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6 Most Common Types Of Sports Injuries and how to avoid them

In this post, you will learn about the most common types of sports injuries and their causes and how to avoid them

By Sameer KhanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Playing any sports activity is good for your heart, for your respiration, and maintaining muscle strength and for your overall health. Playing sports would be a good thing in a perfect world. But, it isn't perfect. Sports injuries are common because of how people move, fall and trip, and sudden contact with the ground and each other.

Although the injury is not something to be afraid of, it can help you avoid or reduce your chances of getting hurt. Let's take a look at five possible injuries that could be caused by athletic activities and the prevention steps you can take.


Ligaments are what strains are for muscles. Ligaments are the tissues connecting bone to bone. These ligaments can become strained or torn if they are not correctly aligned. Ankle sprains are the most common type of sprain for athletes. They are closely followed by knee sprains and wrist and elbow strains. Sprains are more painful than strains and can take longer to heal. Sometimes, immobilization is necessary to prevent further injury. Warm-ups and pre-workout stretching can help prevent sprains. It is also essential to practice good technique in your sport. A ligament can become weaker from sprains. If you've ever sprained your ankle or knee, it is a good idea to wear a brace to protect that joint while you play.


Whether you are playing any sports or watching it on television, you must have seen players in pain numerous times. It happens because we use so many muscles, tendons and joints when playing sports; strains are the most common.

Our muscles are moved in ways that are not recommended, causing injury, pain, and damage. Joint muscle strains include pulled quads, pulled groin muscles, and pulled hamstrings.

Most strains heal quickly and are minor. Stretching and warming up before you engage in the strenuous activity is the best way to decrease the chance of straining your muscles and tendons.

Knee Injuries

Because the knee joint is complex, it can sustain much wear and impact during sports activities. We have given it its category to help with possible injuries, and cartilage tears, dislocations and fractures, tears of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) are prevalent. Sometimes, knee injuries can be severe and painful. Good posture, warm-ups and stretches can help reduce the chance of knee injuries.

Back Injuries

Every sports activity puts stress on your spine and back. This stress can build up over time and cause inflammation around the back muscles and vertebrae. Also, a sudden, jarring impact can cause an injury to the back. There are many options for back treatment, depending on the condition. These can range from physical therapy and rest to surgical procedures. Regular low-impact activities, warm-ups, and a healthy diet are the best ways to lower your chances of injury and back pain.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow can happen to anyone, even if they are playing tennis. Tennis elbow is just one of many "injuries caused by repetition." It refers to straining the ligaments of the elbow from repetitive activities and overuse. It is best to be patient. You can take breaks, engage in other activities, and warm up before you play.

Plantar fasciitis/shin splints

These injuries are also known as injuries of repetition. They both result from overactivity of the legs and feet, along with a lack of support. Plantar fasciitis refers to an inflammation of the tendon at the arch of your foot that causes sharp pain with each step. Shin splints refer to inflammation of the lower leg muscles due to repeated stress, high-impact running, dodging, or quick stops and starts. Both conditions are expected in runners, joggers and soccer and basketball players. The best prevention is to do proper stretching and take a break from time to rest.


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