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10 Simple Mindfulness Exercises You Can do Anywhere and Discreetly in 2 Minutes or Less...

“When walking, walk. When eating, eat” — Zen Proverb

By Trisha DunbarPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
10 Simple Mindfulness Exercises You Can do Anywhere and Discreetly in 2 Minutes or Less...
Photo by Ryan Byrne on Unsplash

Remember to breathe. It is, after all, the secret of life.” — Gregory Maguire

With the hustle of life sometimes we get stuck onto autopilot, 'doing' without paying attention. It's important to sometimes pull back, take a breath and explore life in the current moment.

Here are 10 simple mindfulness exercises that are beneficial to your wellbeing that you can do anywhere, and discreetly in 2 minutes or less.

1. One-Minute Mindful Breathing Exercise

Set a timer for 1 minute. Now focus on your breathing for that full minute. Don’t try to change your breathing. Notice where you are breathing from.

Are you getting those deep breaths? Or are you breathing from the top of your chest? This could mean you are feeling a little anxious or stressed?

Don’t try to change this. Just notice. Your thoughts and feelings can impact your breathing. If your mind starts to drift bring it back to the focus of your breathing. Repeat this exercise at least 4–5 times during the day.

2. Boost your Mood Using Your Sense of Smell

How often do you stop to smell the flowers? Or notice a specific smell in your surroundings? Our senses are there to protect us, for example, a bad taste or smell could mean poison! However, smell also can bring to the surface our deepest emotions and memories.

Have you ever had a moment where you catch a scent that transports you back to your childhood? When we get a whiff of a scent the molecules head straight to our limbic system, this is where information is sent to other parts of the brain that regulate our heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing, stress, and even memory.

Researches show that the sense of smell impacts us on all levels, every day — if we realize it or not. Mindfully developing our sense of smell can provide support in our growing our self-awareness and even give us an emotional boost!

Take a few deep, mindful breaths before you begin; allowing your body to relax. Focus on letting your shoulders relax.

Close your eyes and focus on the immediate environment for a moment.

Begin to take deep Belly Breaths, focusing on one scent that you smell. Continue to take several deep breaths focusing only on the smell without comment or judgment. There are no good or bad scents. There are just scents.

3. Mindful Stretches

Cats stretch daily — when was the last time you had a good old stretch? Sometimes we stretch without even being aware that we are stretching! Stretching is an enjoyable way to release tension in your body. It can also provide a chance for you to be fully present with yourself at the moment.

  • Begin with your head and neck by tilting your head towards the right shoulder while trying to touch your ear with your left hand.
  • Hold this position for 10–20 seconds, and then change sides to stretch your neck in the opposite direction.
  • Next, bend at the waist while trying to touch your toes with both hands behind you. This stretches out the back of the legs from heel to hip joint.
  • While you’re stretching, focus on your body, breathing slowly and deeply. Observe any physical sensations you feel.

4. Boost Your Mood With a Walk in Nature

Today or tomorrow, go for a walk in nature. It could be a park or a green space of some kind or even be a beach! As you walk, become aware of your surroundings.

Look at the colours of the leaves around you, listen to the bird songs, feel the wind on your skin. If you have visited the beach, try skimming some stones across the water.

If your mind starts to wander, bring your attention back to what is happening around you in the here and now.

5. A Mindful Exercise to Build Self-Compassion

This mindfulness exercise can be extremely helpful after making a mistake or struggling with something. Sometimes instead of being a friend to ourselves in a time of need, we can be our own worst enemy.

  • Start by contemplating exactly what happened. Notice any judging thoughts that come into your head, but don’t try to change them in any way.
  • Next pay close attention to how your body feels. Does it tense up while thinking about the incident, or are you slouching? Do your hands feel hot and clammy?
  • Spend 30 seconds just observing how your body feels.
  • When you’re ready move on to your breath. Are you breathing faster while thinking about this incident? Or more slowly? Whereabouts are you breathing from? The top of your chest? Or are you able to get those deeper belly breaths?
  • Take the time to observe any thoughts that may arise. Notice them, and then label them accordingly. For example ‘anxiety’, ‘judgment’, ‘sad’ or ‘angry’. Take a deep breath, and allow those thoughts to pass. Imagine that each thought is a cloud that is slowly drifting away…
  • Think of someone that you love or care deeply about. Send them warm feelings of love and kindness. Next direct those feelings you feel for those you care about towards yourself.

Gently give yourself permission to accept self-forgiveness and say “It’s ok to make mistakes” or “I love you and forgive you” You can say this out loud or silently — whatever feels most comfortable. Are there any changes in your body? Afterward, quietly reflect on the experience without judgment towards yourself.

6. Mind the Ego: Noticing the I

I want you to become aware of every time you use the word ‘I’ internally! Everything is in moderation, so a little use especially if in motivational terms is allowed, for example, “I got this.”

However, too much use of this word can start to show you just how self-centered you can be!

How many times a day are you using the I statement?

7. Letting Go of Stress and Tension in your Body

After a long hard day at work, you can sometimes feel stressed and rather tense. Becoming more mindful of stress and tension can help you to let go of it!

  • For this exercise, you need to stand. Bend your legs slightly, a couple of times to ensure your weight is evenly distributed.
  • Notice if you have a preferred side — maybe more weight distributed on the left side?
  • Next tense up your whole body, including legs bum, hands, and face.
  • Hold for a count of 3 and then let go.
  • As you let go notice how your body is now feeling.
  • Do this 3–to 5 times and then reflect.

This is an exercise I tend to do several times throughout the day and it not only helps release stress and tension from my body!

8. 1 Minute Mindfulness Eating Exercise

Sometimes we eat without really tasting it! I am guilty of this with Jaffa cakes! I am pretty sure I just inhale them. Food sustains us and gives us energy, we eat because we have to.

  • Start with something small like a raisin or piece of chocolate.
  • Pop the food item on your hand. What do you notice?
  • What is the look like, what do you notice about the colours?
  • Next, give it a rub what does it feel like? Is it soft and squishy or hard and cold?
  • Now pop it to your noise, what does it smell like?
  • Do you notice your body naturally preparing to eat it?
  • Now pop it on your tongue, does it taste different from what you expect?
  • Finally, after enough teasing eat your food item slowly and really chew.

9. Mindful Maintenance

Be it brushing your teeth, taking a shower, or a bath — these are all ways to introduce mindfulness into your busy schedule. Brushing our teeth and washing is usually done on autopilot.

  • What does the water feel like? Is it hot or cold? Notice how the toothbrush moves over your teeth?
  • What does the toothpaste taste like? Or if in the bath add some bubbles!
  • Take some of the bubbles and place them in your hand. What do they feel like?
  • Take things slowly and try to notice each sensation that occurs.

10. Just Breath

Stop what you are doing right now — if safe to do so and take a slow deep breath in. Then exhale slowly.

Notice how this feels, notice the way the air moves throughout your abdomen, chest, and out of your body.

That’s it! Simply as that. Now try this a few more times throughout the day.

Make at least one of these exercises your new daily habit!

Orignially published as part of the 30 Days of Mindfulness Journey.

© Trisha Dunbar


About the Creator

Trisha Dunbar

Rambling of written words | Reader of things | Drinker of coffee | Doer of stuff | Welcome to my profile 😊

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