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8 Best Fruits Which Helps You In Loosing Weight

Fruit is nature’s ready-made snack packed with vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients that support a healthy diet.

By optimuSPrimePublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
8 Best Fruits Which Helps You In Loosing Weight
Photo by Julia Zolotova on Unsplash

Here are 8 of the best fruits to eat for weight loss.

1. Grapefruit

By Rayia Soderberg on Unsplash

Like many citrus fruits, grapefruit is loaded with vitamin C, a nutrient shown to help boost your body's immune system. Grapefruit is also loaded with Vitamin A, another vitamin that has been proven to help immune function. This powerful combination could help keep the amount of time you spend sick to a minimum. In one study, obese people who ate half a grapefruit before meals for 12 weeks lost more weight than those who didn't eat or drink any grapefruit products. It may be that the water in grapefruit helps you feel full, and then you eat less.

2. Apples

By Shelley Pauls on Unsplash

Apples are incredibly good for you, and eating them is linked to a lower risk of many major diseases, including diabetes and cancer. What's more, its soluble fiber content may promote weight loss and gut health. A medium apple equals 1.5 cups of fruit — which is 3/4 of the 2-cup daily recommendation for fruit. Apples can be enjoyed in a variety of ways both cooked and raw. Try adding them to hot and cold cereals, yogurt, stews, and salads, or baking them on their own.

3. Berries

By Timo Volz on Unsplash

Berries are low in calories, too, making them a diet-friendly choice. In 1 cup, raspberries have 64 calories, blackberries have 65 calories, blueberries have 86 calories, and strawberries have 48 calories, per the USDA. Researchers have found that adding berries to your daily diet, preferably your breakfast can help you shed some pounds. Replacing more fattening snacks with berries is a brilliant way to cut the calories you get from your diet when trying to lose belly fat and flatten your stomach.

4. Passion Fruit

By Michael Kucharski on Unsplash

Passion fruit has a tough outer rind  purple or yellow in color with an edible, pulpy seed mass inside which originates in South America, grows on a beautiful, flowering vine. Passion Fruit helps you lose weight because there are only about 50 calories in one passion fruit, making it an ideal weight-loss food if you substitute it for other foods. Passion fruit is almost one-third fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels, regulate your blood sugar levels and clean out your colon.

5. Rhubarb

By Maximilian Zahn on Unsplash

Rhubarb is the fleshy, edible stalks (petioles) of species and hybrids (culinary rhubarb) of Rheum in the family Polygonaceae, which are cooked and used for food. The whole plant – a herbaceous perennial growing from short, thick rhizomes – is also called rhubarb. If you are trying to lose weight, rhubarb, like many vegetables because of its fiber, can help you keep fuller longer. One small study demonstrated that men with high cholesterol who ate 27 grams of rhubarb every day for a month decreased their LDL (bad) cholesterol by 9%.

6. Kiwifruit

By Dan Bucko on Unsplash

Kiwis are high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber and provide a variety of health benefits. This tart fruit can support heart health, digestive health, and immunity. The kiwi is a healthy choice of fruit that is rich in vitamins and is high in antioxidants and boasts many health benefits. They are also very low in calories and energy density, making them a perfect addition to a weight loss diet.

7. Melons

By Loren Joseph on Unsplash

Melons are low in calories and have a high water content, which makes them very weight loss friendly. Just 1 cup (150—160 grams) of melon, such as honeydew or watermelon, provides a modest 46—61 calories. Moreover, consuming fruits with high water content may help you shed extra weight.

8. Avocados

By Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Avocados are high in soluble fibre that has been shown to reduce belly fat by suppressing appetite. Although avocados are high in fat and calories, studies suggest that they can help you lose or maintain weight. Avocados can be used as a replacement for butter or margarine on bread and toast. You can also add them to salads, smoothies, or dips.

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