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3 Reasons Why You're Messing Up Your Teeth

Are you doing these three things that are messing up your teeth?

By Dan MartinPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

The way to have healthier teeth is to take care of them and you shouldn't wait to have symptoms of infections or any tooth problems to visit a dentist. Checking your teeth at least twice a year to a dentist prevents any infections and catches the problems that may occur.

Dental hygiene is a major part of having good oral health. But brushing doesn't mean your teeth are already healthy.

Brushing your teeth too hard causes bleeding gums and can also damage tooth enamel.

Taking care of your oral health is a sign of a healthy lifestyle but not all of us know what can lead to health issues.

Here are some problems that we may do to our daily routine and ways on how to improve your dental hygiene and have healthier teeth.

1. Poor Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene is the first thing you need to know about protecting your teeth. If you're brushing your teeth poorly it is almost as bad as not brushing them at all. Brushing your teeth twice a day will keep your teeth healthy.

  • Fluoride toothpaste will give protection against tooth decay. When you brush your teeth with fluoride it creates another layer of defense to add protection to your teeth that produce the growth of enamel.
  • Enamel covers each tooth and provides a tough layer in your teeth and if it is damaged it can develop cavities. Protecting enamel should include your routine to help your enamel growth. You must focus on your diet and dental hygiene.
  • A soft bristle toothbrush helps clean your teeth thoroughly and helps to remove food particles even in the gaps of your teeth. Brushing twice a day can still cause tooth decay if you don't use any toothpaste that contains fluoride that helps to add a protective layer to your teeth.

A plaque that is not removed can harden and can cause tooth decay. You need to know how to brush correctly. Brushing your teeth hard can cause gum diseases if your gums are bleeding it means that your gums are not healthy.

  • Gingivitis is a gum disease that most people have and it makes the gums bleed and if not medicated early it can be severe and the severe stage of gum disease is called Periodontitis.

2. Food Particles

Food particles can damage your gums if not removed properly it will create plaque and also can harden which causes cavities. Food particles that linger long after meals can result in the stink and if that simple particle left can build up bacteria in your mouth. particles can be removed with brushing and to make sure that there are no particles left you can use dental floss it can help remove every bit of the plaque in your teeth.

  • Drinks also stain your teeth and they can create a yellowish color. Coffee has compounds that are called tannins when it sticks to your teeth they will leave a yellow stain also coffee can cause tooth enamel erosion because coffee is highly acidic it will cause your teeth to be brittle.

Drinks that include tannin are not just on coffee it is also on tea.

But drinking coffee and tea is not going to result in this stain. If you clean your teeth properly your dentist can check your teeth and they can remove the stain by cleaning. If you don't have time to visit your dentist to remove that stain you can also do it at your home some cleaning remedies can help it remove like

  • Brushing your teeth with baking soda. It will help to remove the stain and get it whiter. You can try this only twice a month. But the highly recommended home remedy is brushing your teeth thoroughly twice a day. You can also try whitening toothpaste but make sure you consult your dentist about these remedies to make sure that your teeth will be safe if you ever do these home remedies.
  • Limit sugary foods we know that sugar can lead to cavities sugars in food and drinks Bacteria release acid as a waste product and makes sugar as their energy and get through the teeth and dissolves the enamel and that creates the holes and cavities to teeth. you must reduce the sugar intake to prevent cavities, drink water instead of drinks that contain sugar like soda. According to WHO the sugar intake must be only 5% or equivalent to 7 teaspoons of sugar.

3. Mouth Infections

Infections result from bacteria that are in your mouth. This is a really serious matter that if you don't check it with your dentist and not medicated instantly it can spread throughout your body. To avoid this you must seek a professional who can provide treatment for tooth infections.

  • Tooth infection is treatable but if a person ignores the signs of these infections it can spread to your face and neck severe infections may spread or reach parts of your body that can leave a life-threatening situation.

Early treatment will prevent bacterial infections to spread through your body. Seek a dentist who will provide treatments to stop the infections from spreading further.

Possible treatment of tooth infections will be a Root canal treatment. This procedure will help to remove pus and bacteria from the infected root canal by drilling the infected pulp tissue will be the procedure to eliminate the bacteria and will be carefully cleaned and disinfect the root canal and will be filled and sealed.

Root canal cost varies depending on how serious the infection will be. Don't worry root canal treatment is not more painful than a regular dental procedure. You will feel sore and numb and also can cause mild discomfort after the treatment root canal patients are given anesthesia.

Having healthy teeth is a sign of having good oral hygiene. It is more important to protect your teeth than you might realize.

Having healthy teeth is a sign of having good oral hygiene. It is more important to protect your teeth than you might realize.


Since the mouth is the gateway of bacteria if you ignore your teeth it might come up with a serious bacterial infection.

A simple plaque can cause destroying the tissues inside your mouth. Results of not brushing your teeth can cause gum diseases and also have a bad breath or clinically called halitosis. To prevent any of that you must visit a dental expert at least twice a year.

If it is not taken care of, it will affect your daily lifestyle. Proper care is needed to prevent any Bacterial infections. Every part of your body must be taken care of to change your routine if possible to create a healthy body.


About the Creator

Dan Martin

Dan has hands-on experience in digital marketing since 2007. He has been building teams and coaching others to foster innovation and solve real-time problems. Dan also enjoys photography and traveling.

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