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The Case of Kenyan Political Bed-Making, Neglecting Citizens Amidst Rising Cost of Living

By Frank OdhiamboPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

In Kenya, the rising cost of living has become an all-too-familiar burden for its citizens. With each passing day, the prices of basic necessities skyrocket, making it increasingly difficult for ordinary Kenyans to make ends meet. While the people suffer, their elected leaders seem to be playing a dangerous game of political bed-making, prioritizing their own interests while neglecting the desperate cries for help from their constituents.

It is an unfortunate reality that the Kenyan political landscape is littered with individuals who are seemingly disconnected from the harsh realities faced by the majority of the population. Instead of actively seeking solutions to alleviate the burden of the rising cost of living, these politicians engage in self-serving acts that further exacerbate the problem.

One of the most glaring examples of this can be seen in the numerous scandals that have plagued the Kenyan government in recent years. Corrupt practices and embezzlement of public funds have become the norm rather than the exception. While the politicians involved amass unimaginable wealth, the average citizen is left grappling with the consequences. Money that could have been utilized to improve the country's infrastructure, healthcare system, and education sector is siphoned off by a few greedy individuals.

Moreover, these politicians seem to be out of touch with the daily struggles of ordinary Kenyans. They enjoy lavish lifestyles, often flaunting their wealth and indulging in extravagant expenditures while the majority of the population barely manages to put food on the table. The disconnect between the elected leaders and their constituents is staggering, and it speaks volumes about their priorities.

Another area where the Kenyan political bed-making is evident is in the formulation and implementation of policies. Instead of enacting measures to alleviate the burden on citizens, politicians have shown a penchant for passing policies that favor their own interests. Tax increases, for example, have become a common occurrence, burdening the already struggling population. These decisions only serve to widen the gap between the haves and have-nots, pushing more people into poverty and despair.

Furthermore, the lack of accountability and transparency in the political sphere adds insult to injury. The promises made during campaigns often vanish into thin air once the politicians assume power. The voices of the people, crying out for help, are drowned in a sea of bureaucracy and political maneuvering. It seems that the concerns and welfare of the citizens are conveniently forgotten as soon as the elections are over.

However, it is not all doom and gloom. The citizens of Kenya have shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. Grassroots movements, civil society organizations, and activists have been instrumental in raising awareness about the plight of the people and demanding accountability from their leaders. The power of the people should never be underestimated, and it is through their collective efforts that change can be achieved.

The Kenyan political bed-making that favors politicians while neglecting the cries of citizens struggling with the rising cost of living is a glaring example of a broken system. It is high time that the elected leaders reevaluate their priorities and start working in the best interests of the people they represent. The country deserves leaders who are dedicated to the welfare of their constituents, who actively seek solutions to alleviate their suffering, and who prioritize the betterment of society over personal gain.

The citizens of Kenya should not be surrounded by fools, but by leaders who are committed to making a positive impact on their lives. It is only through such dedication and selflessness that the rising cost of living can be addressed and a brighter future can be secured for all. The time for change is now, and the power to bring about that change lies in the hands of both the people and the politicians.

As we reflect on the challenges faced by Kenyan citizens amidst the rising cost of living, it is worth noting the significance of tomorrow, July 7th, which marks the historic date of "Saba Saba" or "7th July." Saba Saba holds a special place in Kenya's history as a turning point in the struggle for democratic rights and social justice.

It was on this day in 1990 when thousands of Kenyans took to the streets to demand political reforms and an end to one-party rule. The Saba Saba protests marked a pivotal moment in Kenya's political landscape, paving the way for a multi-party system and setting the stage for a more inclusive and democratic society. The bravery and determination displayed by the citizens during that time should serve as a reminder of the power of collective action and the importance of holding our leaders accountable.

"Kenya was suffocating under the armpits of Moi’s single-party regime. He held the bureaucracy and the security apparatus in a firm grip; Parliament sang his song; and the judiciary was cowed into sniveling subservience".

The day as explained to the citizens by the Elephant media.

As we anticipate tomorrow's Saba Saba commemorations, it is an opportune moment to reflect on the progress made since that historic day, as well as the work that still lies ahead. While Kenya has made strides in terms of political pluralism and freedom of expression, the issues of economic inequality, corruption, and the rising cost of living continue to plague the nation.

Tomorrow's events are expected to be a platform for citizens to voice their concerns and grievances, demanding action from the political leadership. It is anticipated that various civil society organizations, activists, and ordinary citizens will gather to express their frustrations over the unrelenting burden of the rising cost of living and to call for transparency, accountability, and meaningful change.

Key issues that are likely to be highlighted during the Saba Saba commemorations include the urgent need for economic reforms that prioritize the welfare of all Kenyans. This includes addressing the skyrocketing prices of essential commodities such as food, healthcare, and education. The demand for equitable distribution of resources and an end to corruption will likely resonate strongly among the participants, as it remains a fundamental obstacle to achieving sustainable development and improving the quality of life for all citizens.

Moreover, the citizens are likely to advocate for comprehensive social safety nets to protect the most vulnerable members of society from the harsh impacts of the rising cost of living. They will demand that the government invest in initiatives that promote job creation, entrepreneurship, and skills development to alleviate the high unemployment rates and provide opportunities for economic growth.

The Saba Saba commemorations serve as a reminder to the political leadership that the aspirations and concerns of the citizens should be at the forefront of their agenda. It is an opportunity for politicians to listen attentively to the voices of the people, to engage in meaningful dialogue, and to take concrete steps towards addressing the challenges faced by the nation.

Tomorrow's events have the potential to act as a catalyst for change, reinvigorating the spirit of activism and encouraging citizens to hold their leaders accountable for their actions. It is a moment to unite as a nation, to set aside political differences, and to work collectively towards building a Kenya where the rising cost of living is no longer a burden that weighs heavily on the shoulders of its citizens.

As we commemorate Saba Saba, let us remember the sacrifices made by those who came before us in the pursuit of justice and democracy. May tomorrow be a day of reflection, solidarity, and renewed hope for a future where the needs and aspirations of the people are prioritized, and where political bed-making gives way to genuine, transformative leadership.

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About the Creator

Frank Odhiambo

Frank Odhiambo is a seasoned and passionate writer renowned for his compelling and thought-provoking pieces. Global award winner for "Voice of reason" He has established himself as a prominent voice in the world of authors and writers.

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