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A New Lifestyle

Day One...

By Simply SolyPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
One Day or Day One, I simply had to decide. 

It's 7:10AM and I woke up about an hour ago. I watched a couple of videos on, "How to become a morning person" the night before and I was truly inspired... motivated. Mind you, I have had times like this before, where I felt that I needed a lifestyle change, where I needed to utilize my time of day doing something more productive and meaningful than sleeping in until mid-day and wasting the rest of the day accomplishing the bare minimum. But this time it was different, this time I told myself, "It's now or never Shawd! Get to it!" So I did.

Today is Day 1 of my lifestyle change routine and might I add, it feels fantastic to be able to wake up this early and start your day with goals set forth. First order of business was of course to head to my beloved coffee machine and make my daily dose of caffeine cup. On a nice crispy fall morning, when you wake up to dim skylights and chilling weather when attempting to open the window in search of some natural light, a cup of hot coffee that simply makes all the urge to crawl back into bed go away in the way to go. With my fresh cup of coffee right next to me and a nice soothing morning music to lift up my spirit for the day, it's now time to get changed, grab my gadgets for the day and go on about my business.

I can only hope and keep fighting my lazy side to keep making the right decision in sticking to this whole "lifestyle change" thing. It is now nearly 7:30AM and I'm off to getting ready for the day. I will return with an update on how the rest of my day goes. Nearly two hours down, about 7 more to go, each hour assigned for an accomplishment of a specific goal for the day, until it's time to hit the hay again.

It's only 11:00AM now and I have gotten a lot more done than I would have in a whole day waking up later as I normally did. Overall, I would say that I had a good day for my first day of starting this routine. It is said that the human body/mind needs 21 days, just 21 days of similar pattern that will trick the mind and body into getting used to the habit of doing that new pattern started in one's life. As such, I plan on continuing my new lifestyle change routine for the next 20 more days and put this theory to test myself.

To say the least, I am the type of person that literally gets quickly accustomed to the new changes I make to any ordinary aspect of my life, so maybe I won't even need 21 days to master the art of waking up early and getting more done throughout the day. Hopefully, sooner or later, my body will start waking up naturally at those early hours—in the hopes that I will feel no need to catch some shut eye in the middle of my classes, or the second I see my bed in the middle of the day, I think all will be well. I would rate my first day a 9/10. So far so good and excited for what the rest of the 20 days has in store.

Try a little change of lifestyle and see what you are capable of accomplishing in 24 hours that we all have, yet mange to use only a quarter of the day instead.


About the Creator

Simply Soly

Young and ambitious.

~Simply Seeking Simplicity~

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