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2021 Resolutions Guided by a Higher Consciousness

Scorpio, It Is Time To Rise!

By Marilyn GloverPublished 3 years ago 12 min read
Photo: "The Kiss", girl and Scorpion/ DepositPhotos

Dear Scorpio (Marilyn E. Glover),

This is your higher consciousness speaking to you now and I know how much you cherished it when your late brother in law, a fellow Scorpion, called you this so this is exactly how I will proceed. It is 2021 now and you and I need to have a serious discussion about how you are going to move forward in a new year with self-confidence. The stagnant waters that you have grown all too accustomed to will become a flowing river guiding you to new land. Drowning in an abyss is no longer an option for the water has already begun to circulate. You are floating freely now and can ever so lightly feel the gentle tug of a stream pulling you to shore. It is time to swim and I will not allow you to simply tread water or carelessly glide along anymore!

I am not going to dwell upon the year 2020 too much here. It is done and over with, however harsh that may seem, it is the reality. The pandemic has tried to destroy the human spirit and although it is still on going, hope is not lost. You had certainly much more than the pandemic to contend with over the last year and if for any reason you think that now is a time to wallow in any kind of self-pity or depression, I am here as your higher consciousness to put you on notice: I will not stand for it! Yes, you had it rough but you got through it all. Perhaps I should remind you one last time to ensure that your eyes are wide open and ears are in tuned to everything that I will reveal to you in the moments to come.

The stress triggers of 2020

1. Hospitalized with enlarged spleen and had it removed; biopsy of spleen result: Littoral Cell Angioma.

2. Kitchen fire at place of employment while recovering from surgery resulted in permanent closing of doors to job.

3. Forced to remain out of work after recovery due to compromised immune system and unknowns of Covid 19.

4. Son diagnosed with Autism at age 20. A diagnosis missed, overlooked while growing up.

Ok, Miss Scorpio, take a good look at the list above and make peace with the facts, finally with all of it. You can be such a stubborn person at times fighting against change. Well, there are some things in life that are going to happen of which you can do nothing to prevent. As someone who always is digging for the deeper meaning behind things, consider this: perhaps these series of events were put into play to ensure you diverted from the course you were travelling on. Of course, this is all coming from your higher consciousness but sometimes when heed is not given to all of the pressing signs sent to you then the universe neatly steps in and creates uproar to grab your attention. It did grab your attention, correct?

Not to throw things in your face, but your loved ones had been attempting to convince you to slow down for some time prior to your February hospitalization. Working two very physical jobs in the hospitality industry, you busted your backside for years. Your family only wanted to see you expand your horizon to different things enabling you to slow down and enjoy other pursuits of interest. You see this clearly now for all it is worth now but please do not punish yourself in retrospect.

Pertaining to your son’s Autism diagnosis over the summer, it is understandable the frustration you must feel but none of this is any fault of yours. Your son is high functioning (what used to be called Asperger’s Syndrome) and he is not the only person whose diagnosis was ever overlooked as a child. At least your family has the knowledge and can move forward accordingly assuring all of his needs are met.

Now that 2021 is officially here, your focus needs to be on making new goals for yourself with the intent on sticking to your decree along with motivation strategies set in place for whenever you need some uplifting. In addition to your use of daily mantras, yoga and meditation, these following New Year resolutions will help shape a new chapter in your life that will bring you great joy and a sense of accomplishment. You returned to your child’s mind eye when you came up with these. Please, never lose this type of vision and do visit this place of wonder often.

Photo:" Free the inner child"/ DepositPhotos

5 New Year Resolutions for 2021

1. Continue to write. June of 2020 was when I discovered Vocal Media and began submitting poetry. I quickly recognized this platform as my way of not only coping with isolation but it helped me to rediscover my joy for writing. I first started writing short stories in elementary school and always dreamed of writing a book. This dream always was pushed aside over the years but never forgotten. Since being out of work I have gotten my typing up to par and plugged away at challenges on Vocal Media as well as cultivating my knack for thinking outside the box. Writers like Kathryn Milewski, Katherine Bennett, Ciaran Coleman, C.R. Hughes and Daniella Bishop have all kept me inspired and determined to aspire to be all that I can be.

2. Get Reiki attunements with the Usai method. My article before this was entitled “How to gift using the spirit of Reiki.” I have a decent amount of insight into alternative healing and New Age related material. In 2021 I am determined to find a Reiki Master/ Teacher and finally be attuned so I can go on to help others. In my heart I know that I am meant to help other people. I spent 2 decades in Hospitality and moving forward the genre will change but I will continue to help those in need. I strongly believe the world needs more healers and this is my calling in addition to writing.

3. Stick to a fitness regime. I am no longer in a line of work that keeps me go, go, going every day. It is up to me to make sure that I get enough aerobic exercise as well as strength training in. I recently turned 49 and want to maintain my current level of fitness which was slow coming after abdominal surgery last February. I was sedentary for a period of time but now that my strength has returned I intend to step up my routine a bit. Physical fitness has always been important to me with running, dance and yoga as my favorites.

4. Join and participate in an Autism support group. I want to always be the most supportive that I can be to my son. Support groups are a great way to meet people with like needs and questions. There is a lot more for me to learn about a sensory based disorder that will not only benefit my son but our family as a whole. While we cannot make up for all the time without answers, we can empower ourselves to forge ahead with a community backing us every step of the way.

5. Maintain my practice of better Feng Shui. I talked about this in a previous article entitled “Let’s ring in 2021 with better Feng Shui” (my first staff pick). I already did the cleanout and decluttering work and have rearranged some furniture ensuring a better flow of Yun or positive chi. Isolating is still part of life and this only emphasizes the inherent need for an atmosphere operating on upbeat vibes.

Sometimes New Year’s resolutions get broken or are never met with the full expectation as when the declaration first came into play. To combat the problematic moments when giving up or giving in feels much easier, it is important to be fully aware of one’s personal characteristics, both positive and negative. Ideally, to be able to sit back and truthfully assess your situation noting your strong points and those weaker points which place you at risk of possibly breaking one or more of your resolutions, is sign of positive growth. You are a Scorpio and your temperament can be somewhat tricky, prone to excessive highs and lows in mood. Let us take a look at both your positive and negative personality traits and how you can solve issues in a more effective way ensuring you stay on your chosen path all year long.

Positive Traits

1. Focused. Scorpios are focused and competitive individuals. When there might is set on something they just go for it not allowing anything to get in their way.

2. Brave. Scorpios are brave and daring. What may seem like crazy behavior to more conservative signs is just another day for a Scorpio.

3. Loyal. Scorpios value trust and honesty making them extremely loyal to their significant others. They also expect the same from their partners.

4. Faithful. Scorpios are more faithful than anyone would expect. They are incredibly invested, loyal, generous, and protective, devoted in their relationships.

5. Ambitious. Scorpios are fiercely independent and ambitious. They have a strong competitive characteristic pushing them to strive for greatness.

Negative Traits

1. Jealous. For Scorpios this is a big one. This negative trait can be combated by not constantly comparing oneself to others and practicing self-love.

2. Possessive. Scorpios can become enraged if a partner pays more attention to someone they view as a possible threat. Scorpios are very protective over loved ones and have to keep in mind that everyone is entitled to some space.

3. Secretive. Scorpios are the mysterious and secretive sign of the zodiac. They keep parts hidden in order to protect themselves from being hurt. In order for Scorpios to connect to and hold healthy relationships they need to learn to open up more and trust.

4. Dominating. Scorpios can be dominant control freaks. They have to learn that they cannot be in control of everything or everybody and exercise patience.

5. Resentful. If you do something to a Scorpio that is considered betrayal this will cause a huge sense of resentment from them. They will allow it to damage them coming back stronger and smarter afterwards. Scorpios should work on not only forgiving but letting go. Self-punishment is not the answer neither is dwelling. The phrase “cutting the nose to spite the face” well describes a Scorpio scorned.

Photo: Burning Phoenix/ DepositPhotos

Scorpio, perhaps the best way for you to advance in 2021 is to keep in mind the story of the Phoenix. The Phoenix is the transformational symbol of your sign. Like the Eagle, in ancient times, the phoenix was a symbol of the sun that was said to live for 500 years. Your Scorpio nature cannot run from the destruction of the fire with your emotional intensity. Within this fire, however lies the secret to immortality and resurrection. Only through peace of mind will you reach spiritual enlightenment demanding command over your emotions.

You have encountered many hard learned lessons in this life time and although it has not always been easy you have passed the first stage in the 3 stages of Scorpio; the Scorpion.. In this first stage which represents the darker emotions which you embrace, you have learned that lower vibrational impulses persuade you to react without thinking. The primary reactive source of behavior for a Scorpio is anger or jealousy with their perception limited by the control their emotions have on them. Scorpio is not a known trouble maker but their sense of protection, ego and pride will cause them to retaliate with vengeance. At this stage in life, the Scorpio learns the lessons of pain, loss and betrayal, They are ready to move on to the next stage when they learn to bring peace to body, mind and spirit through personal awareness, growth and spiritual enlightenment. After years of a vicious cycle of undeserved self-punishment you have arrived.

The Eagle, second stage of Scorpio is where you are now. Let the Eagle totem guide you this year and help you keep your resolutions for 2021. The Eagle flies freely aware of surroundings and is considered a symbol of courage and power. You are now at a state of maturity where you can rely on intuition and wisdom to find solutions to problems. You have a better handle on your emotions and respond more appropriately to stressors unlike years gone by. You are in a situation that enables you to better help others. Where the Scorpion was more focused on the physical aspects of life, the Eagle is focused on perception and philosophy. Your keen sense of wisdom will enable you to correctly discern others but finding balance with this perception will be an area to work on.

The Phoenix, third and final stage of Scorpio tempers the extreme nature of the Scorpio. Being reborn from ashes and renewed, the Scorpio will be rejuvenated as the Phoenix. Empathetic observation without judgement happens at this stage encouraging compassion without self-disillusion. At this point in evolution the Scorpio can successfully find balance and break the chains of attachment, having learned the lessons of fully being able to let go. Moving forward, remember to pay special attention to finding and keeping balance in all of your encounters , projects and so forth.

You have the keys that you need to make 2021 a time to remember fondly for years to come. Do not forget that you are a spiritual being first living a physical existence. You are here on Earth to fulfill a mission that is unique to you and you alone. Do reflect upon the past but do not obsess over things needlessly. You cannot control everything or everyone around you. Neither can you control the outcome to any given situation. Instead, you can focus on your goals, your 5 resolutions for this year and being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be. Oh, Scorpio, I know you are intense but do remember to take time to rest, laugh and play. By finding balance within your life you will succeed and as you remain centered you will continue to rise.

With loving support,

Your higher conscious ness

Photo: Concept of open mind/ DepositPhotos


About the Creator

Marilyn Glover

7x Medium boosted poet, editor, and Reiki Master who is at her best when in nature. Creating to boost humanity while often not coloring within the lines. Follow me at: https://gmarilyn009.medium.com/

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