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44+ days on GoldEwater

The power is within

By Richie MoonPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
The power within

What is Goldewater?

Goldewater is a supplement made of .9999% pure gold particles that remain suspended in pure water. The small gold particles are several times the diameter of gold atoms themselves. The metallic nature of gold allows for a process called surface plasmon resonance (SPR). That’s when light interacts with the surface of gold nanoparticles; the larger particle. Goldewater is a true colloidal, because the gold content is contained entirely in the particles. Nano  Gold has no taste and is pure gold mixed in pure water. Colloidal Gold is not a drug and only acts as a mineral supplement.

The Benefits of Taking Goldewater?

One of the many benefits of Goldewater is that you feel it immediately. The Goldewater stimulates the information transferred between cells. The enhanced impulse conduction takes place in the brain, and allows tiny particles to cross the brain barrier. This significantly improves thought processes, concentration, cognitive functions, dexterity, sense of timing, and heightened awareness. The increased energy in brain functions leads to a heightened sense of awareness in the body as well. Goldewater also helps with pineal gland (3rd eye) function, hormone balancing, hand eye coordination, mental acuity, boosting of energy, and increase of electrical conductivity in the body.

Nano and monoatomic gold provides increased functions of the brain and helps to relieve stresses that are associated with anxiety and other symptoms that decrease well-being.

We’re born with the element of gold within us but over time we lose our gold because of our diet. The ancient KMTS (Egyptians) believe gold is an elixir of the gods. It’s also interesting when you look back into antiquity how valued and revered gold was. After a nine-month period of drinking the gold that is when your body is truly adjusted.

Recreation of Blue-Black God Hue that KMTs(Egyptians) spoke of

My Experience:

The first time I took Goldewater was in the summer of 2019. Admittedly, I was just excited to try a new product from a teacher that I highly respected. It wasn’t until a random Saturday at The Rose Wine Mansion (where I used to work), that I truly realized the benefits. I immediately felt the increase in energy, but I specifically remember the out of body experience. I was talking to a group of women, and I remember flashes of seeing and hearing myself talk to them. It always reminds me of that scene from The Last Dragon, where Leroy got his glow. Another amazing “side effect” from the Goldewater is your heightened sense of awareness, which leads to more fulfilling meditation sessions. Now that I’m aware of what it does, I can increase the specific feeling. Before I workout or meditate, I take Goldewater. I also take it before I go to bed as it increases lucid dreaming. Gold makes it hard to consume things that don’t necessarily serve your body in the best way. Being a vegetarian, my meals are usually rich in protein and substance. However, I had a dollar pizza after taking some gold, and my body just wasn’t having it at all! Some people have completely stopped smoking, and I myself have decreased weed consumption significantly.

Myself and many others have described taking Goldwater As being equivalent to when Bruce Leroy got his glow in the “Last Dragon”


After 44 plus days on Goldewater, I can say with absolute certainty that it is everything it says and more. I’m proud to be a living testament and brand ambassador for this product that can help the world. Take 1-2 full drops a day in the morning on an empty stomach, or at night right before bed. Goldewater is also kid friendly, so you and the kids can experience all the glory that gold has to offer together. You can find Goldewater by clicking the link in the bio on instagram @Mr_RichieMoonGod.

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