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5 Best Back Exercises for Home or Gym

Build a Strong and Sculpted Back with These Top Exercises for Home or Gym Workouts

By Ramona FernandezPublished about a year ago 4 min read

A sexy, toned back looks great in pretty much anything!

While you can only get rid of back fat by reducing overall body fat, working those back muscles have so many benefits.

Strengthening your back improves your posture, prevents muscular imbalances, and even makes your waist look smaller.

In this post, I've put together the 5 most effective back exercises everyone should include in their training.

As usual, I've included Gym and Home variations.

Here are 5 exercises that are guaranteed to tone and strengthen your back:

#1 Bent-Over Barbell or Dumbbell Row

If there is only one back exercise you can fit into your routine, then this is it!

The Bent-Over Row is a great compound move that utilizes several back muscles including biceps.

Pulling the bar to your chest works your upper-back muscles. Pulling to your waist works your mid-back.

This move also forces you to stabilize your core and your lower back!

*Use dumbbells if you don't have access to a barbell

*Focus on moving the bar 'slowly' and feel your muscles contract.

*An underhand grip will recruit more biceps

*Single arm Bent over rows on a bench are great to work both sides of your upper back

If you do Home Workouts, then Resistance bands can give you the same benefits.


#2 Pull-ups

Pull-ups are badass! Anyone can learn to do them. Just like everything else, it needs practice… and lots of it.

Read my article here on 'the Complete Pull-up Program for beginners - 3 easy steps'

My goal in 2017 was to do 5 unassisted pull-ups. I started with not being able to do a single one, and built to 11 unassisted pull-ups by the end of the year… #goalsmashed!

Just 'practicing' pull-ups changed my upper back completely. Not only did it build some serious upper body strength, it built beautiful lean muscle all over my upper back.

If your shoulder hurts and you've done everything to correct your form, try switching to a 'neutral grip'.

I would highly recommend starting with bands.

Having a pull-up bar at home can help you make progress faster as you can practice more regularly.

#3 Seated Rows

This exercise primarily works your lats and traps.

Although this is a compound move and recruits several muscle groups, I find that I can focus more on my back muscles as my lower body is stabilized.

It works your upper, mid and lower back. It also strengthens your shoulders and chest muscles.

Variations of this are single-arm cable row in various positions such as kneeling, seated, staggered, or standing.

For Home use, I recommend the same resistance band set I mentioned above.


#4 Lat Pull-downs

As you can tell from the name, this exercise primarily works the lats. It's similar to pull-ups but way easier as you're not pulling yourself up.

This is a great exercise to include in your routine as it also works your rear delts, biceps, traps, rhomboids, and serratus anterior muscles.

It utilizes several muscles in your shoulder and hence also strengthens your rotator cuff.

Variations include Wide grip, Close grip, and Neutral grip. You can also change the handles to switch up the move.

*Avoid leaning back too much

*When moving the bar back up, take 4 seconds to really focus on the eccentric part of the move

Again, for Home use, the same resistance bands I recommended before can be used.


#5 Cable Pull downs

This move works your back, arms and even your abs. Because it recruits so many muscle groups, it is considered a compound move.

This is great to tone your entire upper body especially the largest upper back muscles which give you that nice V shape.

*Keep your core tight to ensure you are engaging the correct muscles

*Don't round your back

*Your grip should not be too wide or too narrow

The VEICK Resistance Bands are an excellent option for working your back muscles at home. This set includes five 48-inch long colored exercise bands, ranging from 10 lbs to 50 lbs of resistance, which can be combined together to provide up to 150 lbs of resistance.

These adjustable resistance bands are suitable for training multiple muscle groups. With these bands, true resistance is maintained through every part of the motion, which can help you build muscle and burn fat.

The resistance bands come with ankle straps and a door attachment, making it easy to use them for exercises at home or outside. Additionally, the set includes two soft cushioned handles, one door anchor, one exercise guidance, and a carrying bag, which makes it easy to transport and store.

As the bands are lightweight and compact, they can be conveniently stored in the provided cloth pouch, making it easy to carry them with you wherever you go.

Overall, the VEICK Resistance Bands are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to work their back muscles at home. The adjustable resistance and versatility of the bands make them a great option for anyone looking to improve their overall fitness level.


If you're not sure where to start building Sexy lean Muscle, get my FREE ebook here:

I hope you enjoyed this article!

See you at the next one :)


About the Creator

Ramona Fernandez

Hello! I'm a Mom addicted to Fitness! Welcome to my World!

Find me on Fitnizfury on Social Media:

Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and my Blog

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