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The Ultimate Shortcut to Earning Online

Let Me Tell You The Secret!

By Hammad KF - Ready for Handsome Side Income?Published about a year ago 6 min read
Yes, Try This Shortcut Once for All!

My friend!

Ever fed up so much that you found yourself daydreaming about a magical shortcut to earning money?

Well, buckle up!

I’m about to show you my fascinating discovery.

These are the days worst of all.

Seeing our country’s economy, we often discuss this. No more sunshine and rainbows these days. Hyper-inflation, high cost of living, all kind of pressure and challenges hurt us badly! Like gladiatorial combat, inflation seems to be playing a cruel game with our wallets.

While narrating this tragic story day and night, we often forget the other bright side.

These are the days best of all too!

Haven’t we witnessed luxuries, technology, and artificial intelligence at the fastest rate ever in the human history?



We all know that AI has been making waves in various fields, but little did I know that it could also be my ticket to online prosperity.

I have stumbled upon a surprising solution that involves the magnificent power of artificial intelligence (AI) and the wild world of the internet.

The app is: AI Viral News- an absolute game-changer.

AI VIRAL NEWS is like having your very own genie...

AI Viral News - Like Genie Grant Wishes!

except this genie doesn’t grant wishes — it creates, hosts, self-updates news websites in any niche you desire, all with a single keyword.

Sounds too good to be true?

Yes, because it is!

And isn’t this mind-blowing?

Well, before the era of AI, it’s something next to impossible.

You have to learn building website, get your hands dirty with keyword research, bear the labor pains of SEO, social media promotions and the list go on and on!

Even then 90% people working online never see any traffic coming to their site.

Now, with the app, AI Viral News, get your News Website ready in 60 seconds. Just enter your keyword, select your favorite template, add some personal details -and that’s it.

Your very own News Website is ready!

AI Viral News

What’s more surprising is that you don’t have to worry about writing articles and blog posts constantly. This magical app auto-update the latest news every hour.

I heard you saying “Auto-updating? How the hell it’s possible?”

Actually, it scours the internet for the juiciest scoops on politics, sports, entertainment, and beyond, snatching them from top-notch sources like CNN, BBC, and Fox News in real-time and keep your site fresh.

But wait, it gets even better!

You don’t need to be a tech wizard or have an army of programmers at your disposal.

AI Viral News comes with ready-to-use, stunning templates that will make your news website look like a million bucks. It’s like having a professional designer working for you while you sip your coffee and marvel at your creation. Who knew earning money online could be so effortless?

How AI Viral News Work? [Watch Demo Video

Price? Any Discount?

Regular Price: $497 (as AI is an expensive tech)

Launch Week Discount: $17 one-time payment (Unbelievable!!)

30-Day Money Back Guarantee, so no risk involved.

Note: Last days of launch week -so better hurry up!

Click Here to Visit ‘AI Viral News’ Official Site >>

3 Important Questions

Why to go for News Website?

How the app guarantees visitors?

How to make money with such project?

Let's tackle them one by one.

Q1. So, Why to Go for News Website?

News Industry Is Booming Right Now! Let me share some data.

The news industry generates over $39.6 billion every year.

“The New York Times” news website alone gets over 535 million monthly visits. Yes, 535 Million!

According to a report by eMarketer, the number of digital news websites increased by 73% between 2018 and 2022. In the same period, the number of unique visitors to news websites in the United States increased by 41%.

Can you believe it? 41% traffic boost to digital news website!

So this is the reason to opt News Website as it is a guaranteed shortcut to earn online.

But It’s Techy! How Can I Do it?

And if you think, it’s techy or too much work to create news website, then actually you are not reading actively; and just scrolling up and down.


I am establishing the point that AI turn the work to a child’s play.

Thanks to AI Viral News, you can tap into this goldmine and watch as traffic and sales flood in like never before.

Q2. How the app guarantees visitors?

I’ve shared some data above showing boom in the number of visitors to digital news websites.

“According to a report by eMarketer, the number of digital news websites increased by 73% between 2018 and 2022. Also, the number of unique visitors to news websites in the United States is increased by 41%.”

Imagine for a moment..

.. what happened when a news become viral! The traffic boost is more than 41% in this case, may be up to 500%.

And mind it, AI Viral News app gathers news start getting viral. One viral news piece has the power to get couple of million views to your site easily.

With this AI tool, you are not getting just one viral news piece- but ALL news start getting viral on Forbes, CNN, BBC and ethically reproduce it to your News Website.

Q3. How Can I Make Money With News Website?

Now, let’s talk profits, my friend.

How to earn online with AI Viral News?

The fact is you become the King of the Online World when you have 2 assets:

  1. Constantly created fresh content
  2. Increasing number of visitors
  3. AI Viral News generates both content and visitors on autopilot — and so for earning potential, sky is the limit.

Killer Money Making Methods

You can set multiple passive income streams and earn as much as you can. Some money making methods are:

Integrate your News Website with Google Adsense and you’ll start hearing the sound.. Cha-ching! Money practically falls from the sky.

Viral news sites sell like hot cakes on Flippa, eBay, and Facebook — generating thousands of dollars for you.

Switch on recurring monthly income by sell ads banners space on your news sites.

Embed your affiliate links in the content and and optimize them to generate cash flow.

Build your own news agency and charge customers whatever your heart desires.

Sell services on Fiverr or Upwork.

Then, why to limit to one website?

You can build tens of News Website in a single month, monetize them, and relax seeing your bank accounts.

Get Instant Access to AI Viral News >>

Final Words..

So, in conclusion, my friend, if you’ve been searching for the ultimate shortcut to earning money online, look no further than AI Viral News.

With its AI-powered news websites, effortless automation, and the potential to make big bucks in the news industry, this app is a game-changer.

In a world where the economy is shaky and inflation is playing tricks on us, AI Viral News is here to save the day, bringing with it endless possibilities and the promise of financial freedom.

Are you ready to embark on this thrilling adventure?

Mind it, it’s regular price is $497..

.. but during launch week, a huge discount offer is available where you have to pay just $17 (one-time).

Plus, there is ZERO risk when it offers unconditional 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Note: Last days of launch week -so better hurry up! Click here to visit app’s official site.

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The goal is to help visitors in their struggle of financial freedom, however, the opinions expressed are mine only. As always you should do your own work to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase.

Links in this article are affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something.

While I receive a small affiliate commission, Ialways offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself.

Thank you.

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About the Creator

Hammad KF - Ready for Handsome Side Income?

Fed up seeing your bank account like a deflated whoopie cushion? Learn a wacky side hustle so epic it generates $3,493 commissions – without any selling. Join FREE webinar training here. (copy paste >>

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    Hammad KF - Ready for Handsome Side Income?Written by Hammad KF - Ready for Handsome Side Income?

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