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11 Minute Walking Meditation for Grounding

Balancing the Root Chakra

By Nira MisaPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Hello and welcome to this guided walking meditation for grounding.

Today we will be focusing on the root chakra. That is the energy center in the middle of your pelvic region that grounds you in the present moment of your existence on this planet and gives you a sense of safety and security.

Often times we as conscious beings find ourselves living predominantly in our headspace, causing stress, anxiety, and overthinking about the past or future. This meditation will allow you to re-center your consciousness in the root of your being, instead of your headspace. As you walk, all systems of nature surrounding you will provide the supporting energy to balance your root chakra and bring you back down to Earth.

Let us begin by standing in a still position with your arms comfortably by your side. Take a moment to shut your eyes and inhale a slow, deep breath, noticing the scent of the oxygen as it enters through your nose. Pause at the top of your breath to feel the fresh air surround your body as it offers you a hug of support and guidance on your journey. As you exhale let all of the tension being held in your mind and body flow freely into the air. Take a few moments to stand in silence and when you are ready, slowly open up your eyes to the beauty surrounding you.

Now you may begin taking your first steps on this spiritual journey. Find a slow, calm pace that contrasts the fast-paced nature of daily life. Tune into the scents, sights and sounds around you. As you find a pace that works for you, start to think of something you are grateful for that the Earth does to support you on a daily basis. Maybe it's the clean water it supplies you with, or the fresh oxygen you breathe made by the trees. Once you think of that thing, or few things, thank the Earth for all of its hard work.

We will now be focusing our attention back on the breath as you continue to walk peacefully.

Every breath forward will be taken with the intention to clear and balance your root energy center, allowing you to find presence in the now. Take a deep breath in and with your next exhale drop your awareness from your mind down into your root chakra. Keep your mind focused on this area and notice any sensations that arise.

Do you feel connected or disconnected to this part of your being?

Do you feel safe and secure in your body?

Do you feel connected to the Earth?

Let any thoughts and feelings that may arise flow through you. Trust that this meditation will cleanse you of any disconnections or insecurities you may be experiencing.

Now take a look at the trees, grass, water, or even animals surrounding you and on your next deep inhale imagine that the healing energy offered by this nature is flowing through you down into your root chakra. As you exhale, imagine all of the stagnant, negative energy in your root chakra being released into the air behind you. Understand that the Earth will take care of this unwanted energy for you and transform it into something new.

When you are ready, inhale deeply once again, feeling nature's healing energy flow through your being into your root chakra. Exhale all of the negative energy out behind you.

Again, inhale the Earth's healing energy and send it to your root chakra. Exhale, releasing all unwanted energy from your root into the air behind you for the Earth to absorb.

Repeat this exercise for a few more deep breaths.

{pause for around one minute}

When you are finished you may let your breath return to its natural pace, while still allowing the same cycle of energy to flow in and out of you.

Continue walking calmly as you breathe and begin to notice the greater sense of connection you are feeling to the Earth. Feel the ground beneath your feet supporting you with each and every step you take. Look around at the vibrant colors of nature giving you a sense of peace. Feel the cool breeze guiding you to a higher state of being. Acknowledge your presence here on Earth.

Know that the Earth is your home and that your body is your own safe space. Know that the beauty of the world lives inside of you. Know that you are enough.

And as we bring this meditation to a close, return to a still stance with your arms at our sides and your palms facing forward. Softly shut your eyes.

As you slowly begin to inhale, envision a tree made of red, healing energy emerging from the core of the Earth, making its way all the way up through the ground into your root chakra. As you exhale feel this tree's grounding energy spread throughout your entire body.

Take a final, slow inhale, watching the tree's red energy shoot up from the core of the Earth, through its trunk, and into the branches of your root chakra once again. On your final exhale, send this grounding energy through your entire being and out into the world around you.

When you are ready, slowly bat your eyes open and thank yourself for making the effort to heal today. Allow this fresh, new energy to guide you in your endeavors moving forward and remember the beauty that exists in this present moment.

Thank you for tuning in today.


About the Creator

Nira Misa

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