to be a sitting down, closing eyes practice. Focusing on breathing alone serves the foundation of meditation. And taking a walk in the nature aids in the practice. Here's how to be mindful on a walk and finding a state of meditation on the way.

To start with, the choice of location does affect the effectiveness of your meditation. Busy streets aren't recommended at first if you are totally new to this on-the-go meditation practice. Also bring no phones with you. You don't want to carry the busy life with you. So let's start with the nature.

It is commonly reckoned that a walk in the nature can make you feel more connected to yourself. Not only are you disconnected from the busy life, you are also available to take a little private time for yourself. But how do we use this time to our full advantage?

Whether you are walking through the forest, hiking on the hill or visiting the beach. Try to pay attention to everything around you. Pay attention to how the trees look, what colors are they? Are they deep or light brown, or white? Try to remember how the trees and grass are striving to stay alive even in stormy weather and dry environments. It's almost like a reminder the storm can make you grow even taller.

Pay attention to the flowers. Appreciate the colors and even, pause and take a closer look at them. Take the time to study the pattern, the smell and be grateful of the beautiful matters on earth.

Apart from trees and flowers, there are more to discover. Listen, what can you hear? the crystal clear chirping of the birds in the blue sky, rustling of the leaves in the gentle breeze or the quiet drip-drop sound of the river water running down the stones? Be mindful of the sound around you as they can make you be more present.

Use your five senses to fully indulge yourself in the present. Feel free to touch the grass, get your feet in the water or even say hello to the animals around you like in the cartoons. Keep walking, because walking alone can release the feel-good hormone that can improve your mood and energy level.

If you follow the practice, so far you would be more present. Now, it is time to feel more refreshed mindfully. Try to find a spot where you feel the most at ease. Usually, it could be the top of the hike where you can see the seaview, or a flat grassland where the view is the most opened. Try to get a spot where sunlight can reach too.

When you find the perfect spot where you feel the most relaxed, you can start by appreciating the surrounding followed by some deep breathing. Breathing in through the nose and breathing out through the mouth. Count the breath if it helps. Keep in mind that when you are breathing in, you can say to yourself that you are breathing in fresh, new air and breathing out any negativity and stress that is in your body. Trust it, don't overthink it. When your body is relaxed, your mind will automatically follow.

Stretch your body if it helps too. By raising your hand all the way up and down when you bend, all these actions can remind your mind and body to unwind and relax. Close your eyes if you have a hard time to focus but if you follow all these mindful practice all along the way, your mind should feel more opened.

Feel your skin being refreshed under the sun. Think about how the sun sparkles and imagine the sparkles landing all over your body. Almost renewing and revitalizing your whole body and melting any tensions away.

Now, You would feel as if you have just showered in positivity and your mind would be clearer. Take a moment to thank the nature and be grateful of your journey and continue to take the refreshed mind back in your day.


About the Creator


Writing background

Got myself a degree in Creative writing but never really use it.

Created my first 10000+ words "fiction" at 17

Interest / Talent

Singing - Youtube @loislaulife

Modelling - Instagram @loislaulife

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