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Roof Leak After Solar Panel Installation. What Should I Do?

Roof Leak After Solar Panel

By Isolux SolarPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

Investing in solar panels is a wise decision for both the environment and your long-term energy savings. However, like any home improvement project, solar panel installations are not immune to unforeseen issues. One of the most concerning problems that homeowners may encounter after solar panel installation is a roof leak. While solar panels themselves do not cause roof leaks, improper installation or pre-existing roof issues could lead to water infiltration. In this blog,we will explore some common causes of roof leaks after solar installation and how to maintain your solar system properly.

1. Assess the Situation:

If you notice water stains on your ceiling or walls, or if you see signs of water damage in your attic, it's crucial to take immediate action. The first step is to assess the severity of the leak. If you can safely access your attic, do so and look for any visible signs of water entry, such as wet insulation, dripping water, or mold growth. If it is safe to do so, inspect your roof from the ground for any visible damage or misaligned solar panels. However, avoid climbing on the roof yourself, as it can be dangerous and may worsen the problem.

2. Turn Off the Solar System:

As a safety precaution, turn off your solar system. Most solar systems have a main disconnect switch near the inverter or electrical panel. By switching off the system, you eliminate the risk of electrical hazards while dealing with the roof leak issue.

3. Contact Your Solar Installer:

If your solar panel system is under warranty, or if the leak occurred soon after the installation, contact your solar installer immediately. A reputable solar company will have experienced technicians who can assess the situation and determine if the solar installation is the cause of the leak or if there were pre-existing roof issues. If the leak is indeed related to the solar installation, the installer should address the issue promptly and professionally.

4. Contact a Roofing Professional:

Whether the solar installer is responsible for the roof leak or not, it's essential to consult with a qualified roofing professional. A roofing expert will inspect your roof, identify the source of the leak, and provide appropriate solutions. In some cases, the leak may not be directly related to the solar panels but could be due to worn-out roof materials or flashing issues. Addressing these concerns promptly is crucial to prevent further damage.

5. Document the Damage:

Take photos of the water damage, both inside and outside your home, as well as any visible issues with the solar panel installation or the roof. Proper documentation will be valuable when dealing with insurance claims or warranty issues.

6. Preventive Measures:

While a roof leak after solar panel installation can be distressing, there are preventive measures to minimize the risk of future issues:

a) Choose a Reputable Solar Installer: Before installing solar panels, thoroughly research and choose a reputable solar company with a proven track record of quality installations. Read reviews, check references, and ensure the company is properly licensed and insured.

b) Conduct a Roof Inspection: Prior to solar panel installation, have a professional roofing inspection to identify any pre-existing issues. Addressing these problems before installing solar panels will help prevent leaks and ensure the structural integrity of your roof.

c) Use Quality Mounting and Flashing: Ensure that your solar panels are mounted using high-quality mounting systems and flashing materials. Well-installed flashing around the solar mounts creates a watertight seal and protects against water infiltration.

d) Regular Maintenance: Regularly maintain your solar panel system and roof to detect any issues early on. Keep an eye on your roof and perform periodic inspections to identify potential problems.

e) Periodic Roof Maintenance: Address any roof maintenance needs promptly, such as replacing damaged or worn-out shingles, resealing flashings, and clearing debris from gutters and drains.


A roof leak after solar panel installation can be a distressing experience, but it's essential to act swiftly and responsibly. Start by assessing the situation, turning off your solar system, and contacting both your solar installer and a professional roofing contractor. By taking these steps promptly, you can minimize the damage and ensure that the issue is addressed correctly.

Remember to choose a reputable solar installer with a history of quality installations, conduct a roof inspection before solar panel installation, and prioritize regular solar panel maintenance for both your solar panel system and roof. With proper care and attention, your solar panels can continue to provide clean and renewable energy for many years while protecting your home from unnecessary damage.

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Isolux Solar

Isolux solar is one of the leading solar installer in Sydney.

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