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5 Signs of a Botched Face Lift Procedure

If you suspect your surgeon botched your surgery, here are some signs that would indicate so:

By McKenzie JonesPublished about a year ago 3 min read

A facelift is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the face and neck. It can also correct sagging skin, wrinkles, and jowls. The procedure tightens the underlying muscles to give you a more youthful appearance. A facelift can be done using different techniques, depending on your goals, but it's important to find out if the surgeon is qualified to perform this surgery before having it done.

1. Scarring around the ears or eyes

Facelifts are often performed under local anesthesia, so if you notice scars on or around either of these areas after the procedure, it could be a sign that something went wrong during surgery. The lift removes excess skin and tightens muscles that have loosened with age. It can be performed at any age but is most effective when done at an early age. A facelift can also be done in combination with other procedures such as liposuction and brow lifts. If you are considering having one, make sure that the surgeon has plenty of experience performing this procedure on patients with similar skin types and complexions as yours. Be sure to ask about their success rates and what types of complications they've encountered while performing this procedure.

2. Your jawline is uneven

Another sign of a botched facelift is if one side of your jawline is higher than the other. This happens when the surgeon removes too much skin from one side and not enough from the other side. It's important to have an experienced surgeon who knows exactly what he or she is doing when performing this procedure because if too much skin is removed from one side, then there won't be enough left over on the other side for proper healing. This means that you'll need additional procedures done to fix this problem later down the road.

3. Continuous bleeding

Bleeding under the skin from surgical sites after surgery has been completed is normal as long as it stops within 24 hours of leaving the hospital. If the bleeding continues after this time, it could indicate that there was an internal hematoma (blood collection) inside your body during surgery, which could lead to serious complications such as infections or even death later on. To prevent this complication, your surgeon should insert at least two large-bore needles into your body to drain off the blood before they begin applying sutures to close the surgical incisions. If this doesn't happen, call 911 immediately because you're at risk for serious injury or death.

4. You have redness around the incision site

Redness and swelling are normal after any kind of surgery, but if it persists for long periods or gets worse, it could be due to an infection. The redness around your incision is an indication that either your doctor didn't use enough local anesthetic or he used too much, which can cause damage to the blood vessels and nerves. The skin around a surgical incision may become red and swollen after surgery, especially if your doctor has used stitches to close the wound. But if it persists more than 10 days after surgery or gets worse, contact Dr. Andrew Jacono immediately. Redness could indicate infection or blood clots under your skin, both of which need immediate attention.

5. The scar is too tight or sticks out prominently from your face

This is one of the most common mistakes made by doctors who perform facelifts. The scar should be hidden underneath the skin, but some surgeons try to push it back as much as possible so that it is visible. This not only makes the scar look very unnatural and obvious, but it also puts pressure on the surrounding tissue, which can result in permanent damage to the nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and tendons in your face.

As you can see, there are many things to consider before undergoing a facelift procedure. However, it's not all doom and gloom. If you're looking to get a facelift but are worried about the risks involved, just focus on finding a good doctor who will do more good than harm during your procedure and everything will turn out just fine.


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