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Top Indoor Pet-Friendly Plants | Best Plants for Homes

Being both a plant lover and pet parent, I've mastered the art of keeping indoor spaces safe for pets and plants.

By The Garden HipsterPublished 9 days ago 9 min read

I dread the thought of my four-legged friends getting hold of toxic plants. This is why I'm excited to introduce you to top indoor pet-friendly plants from Lively Root. These plants are safe for pets, easy to look after, and beautiful.

Some common plants, like Peace Lilies and Sago Palms, are harmful to pets. Picking pet-safe houseplants and non-toxic indoor plants lets you enjoy your indoor garden without worry. Lively Root has a wide range, including pretty bloomers like Christmas cacti. They also offer plants known for air purification, such as the Money Tree. These plants are fast growers and tough, making them perfect for a plant-loving, pet-safe home.

Key Takeaways

  • Lively Root stocks various top indoor pet-friendly plants that are safe for your pets and easy to maintain.
  • It's crucial to avoid plants that could harm your pets and instead opt for pet-safe houseplants.
  • Lively Root's plant collection features air-purifying plants, oxygen-boosting botanicals, and options for green home decor.
  • Hoyas are noted for being tough but slow to grow, while Pilea plants need water every one to two weeks.
  • Money Trees do well in medium to bright indirect light, and Hoyas plants show off bright colors and grow faster with lots of light.

Importance of Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants

It's key to know which plants are safe for your pets to keep them well. Many pet-friendly indoor plants are available. For instance, the Maidenhair Fern or Peacock Plant are great choices. But, some plants are safe for dogs but not for cats, which might upset their stomachs. It's wise to make sure your plants are safe for all your pets, especially if you have both dogs and cats. This step can prevent any harm.

Ensuring Safety for Pets

Choosing non-toxic, pet-safe plants allows a safe home for all. This is important because dogs tend to chew on plants more than cats. Consult a vet or poison control if your pet shows signs of plant poisoning.

Creating a Harmonious Environment

Indoor plants help clean our air, making it healthier for both owners and pets. They also calm us down, lowering stress and anxiety. This makes a happier home for everyone. Studies show that taking care of plants makes pet owners feel more responsible. It also strengthens the bond between pets and their owners.

Plants Safe for Dogs

Some plants can be harmful to both cats and dogs. However, many varieties are safe for dogs. Plants like the African Violet, Boston Fern, Orchids, and Haworthia don't harm dogs. Yet, these plants might give cats some tummy troubles if they eat them.

African Violet

African Violets are perfect for dog-loving homes. They not only look beautiful but are safe for your furry friends. And, they do well in sunny spots indoors, adding green to your space.

Boston Fern

If you have a dog, consider the Boston Fern. It's pretty, cleans the air, and doesn't bother dogs. This plant is a win-win for both you and your pet.

Orchids Orchids

bring elegance and are safe around dogs. These pretty flowers make any room look fancy. Best of all, they're not a danger to your four-legged family member.


The Haworthia, or Zebra Plant, is a great choice for dog owners. This cool-looking succulent needs little light and is easy to take care of. It's perfect for dog-friendly homes.

Top Indoor Pet-Friendly Plants

Lively Root has a great variety of pet-friendly plants. These plants are both non-toxic and easy to look after. You can find everything from the stunning Christmas cactus to the elegant Money Tree in their selection. There's something for every pet owner looking for pet-safe, low-maintenance plants.

Their collection focuses on pet-safe plants, making them perfect for homes with pets. Among the 26 highlighted pet-friendly houseplants, you'll find the Boston fern, African violets, Spider plants, and Venus fly traps. This range includes flowering plants, succulents, and palms, meeting various tastes and needs.

The Chinese Money Plant, Money Tree, and Hoyas are part of Lively Root’s assortment. They are recommended as safe for pets. These plants are known for their toughness, quick growth, and special looks. They're perfect for any home with pets.

It's key to keep plants out of pets’ reach, like on high shelves or in hanging pots. This keeps pets from eating them. Also, using heavy pots and covering soil with pebbles stops dogs from digging in them.

If your pet shows signs of plant poisoning, get help from a vet or poison control right away. Experts say plants can keep pets engaged. But, they also recommend using cat grass to keep pets from harming the houseplants.

By picking plants from Lively Root, you can make a peaceful indoor space for pets and plants to live together happily. Use their Plant Quiz or sign up for their pet-friendly subscription. This will help you choose the best non-toxic, oxygen-boosting plants for your space.

Cat-Safe Plant Options

Cats stay away from plants that have a weird taste. They are less likely to be poisoned by plants than dogs are. Still, it's smart to pick plants that are safe for cats. The American Rubber Plant, Spider Plant, Bamboo Palm, and Ponytail Palm are good choices. They are okay for cats but may give dogs a tummy ache.

American Rubber Plant

The American Rubber Plant is also called the Burgundy Rubber Tree. It's a great pick for indoor gardens that are safe for cats. Its big, shiny leaves in deep burgundy not only look elegant but are safe if your cat gets curious.

Spider Plant

The Spider Plant has long, skinny leaves that dangle like ribbons. It's a top plant for cat owners because it's safe for pets. Plus, it cleans the air, making your home healthier for everyone.

Bamboo Palm

The Bamboo Palm doesn't need much care and is safe for cats. Its full, tropical leaves bring a soothing, natural feel to any room. This makes it a lovely choice for both you and your pets.

Ponytail Palm

The Ponytail Palm looks unique with its bulbous trunk and long, thin leaves. This succulent family member is safe for cats. Its unusual appearance adds a touch of style to your indoor garden, all while keeping your pets safe.

cat-safe indoor plants

Tips for Pet Safety and Plant Care

Pets and plants can both be happy in your home if you're careful. Put your plants up high or in hanging pots. This stops your pets from eating them. Taking good care of your plants is important. They need the right amount of light and water. You should also trim them often to stay healthy.

Keeping Plants Out of Reach

It's key to keep your plants away from your pets for their safety. High shelves or hanging pots work well. They stop your pets from getting to the plants.

Proper Watering and Lighting

Plants need the right light and water to stay healthy around pets. Know what each plant likes, like how African violets need indirect light. Or, how rubber plants need well-drained soil. By understanding their needs, you can help your plants grow well.

Pruning and Grooming

Keeping your plants neat helps them look good and be healthy. Trim and shape your plants. Take off any dead leaves. This makes them lush and safe for pets.

Creating a Pet-Friendly Indoor Garden

Creating a peaceful indoor garden means keeping your pets safe. Use heavy pots that your dog can't easily knock over. Adding pebbles on soil stops pets from digging.

Stable Planters for Dogs

It's important to pick the right planters for a pet-friendly indoor garden. Choose containers that dogs can't tip over easily. This keeps your pets safe and prevents plant damage.

Pebble Topping for Soil

Add a layer of pebbles to your planters to keep pets from digging. The textured layer makes it less inviting for pets to scratch or dig.

Plant Subscription Options

Not sure what plants are safe for pets? Try a plant subscription like the one from Lively Root. They send you pet-friendly, easy-to-care-for plants regularly. It's a simple way to have a pet and plant-friendly home.

Benefits of Non-Toxic Greenery

Non-toxic indoor plants are great for homes with pets. They clean the air and make it safer. Some studies say they can lower the dust in your home by 20%. These plants are easy to care for and make the air better. Plus, they look nice, adding to your home's beauty. This helps keep your pets safe while improving your home's look.

Air Purification

The best pet-friendly plants also clean the air. They remove bad substances and improve the air you breathe. Some houseplants can even make you more productive or creative, keep your memory sharp, and help you focus better. This means using these plants indoors makes your home a better place for both you and your pets.

Natural Home Decor

Non-toxic indoor plants do more than clean the air. They make your home look beautiful, too. These plants are safe for pets and people with allergies. They bring life and color into your home, making it feel welcoming. This is perfect for homes with pets since all 26 mentioned are safe for cats and dogs.

Top Pet-Safe Houseplant Varieties

Léon & George and Lively Root offer great options for plant and pet lovers. These houseplants are both pet-safe and easy to care for. They improve your home's air quality and are a risk-free way to bring the outdoors in.

Rhapis Excelsa (Lady Palm)

The Lady Palm adds a beautiful, natural touch to your home. It's great for spaces where pets roam freely. Its wide, green fronds make it a perfect choice for pets and plant lovers alike.

Kentia Palm

The Kentia Palm not only looks lovely but also helps clean the air. It's a good choice for homes with pets. Its gentle, arching leaves make it a stylish addition to any room.

Pachira Aquatica (Money Tree)

The Money Tree is unique and easy to grow, perfect for pet owners. Its braided trunk and green leaves add a special touch to indoor spaces. It's safe for pets and brightens any room it's in.


Calatheas are known for their beautiful, patterned leaves. They're great for shaded areas and easy to care for. These plants are both pretty and safe for homes with pets.


Ferns, like the Boston Fern, are a wise choice for those with pets. They love moisture and indirect light. Their full, green leaves make them not only safe but also a beautiful decor option for pet-friendly homes.

Maranta (Prayer Plant)

The Prayer Plant is a unique and safe option. Its leaves move like hands in prayer, making it special. It does well in low-light areas, so it's perfect for various rooms in your home.

Pilea Peperomioides (Chinese Money Plant)

The Chinese Money Plant is fun and safe for pets. It has round, coin-like leaves and produces baby plants. It adds a fun touch to your indoor garden without any risks for your furry friends.

Cat Grass

For cats who love to nibble, Cat Grass is a safe choice. It's non-toxic and simple to grow. This plant meets your cat's chewing needs without any danger.

Caring for Non-Toxic Indoor Plants

Plants that are safe for pets are easy to take care of. But, it's important to look after them well. This ensures they live long. Caring for non-toxic indoor plants means doing simple things. These keep your green friends healthy. They also make your home a cozy place for you and your pets.

Watering Schedules

Just right watering keeps non-toxic plants healthy. Don't water them too much. This can cause their roots to rot. Know how much water each plant type needs. This keeps them looking beautiful.

Humidity and Misting

Plants need the right amount of moisture to stay well. Regularly misting them helps. It stops leaves from getting dry and crunchy. This makes your pet-safe plants happy.

Fertilizing Routines

Giving plants the right nutrients helps them grow strong. Use organic food. Follow the instructions for each plant. This keeps them in top shape.

Lighting Requirements

Putting plants in bright places but away from direct sunlight is important. They need light to grow. But too much sun can harm them. Find the best spot for each plant.

Pest Control Methods

Dealing with bugs before they become a big problem is key. Use methods that are safe for pets. This way, your plants and animals stay happy and healthy.

By taking care of non-toxic plants with these easy tips, you make a safe and welcoming home. Both you and your pets will love it.


Breathe easy with our top picks for indoor plants safe for pets. These plants are non-toxic and easy to keep. They're great for homes with pets. Choosing the right plants and how you care for them makes a beautiful indoor garden. Your pets can have fun and you get clean air too.

Lively Root has plants safe for both dogs and cats. These are non-toxic and don't need a lot of work. They bring nature's beauty inside. Follow some care advice and pick the best spots for these plants. You'll have a happy home for everyone, pets included.

Take a deep breath and feel the peace of nature around you, and with your pets. Enjoy a beautiful, safe indoor garden with them.


About the Creator

The Garden Hipster

The Garden Hipster is the most popular outdoor furniture, indoor and outdoor plants, decor, appliances, sofas, sectionals, dining sets, bedroom furniture and more. Find your perfect style, be a hipster.

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    The Garden HipsterWritten by The Garden Hipster

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