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Staying Healthy During a Pandemic

Why Your Current Health is the Key to Your Future

By Nikki Albert VasquezPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Nutrient-dense greens from the earth

We are all in this together!

Around the globe, people are searching for ways to prevent falling victim to this new and mostly unknown predatory virus. But how can we stay healthy during this pandemic?

By definition, health simply means the absence of disease. An individual who has no disease present in their bodies and not on medications to subdue the symptoms of a disease is said to be ‘healthy’. And it is no surprise that the vast majority of the western lifestyle population doesn’t even come close to being healthy!

Obesity-related illness, stress-related illness and lifestyle-related illness accounts for most issues that cause us to be more susceptible to common health problems. However, these same factors are also responsible for our risk level when it comes to the issue currently plaguing our planet.

Your current state of well-being, as well as your health, is the primary key to your level of risk.

Well-being, or what I call wellness, is not just about whether or not we are healthy.

In fact, we can be healthy (free from disease and medication) and still be UNwell. How is this so? Wellness is a total state of existence that includes our vitality, the absence of risk factors, our capability, our internal and external energy levels and our health.

Wellness is how well we sleep, our ability to live a low-stress life and reduce stress on our own without the use of chemicals or addictive substances or behaviors, how well we regularly feed and hydrate the body with excellent quality nutrient-dense foods, how well we engage socially in a manner that uplifts and supports us, the thoughts that we think about ourselves and others, how frequently we get into the healing energies of raw, organic nature, our personal connection to a higher power and how active and mobile we are in our day to day lives.

Wellness is the direction we are facing on the “womb to grave” spectrum! I choose to face LIFE and VIBRANCY, which is facing the womb!

In terms of susceptibility, all of these factors play a significant role in creating a being that is immune to most assaults of the mind, body and the spirit!

Having a positive mindset full of gratitude, unconditional love and abundance is probably one of the most challenging and yet, directly transformative shifts one can make towards better health, improved immunity and overall wellness. Because so many of us are brainwashed into being worrisome and fearful, our neurological programming naturally supports this negative energy and we subconsciously react to most things with an attitude of negativity.

Even if you don’t see it, it exists!

Through daily mindfulness training, gratitude practice and learning to rewire ourselves so that we learn to love ourselves unconditionally as we are today, we can begin to open up endless possibilities to improved health and wellness!

However, this is not an easy process, as we have been conditioned not only as a human from birth to operate in a negative state, but we are also supported in this low-vibrational energy by groups, communities and even society as a whole.

Fear of everything creates fear of everything! In today’s society, it seems as though fear is the ‘new virtue’.

Conversely, constant gratitude and living with a mindset of abundance towards our overall life creates the opportunity for abundance and greater experiences for which we feel grateful!

Thoughts create our experiences, so negative thoughts naturally create negative experiences

Aside from learning to master our own state of well-being by mastering our own thoughts via mindfulness and gratitude, getting a direct handle of our physical being helps us gain control over our experience. A state of physical wellness is indicative of lower risk factors that can ‘take down’ or assault our bodies!

Because the physical wellness of our existence is comprised of our nutrition, our sleep, our relaxation and our activity, focusing on elevating ourselves in all four of these areasnot only improves our health, but helps us boost our immune system and reduce our risk of being targets of the assaults that can make us vulnerable.

Move and strengthen your body daily in a way that improves it’s mobility, it’s capability and it’s functional capacity. This is done through regular cardiovascular movement, strengthening exercises and movements that encourage flexibility.

I’m not necessarily talking about lifting heavy weights as a panacea, but rather moving towards daily progressive resistance training, cardiovascular training and mobility training as a goal to enhance our immune systems and our quality of life.

Finally, having some type of spiritual connection and understanding of a higher power is also said to boost our connection to healing energies. Our energy levels are not only dictated by our nutrition and physical health, but also by our spiritual health.

When we look at our own existence as being a part of something much greater, it’s easy to see how we as an individual impact the whole of the planet. We are all connected in some way. Our moods, thoughts and feelings can be created or even fueled by the moods, thoughts and feelings of others.

When we see ourselves as part of a bigger picture and we begin to operate towards the greater good, no matter if this is through a specific religious practice or simply a deep connection to the universe, we have purpose.

Purpose is a powerful tool in cleaning our energy bodies of toxic residue that clogs our systems and unlocks illness. This can include simple practices such as getting into the powerful energy of nature. A healthy spirit boosts our immunity and can even heal our physic and mental states of being!

Setting your sights on wellness is the key to overall prevention of anything that detracts from our health. It is easily accomplished from within ourselves by choosing to implement simple practices, such as eating quality foods and sleeping 8 restful hours a night.

Keeping our bodies active and appropriately fueled, our minds clear and positive, and our energy and spiritual connections strong helps ensure we have what we need to fight off many invaders!

Physical activity, clean foods, mobility, prayer, mantras, intention, gratitude, getting in nature, releasing negativity, mindfulness and forgiveness keep our entire being at peak levels. We choose our wellness and our health. ounce of prevention IS the cure!


About the Creator

Nikki Albert Vasquez

Writer. Author. Blogger.Illusion of what use to be or the dreams of tomorrow are not my style. Present moment in raw organic truth relative to mind, body, spirit and soul; detachment from expectations. Shine in the NOW!

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