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Know about the art of relaxation wherever you are to manage stress freely.

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Relaxation is an essential skill for any person's effectiveness and success. It becomes especially valuable for those who are not ready to put up with the gray routine, but strive for more in all spheres of life.

It is unknown why most people believe that the ability to relax is something natural, a skill that everyone has automatically. There are lucky ones who feel the surplus of energy accumulated during the day and know how to "remove garbage" from the energy body with the help of meditation or other practices. But there are no more than 3% of all inhabitants of the Earth! Unsurprisingly, a huge portion of humanity is struggling with stress management.

Relaxation methods should not be obtained immediately and give immediate results. They take practice. Like any other method: dancing, singing, painting - mastering relaxation techniques takes some time. Therefore, you can make these simple tricks a part of your life every day so that you can master them perfectly and take advantage of them.


Have you noticed that when you are angry or have other negative emotions, you often feel “hot”? And you feel the need to react. On a physical level, an increase in temperature is a reaction of the body's resistance and struggle against harmful bacteria. On the psychological level, you seem to be ready to rush into battle for your ideals, principles, worldview, opinion, truth, etc. But instead of engaging in this battle, succumbing to emotions, ruining relationships and damaging your health, take this technique to work.

Already at the very beginning, as soon as you feel a surge of emotions, breathe chill. Inhale slowly through your mouth and exhale through your nose. Practice for 1-2 minutes, and then, of course, do not forget to give yourself time to realize what kind of emotion and why exactly you were hooked in this situation.


The position of your body has a tremendous effect on every aspect of your body. From a physical point of view, a hunched over, stooped, or closed position presses down on the internal organs and prevents them from breathing normally. As a result, glands, organs, blood - everything stagnates, which of course does not add to your health. And where there is poor health, there is also poor health, fatigue and apathy. Instead, stand up, even if you're in the office, with no shoes on the floor. Straighten up. Feel your verticality. From the coccyx to the crown, you seem to be pulled up. Feel your feet firmly on the floor and the position of your head among the stars. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Appreciate the impact of this technique!

The most dangerous stress hormone is cortisol. Today it has been proven that it is reduced by listening to good calm music, laughing out loud. This is due to the production of other pleasure hormones - endorphins.

It is unknown why most people believe that the ability to relax is something natural, a skill that everyone has automatically. But relaxation is an art and needs to be learned.

Healthy Caffeine

Yes, so much has been written about it, and we go there again. If you start your day with 2-4 cups of coffee, then be on the lookout. Instant coffee does NOT contain alkaloids that can invigorate you. Therefore, after a cup of such coffee in the office, you do not feel joy, enthusiasm, but trudge for the next portion. Some say that they drink up to 10 cups of instant coffee in this way per working day. It is pointless and harmful to the body, because along with coffee, of course you want a bun, a cookie, a candy or just sugar.

If you are a supporter of natural coffee, remember that a large portion of caffeine per day stimulates the production of pituitary hormones and adrenaline. As a state of fleeting vigor, you experience a surge in blood pressure. These minor changes in the body add irritability and impatience. Not the best way to relax, huh?

And in order to feel cheerful and not harm your health (you need to move a lot, eat right and sleep well, but this article is not about that), choose green tea. It has less caffeine, more healthy antioxidants, and theanine, an amino acid that has a calming effect on the nervous system and improves attention.

Magic point

If your anxiety is not related to deep emotional blocks, then stimulating a point on the arm may help. On the right and left. Between index and thumb. Press on this area and you will feel pain in one of the points. This is it, the point of relaxation. Massage it in circular motions for 1-2 minutes and feel the changes in the body.


The most dangerous stress hormone is cortisol. Today it has been proven that it is reduced by listening to good calm music, laughing out loud. This is due to the production of other pleasure hormones - endorphins. Consciously give yourself 5 minutes every 2 hours at work. Play the right music or your favorite comic character at this time. It is important not to overdo it and return to work in 5 minutes.


About the Creator


I'm a worshiper of creativity and knowledge. I'm a researcher of many sectors. I like to write my own view on various subjects, and also like to write about techniques and tips. Follow me to get amazing information and tips.

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