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A Love letter

Webbed Connection

By Michael W. HurstPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
A Love letter
Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash

Dearest Friend:

I would ask you how you are today, but I already know. I would hug you in the traditional way, but I cannot. I cannot be touched in the normal method, where skin touches skin and pressure sends a message, but I see you, and know you are there. As a matter of fact I know everything about you. I don’t need to tell you about you, you already know that. I need to tell you about me.

I know that you often feel my presence. It is a spiritual connection we have. I have it with many. Our spirits touch, similar to the human touch, but so much more. It is a lasting touch. The more it is done the more often it will happen. As a child learns to walk and talk, our relationship becomes more frequent and profound with practice. The growth of our relationship is my number one priority, it is what I do, for now.

From the beginning I have always been. I can be better understood if you will spend some quiet time, alone, just you and your thoughts. Close your eyes and let everything around you disappear. Now start removing your random thoughts by focusing on only one. This can be very hard for many, easy for some, important for all. The one thought I would like you to focus on is love. That’s right, love – hard for some, easy for others.

If you are a child it will be easier for you. Think of how you feel toward your parents or siblings. Not the bad thoughts, but the thoughts you feel if one of them were hurt, or if you were lost and afraid. Perhaps the feelings you also experience toward a pet. Pretty easy for you really, as a child. Those powerful feelings you experience when you are hurt, sick, lost, or otherwise afraid come from love. You love your parents, your siblings, your pets, and without their safety or your attachment to them, you feel a loss. This powerful thought, these feelings of connection to others is love. I am love. Find love and you will find me.

If you are an adult it will be more difficult for some. Some of you have been hurt by what you think is love. It wasn’t the love that hurt you. It was the loss, or perceived loss, of love that hurt you. That is why my number one priority, for now, is to have a relationship with you – so you can be touched by love. Love is a healing, sealing, protection from so many harmful things. Although I am with you, you will still feel the loss and pain if you have a lost love connection with someone. However, when I am there with you, you will recover much more quickly, I will be the love you need to become whole again.

Picture in your mind a spider’s web. It is both robust and fragile at the same time. It can be broken, but also repaired. It can be large or small, its tie points, its many connections are weaved throughout. The web is the conduit of the spider’s life. Now extend this web throughout the world, the universe, and make it invisible to sight. This is one way to view my relationship with you and others. We are tied together through the connections and paths of our love web. When a connection is broken, it can be repaired. Even large gaps can be circumvented with love ties around the obstruction.

I want you to know that all I can do is love, because all that I am is love. Please though, don’t misunderstand, saying that love is all I can do is not limiting, on the contrary, it is all powerful. Please come to me and let me guide you through the web. Walk with me, we can talk and ponder the wonder of it all. Trust me to care for you, to love you, to protect you, and to lead you to my home when it is time. I have a room in my house that is yours; all you have to do is come to me.

With All of Me,

The Holy Spirit


About the Creator

Michael W. Hurst

X-military, technician, electrical engineer, technical writer, technical instructor, and mostly human. Love adventure, the future, the past, the present, cookies, instantaneous cravings, all sports, my family, especially my amazing wife.

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