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4 Easy Meditations to Raise Your Vibrations

Minimal effort with maximum results!

By Summer SheehanPublished 6 years ago 10 min read

I'm that person who loves the benefits of meditation but hates doing it. Although I've done much research, learned many tools, and set many intentions to make meditation a part of my daily routine, I find it extremely difficult to stay consistent. It could be the lack of my attention span, the lack of willpower, or the intimidating thought of self-work within itself. So it got me thinking, if meditation seems like such a nuisance, how can I make it look (to myself) more enjoyable?

Contrary to popular belief, meditation is not just sitting Indian style and clearing your mind completely. It is the act of observing and becoming aware of your thoughts while being completely present. As we observe thoughts coming in as if they were external, we can become more aware and in control therefor put limiting beliefs and ego to rest. The more we meditate the more likely we are to be aware and present in our daily lives, not letting negative thoughts set in or control our actions. But even with all of the lasting benefits and pros to meditating, getting myself to actually do it and stay consistent has turned into a daily battle.

But hey, there are no problems, there are only solutions! So I began to think, how can I give myself the gift of meditation without my ego getting in the way? How can I trick my ego into wanting it in the moment, and even looking forward to it? The key to staying consistent in anything is making it truly enjoyable, so I started exploring and creating. Here's a list of ways to meditate that don't feel like meditation at all.

1. Shower Meditation

This is an easy one because in the shower you are already stripped of all distractions. Half the battle is gone because all you are left with is your thoughts, so the goal is becoming present. A trick is to use visualization; one of the main tools used for manifestation. But this time, it would be an internal visualization. What I mean by that is instead of visualizing what you want to gain, you will visualize what you want to lose. Negative thoughts, negative energy, limiting beliefs, subconscious blocks, childhood traumas, anger, grief, sadness, etc. Zone in on what you are holding onto that is not serving you. Visualize it: What does it look like, what color is it, has it taken a home somewhere in your body, can you feel it, can you see it in your minds eye? Visualize the extra baggage clinging to you in some way, and throughout the shower cleanse your mind, body and soul from it. Wash it away and step out feeling lighter and cleaner than ever before.

2. Sleep Meditation

This is one I can highly recommend because I've stayed consistent ever since the first time I tried it and truly look forward to it. Sleeping is a time where your subconscious takes over and directs the journey of your sleep, so why not take the power into your own hands? Here's how you do it: you set an intention for your sleep. What do you want to accomplish tonight? It could be anything from good dreams, a deep rejuvenating sleep, or even overcoming fears and anxiety. Once you settle on something, there are many ways to achieve it. You can find all of the following on YouTube:

  • Binaural Beats(for sleep): It's like calming music but with scientifically proven benefits. They work by sending different frequencies of sound to your brain through headphones (headphones not necessary but more effective). They work for curing insomnia, ADD, depression, anxiety, and cognitive behavior problems. They are commonly used to achieve heightened states of concentration and meditation. The frequencies start by bringing the brain into a delta state frequency (deep sleep) and then into theta (dream state, intuitive awareness). Search on YouTube what you want to target in your delta state along with "binaural beats," whether it's raising your vibration or having good dreams, and you are sure to see a difference in your sleep.
  • Guided Meditation (for sleep): These are great because you can specify your intention and accomplish it overnight. Whether it's cleansing the chakras, meeting your higher self in a dream state, strengthening intuition, raising your vibration, or even "dream catcher" meditations that will take you on a journey of good dreams, it will help you fall asleep in a meditative state and wakeup with high vibes.
  • Story Times (for sleep): These are kind of like the guided meditations without the pressure of going into a meditative state. You have the luxury of laying back and listening, while getting lost into a story by a soothing voice and relaxing music. You are the main character and can use your minds eye to visualize a whole new world, while going on a journey that is likely to set the tone of your dreams for the night. It doesn't feel like meditation but sets your intentions and takes control of your sleep all the same.
  • Sleep Hypnosis: One of my favorites because you can really get creative with what you want to achieve, and be at peace knowing you have to do minimal work as you accomplish it in your sleep. Hypnosis focuses on exploring the subconscious mind where we store all of our limiting beliefs, traumas, and insecurities which are the core reason to any energetic blocks in our life. A subconscious belief that you are unworthy of something or incapable of achieving it can literally block the energy and opportunity of it happening from flowing into your life. You can even find hypnosis for weight loss because weight gain is the result of your subconscious mind feeling lonely or unworthy and seeking comfort or relief. Hypnosis helps to get to the root of your troubles and releasing them once and for all. Be patient and consistent and make sure to dedicate repetitive nights to a particular issue until you feel it is finally healed.

3. Writing Meditation

OK, so this does take a little effort to sit your butt down and pick up a pen and notebook. But for some reason it does not feel like meditation and can be very enjoyable making it easy to stay consistent, at least for me. There are different ways to do it so I listed some of my favorites. Don't hesitate to get creative, and put some binaural beats (for meditation) from YouTube on in the background to focus your mind.

  • Morning Writing: If you have the motivation, try writing every morning before fogging your mind with social media or even human interaction. This is when all preconceived thoughts and beliefs are the most quiet in your mind and you can let thoughts come freely on paper in an observatory state. Write the date, and then Dear ___. It can be to God, the universe, a spirit guide, or even to yourself. Then just write, completely unfiltered with no judgement attached, even if it starts coming out negative. After about three pages you can re-read and observe the state in which you woke up and thought on auto-pilot. Then write a couple more pages setting intentions for the day and taking back control of your thoughts.
  • Higher Self-Writing: You again write freely and unfiltered, but this time in third person. This is where you start separating your ego from your true self, because our human needs and thoughts don't always serve us. Any want, need, insecurity, limiting belief, or any thought that comes to mind that is not pure love & knowing, you write in third person. For example, "*your name* thinks that she will fail today." That is your human side, in other words your ego. Observe as you write, differentiating your ego from higher self. Any thought that reassures or comforts your insecurities would be written starting with "I." For example, "I know I am worthy and *your name* is just scared, and that's OK". That is your higher self coming through. You can begin to see the detrimental patterns your ego has on your overall well-being, and hopefully put some to rest or even start realizing those limiting thoughts aren't actually true. You are worthy of greatness, regardless of your past or background!
  • Spirit Guide Writing: If you believe in spirit guides and want to communicate with them, this is perfect for you. I can honestly say it has worked for me, but it will not work for anyone who doesn't truly believe it can. What you do is take your paper or notebook and write a question you'd like to ask them on the top. Then leave a couple spaces and start writing. Don't think, just write anything and everything that comes to mind. If you start writing anything negative, stop and try again later or after trying "higher self writing" above, because you are blocking your spirit guides from coming through. Multiple mediums have told me that when they "download" information from a spirit or angel, the guide doesn't talk to them but through them. Meaning, it will appear to be your own thoughts and inner voice. Once you have written at least three pages or nothing else comes to mind, re-read what you have written. You may find they weren't your thoughts at all. The key is to not question whether it is you or your spirit guides while writing, just stay present with your thoughts.

4. Daily Task Meditation

This works well because it takes no additional effort. Sometimes I will literally find anything to do to put off meditating, so I figured why not kill two birds with one stone. Whether you're folding laundry, washing the dishes, or cleaning your room, you can use this time for meditation and it won't even feel as if your doing so. My trick is using mantras; a sound, word/s, or syllable that is a universal vibration and frequency of sound used for a variety of intentions. The best part is you don't have to chant to use them. Have you ever heard of cleansing a space? Some spiritual teachers practice and teach this by using things like sage and crystals to clear negative energy in your home. One teacher taught me as I do this to play a mantra on my speakers in the particular room, to set out a frequency and use sound as a tool to raise the vibration and clear the energy. So I began using this trick while performing daily tasks, because not only is it raising the vibration in the environment but in my thoughts as well. On top of using mantras I focus in on what I'm doing unconditionally by repeating every movement in my head and staying mindful of my actions. Even if it's as simple as making my bed I control my inner voice by narrating my actions, because these are the times where we are usually the most mindless. This is key to not letting your mind wander and staying present in the current moment. There are countless mantras used for many things that you can find, but my go to is the well-known "OM," representing god, source, or universal consciousness. For added results (but a little more effort) repeat the mantra along with the recording and feel your vibrations raise.

Meditation is crucial for setting the tone of your life and stepping into your power. If you are not in control of your thoughts and more importantly your subconscious, you are not in control of what you attract into your life. As you consistently practice and cleanse your energy, you will literally be raising the vibrations and noticing a huge change in your external life. Good luck and namaste!


About the Creator

Summer Sheehan

I'm just a girl that thinks deeply and analyzes everything. I used to think of this as a fault that lead to my anxiety, before I realized I could just embrace it instead. Welcome to the unleashed and unfiltered mind of @finding_summer.

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