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5 Yoga Poses for Chronic Prostatitis Patients

Yoga Poses for Chronic Prostatitis Patients

By Amanda ChouPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
5 Yoga Poses for Chronic Prostatitis Patients
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

With the continuous improvement of living standards in modern society, many complicated and troublesome diseases have been gradually broken by our modern medicine. Fortunately, we find that more and more conditions can be alleviated with proper exercise and dietary changes, such as chronic prostatitis.

5 Yoga poses for chronic prostatitis patients

Back Stretch with legs

Benefits: Improves blood circulation. It pumps extra oxygenated blood to the pelvic area, energizing the uterus, bladder, and prostate. Some ancient yogis believed that practicing yoga could also cure impotence.

Beam Angle type

Benefits: It is a good exercise for pregnant women and people with urinary disorders. Bunched Angle pose adds extra blood flow to the lower back, waist, and pelvis. It helps relieve testicular pain and promotes bladder, prostate, and kidney health. It also prevents hernias.

Fish King Pose (Spinal twist)

Benefits: This movement is excellent for the spinal nerve and the entire nervous system. In addition, practicing the action can also exercise our lower back muscles.

The cobra type

Benefits: Can soften the spine, by exerting pressure on the kidney, the blood in the kidney backlog out, after the recovery of blood back to both kidneys, help to wash away the kidney stone precipitate, prevent and reduce kidney stone.

Column type

Benefits: Improves knee and hip flexibility and improves blood circulation to the pelvis, abdomen, and lower back. Effectively maintain the health of the kidney, prostate, uterus, and bladder.

Practicing the column type needs your hands to pull your foot as close to the perineum as possible and bring the palm of your foot up with both hands. Keep your heels on the ground, open your chest and hold for 15 breaths.

Yoga can relax and calm the body, help practitioners control the amount of fat in their diet, and improve blood circulation, effectively alleviating chronic prostatitis. But if a diagnosis is made and some of the symptoms are severe enough to affect your life, medication is still needed.

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory pill is a good choice for treating chronic prostatitis. It can eliminate the symptoms associated with chronic prostatitis. And it's made from all-natural herbs, with few toxic or no side effects, which is its most significant advantage.

According to the survey, men engaged in mental work such as clerks, white collars, business executives, doctors, teachers, and drivers in modern cities are at high risk of prostate disease.

Why does a man get a prostate disease? Speaking from the dietary habits of people in the East and west, the incidence of the disease in European and American men is higher than in the East.

One is that eating habits are different. European and American people eat meat and intake of high-fat food, and Asian people vegetarian dominated. It has to do with diet.

Second, the morbidity of sedentary people is higher than that of people who regularly work. When sitting for a long time, the weight of the upper body of the human body is all pressed on the lower body, and the prostate located in the perineum is under heavy pressure, which is easy to cause poor blood circulation and accumulation of metabolites. The obstruction of the prostate duct and the inadequate excretion of glandular fluid lead to inflammation and hyperplasia for a long time.

Therefore, patients in the treatment must maintain a good diet and daily habits.

Conclusion: I believe you have a general understanding of chronic prostatitis. In fact, chronic prostatitis is not terrible. As long as patients adhere to the treatment and maintain a good diet and daily habits in life, the disease can be cured. No sick friends are naturally lucky, but usually also should pay attention to their body maintenance. Doing more exercise is a good choice!


About the Creator

Amanda Chou

Looking to restore your life troubled by prostatitis, epididymitis, seminal vesiculitis and other male reproductive system diseases? Here are the resource to help you in this endeavor.

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