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Why Listening to ASMR Can Help You Be More Productive

Make an Asmr Playlist

By AmourrroPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Over the course of staying at home due to the pandemic, I found myself craving for buzzing environments. But everything was closed and people couldn't go outside anymore.

So what did I do? In my desperation, I found myself on youtube going down a rabbit hole. Like how most of us do at times when theres nothing to do.

I ended up coming across Asmr videos. Not the food eating kind, although those do make my mouth water. But no, I came across the holy grail. The mother of mothers, I found exactly what I didn't know I was looking for. Asmr videos that can transform mundane environment you may be in, into a world far from our current reality.

Now its no secret I am a huge anime film fan. The first video I stumbled upon was titled "Howl's Moving Castle, Howls Room Asmr". Now if you are familiar with this Studio Ghibli film you would know that Howl's room is; oh so very dreamy.

There are dozens of trinkets and gems that twinkle in the ambient light coming through the window. There are little gizmos and gadgets constantly moving and wind chimes clinking and clanging. Then to top it all of, you can also hear the castle moving like how it does in the film!

Now I know that may sound hectic, but its actually very relaxing. It brought my back to when I was just a child watching the film for the first time. As kids, I feel like our imaginations were much more vivid then. But this one Asmr video brought my back to that time when the world felt magical.

After finding that video, I started finding a whole lot more. Videos like "Spirited Away Bathhouse Asmr" and "Princess Mononoke Forrest Spirits Asmr". Now if you're not a Ghibli fan well there are tons of videos for you too.

There are videos of "Coffee Shop Asmr", "Dark Academia Library Asmr", "Study with Me Asmr" and even "Chilling with Ghost in an abandoned castle Asmr" all of which pull you into a space where you can relax and focus. I mean come one people, do not underestimate to power of these Asmr video editors. They really know how to brew up an atmosphere different from your current reality. They are truly talented beings.

Also, just to throw this out there, I know there are a lot of BTS fans. There are tons of Asmr videos, but there is one video that is titled "Friday Night at a Local Jazz Club but it's All BTS Songs". My friends! Even if you don't know BTS, you should go search up that video. The jazz music is beautiful, the background noise of people talking and then opening and closing of the door that leads to the rain outside...

Truly a masterpiece.

Now why am I telling you this? Well when I'm working on my art or I'm writing storylines, etc. Sometimes I can't listen to music but I still want to listen to something. Asmr videos filled the empty space in my room, where I can focus on what I need to get done.

Nobody I know likes the ringing of silence. There are even tons more you can find besides the ones I've mentioned. If you prefer nature sounds theres those. Even if you prefer underwater piano music, we even got that on Youtube.

I really suggest you go and check these out. I even advise to build a playlist of all the Asmr videos you enjoy and frequently go back to. That way they're all in one place and then if you happen to find more that you like, just add them.

I promise you will not regret it. If you are looking for something to help you be productive, this is one way that really helps me.

I do hope you try it out, and to all my fellow hard workers I wish you the best.

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