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6 Medical Tests for a Healthy Sex Life!

Actionable advice only.

By Sunshine JanePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
6 Medical Tests for a Healthy Sex Life!
Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

For a grade 10 sex life, you have to take care of your health. How else to take care of your body if not by being aware of the risks to which your body may be exposed and by regular visits to the doctor?

In this sense, medical tests are essential and, although there are hundreds of types of medical tests, only a few of them are vital for a carefree intimate life.

Find out below the 6 medical tests (blood and not only) that you and your partner must do! The first three tests are specific to women, and the next four are recommended for both partners.

Vaginal secretion test

You can do a secretion test at any time during the gynecological examination, the vaginal examination consisting of the analysis of the cells from the vaginal secretion.

The secretion test can detect any changes in the vaginal mucosa, can detect cervical cancer from early stages, but also various types of infections and diseases such as vaginal candidiasis, chlamydia infection, gonorrhea, or trichomonas.

Most of these infections develop asymptomatic at first, and when the symptoms become bothersome, treatment and healing will be more difficult.

Moreover, the vaginal discharge test can detect the existence of any STD (sexually transmitted disease).

The secretion test is vital to your intimate life because your intimate moments will be completely turned upside down by a possible surgery or the symptoms of an infection / STD (itching in the vaginal area, stinging, pain during intercourse, etc.).

Nutritional analysis

Beginning at age 35, hormones make their head spin and can cause sexual disorders. In this sense, it is very important to take care of your diet, to check by blood tests if the necessary nutrients have normal values ​​and why not, to talk to a nutritionist.

It is essential at any time, but especially from the age of 35–40, to choose a diet rich in vegetables and fruits. You can also be guided by the well-known nutrition pyramid. You should also eat foods against osteoporosis (dairy, cereals, salmon, soy, cabbage, etc.). Gynecological examinations should be continued annually.

So, if you do not want to give up more sophisticated positions and you do not want to upset your love life with any disease, choose a diet that supports bones and normal hormonal activity.

HIV test

Intimate contact involves at least 2 people. It is not enough to be faithful, but you must be able to rely on the loyalty of the person next to you - quite difficult to control or test, and protection with a condom (used correctly) is the only thing that can keep you away from HIV.

The more ruthless the disease, the greater the risk of becoming infected with HIV, often in a seemingly trivial situation: unprotected sexual contact (oral, vaginal, or anal) with a new partner and whose partner you do not know the love history, infected syringes or medical instruments, infected blood transplant or contact with the blood of an infected person.

HIV testing consists of several medical methods that can prove the presence of anti-HIV antibodies: ELISA test, WESTERN BLOT test, Immuno-fluorescence reaction, and PCR-Polymerase Chain Reaction test, the latter identifying the level of viral nucleic acid.

If you have started a new relationship and you have some doubts, be sure to go to the doctor until it is too late not only for you but also for your partner! You can give the same advice to your partner: although he might be a little bothered by your suspicions, if he loves you he will take the test.

Syphilis test

The VDRL test is the test that detects syphilis by measuring the antibodies produced by Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes syphilis.

In addition to the fact that you and your partner need to have an urgent test if you have at least one of the symptoms or signs of syphilis (genital injuries and irritations, muscle weakness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, palpitations, etc.), the syphilis test should be done. be part of the set of mandatory tests if you want to get pregnant.

Pulmonary radiography (TB test)

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection located in the lungs (pulmonary TB) but can spread to other parts of the body (extrapulmonary TB).

Tuberculosis is easily transmitted by coughing, sneezing, or contact with the sputum of a sick person.

The most common symptoms of tuberculosis are severe cough accompanied by sputum, tachycardia, throat enlargement, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite. These can be complicated, leading to lung bleeding, superinfections, and airway blockage.

While you are in love in the bedroom, and at any time in your married life, it is very possible that, by chance, you come into contact with bacterial agents or your partner's sputum, so if you want to have a healthy relationship, get a lung x-ray and a TB test so you don't get sick of the one next to you.


The electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a test to check the electrical activity of the heart and consists of recording and printing these electrical activities.

With the help of the electrocardiogram, you can check all the properties of the heart, its activity, and possible cardiovascular diseases.

Being considered even more dangerous than cancer, heart disease can radically change your lifestyle, making daily physical activity and bedding difficult.

Although sex is recommended for a healthy heart, once you suffer from a heart disease physical effort must be dosed carefully, being easy to understand that you can not enjoy a too intense activity in bed, but only a moderate one.

So, if you want to continue to enjoy passionate love parties as often as possible, go to the doctor and check the activity of your heart! After all, the heart is the symbol of love and passion!

sexual wellness

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