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The Glow From Within.

A story of Self-Love.

By Amah Goodness Published 10 months ago 4 min read

"I can't do it," Nadia thought to herself as she looked in the mirror. She couldn't stand the sight of her own reflection. The dark spots on her face were impossible to ignore, and she knew they made her look different from everyone else. Nadia had tried so many different products and treatments to get rid of the discoloration, but nothing had worked. She felt trapped in her own skin and wondered if she would ever be able to feel beautiful again.

It all started when she was a teenager. Nadia had always struggled with acne, but it was manageable with the right skincare routine.

But when she turned 20, her skin took a turn for the worse. She started developing dark spots on her face that would not go away no matter what she did. She had tried every product on the market, from over-the-counter solutions to prescription medications. Nothing worked, and her confidence was shattered. She felt like everyone was staring at her when she walked into a room, and she avoided social situations as much as possible.

Every time she saw a commercial for the latest miracle product, she would get her hopes up. But it always ended in disappointment.

As time went on, Nadia began to feel more and more isolated. She started avoiding friends and family, and even cancelled plans just to avoid having to face the world. The dark spots on her face were like a physical manifestation of her anxiety and insecurity. It felt like they were a barrier between her and the rest of the world. She began to wonder if she would ever be able to feel comfortable in her own skin again.

Then, one day, Nadia heard about a new product that promised to help with discoloration. She was skeptical, but something about it made her feel hopeful.

The product was called the Discoloration Serum, and it was unlike anything Nadia had ever seen before. It was made with natural ingredients and was said to be gentle on the skin. She decided to give it a try, even though she didn't have much hope that it would work.

But after a few weeks of using the serum, she started to notice a difference. The dark spots on her face were beginning to fade, and she felt a little bit of her confidence returning. She started going out more, and she even started seeing friends again. She felt like she was starting to get her life back.

But one day, as she was putting on the serum, she noticed something strange. Her fingers were turning a deep shade of purple. She thought it was just a reaction to the serum, but as she washed her hands, the color wouldn't go away. She tried scrubbing them with soap and water, but the purple stain wouldn't budge.

As the days went by, the purple started spreading. It started on her hands and slowly crept up her arms, until it was covering her entire body. She went to the doctor, but they couldn't explain what was happening. They ran tests, but everything came back normal.

Nadia began to feel like a prisoner in her own body. She was afraid to go out in public, and she spent most of her time alone in her apartment. The purple stain seemed to be growing, and she started to feel a strange tingling sensation all over her body. She began to feel like she was losing control of herself, like she was becoming something else.

One night, as she was lying in bed, the tingling sensation intensified. She felt like her whole body was vibrating, and she started to see strange shapes and colors in the darkness.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the room, and Nadia felt herself being lifted off the bed. She was floating in the air, and she could see her body below her, glowing a deep shade of purple. As she floated, she began to feel a sense of peace wash over her. The tingling sensation turned into a warm, comforting feeling, and she felt a sense of understanding and acceptance that she had never felt before.

She looked down at her body one last time, and then everything went black. When she opened her eyes, she was back in her bed.

Nadia woke up in the morning and looked down at her hands. They were back to their normal color, and the tingling sensation was gone. She slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom, where she saw her reflection in the mirror. The purple glow was gone, and she looked like her old self again. But something had changed inside of her. She felt different, like she had been given a second chance. She knew that she would never take her body or her life for granted again. From that day on, she lived every moment to the fullest, grateful for the gift of life.

This story is a reminder that our bodies are not simply physical vessels. They are also a reflection of our inner selves. When we take care of our bodies, we are also taking care of our minds and our spirits. Just as the outside of our bodies can change, so too can the inside. It is never too late to make a change, no matter how deep the stain. With self-love and acceptance, we can all glow from the inside out.

I hope you enjoyed this story! It's just a reminder that no matter what you're going through, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

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Comments (1)

  • Sandara Justice 10 months ago

    Thank you so much for this it’s really helpful @self-love is the key 💯

AGWritten by Amah Goodness

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