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Nature Therapy

The Powerful Influence of Green Spaces on Mental Health

By Sheri RettewPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

In an era of concrete jungles and screen-dominated lifestyles, the importance of green spaces for mental health might seem like an antiquated concept. However, emerging research and centuries-old wisdom continue to echo the same truth: nature heals. This article explores the transformative power of nature therapy, revealing why green spaces are more than just pretty places.

The Concept of Nature Therapy

Nature therapy, also known as ecotherapy, involves a broad range of treatment programs, which aim to improve your mental health by connecting you to nature. From forest bathing to gardening, these activities encourage interaction with the environment, allowing us to harness nature's therapeutic potential.

The Impact of Green Spaces on Mental Health

The positive influence of nature on mental health is multi-faceted. Let's delve into these benefits:

1. Stress Relief

Spending time in nature is linked with lower stress levels. Natural settings can induce a state of relaxation, helping to reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels.

Consider Maria, a stressed-out city dweller working a high-pressure job. To cope, she started spending her lunch breaks in a nearby park. This simple change made a noticeable difference, with Maria reporting lower stress levels and improved mood after her daily park visits.

2. Enhanced Mood and Reduced Anxiety

Research suggests that exposure to green spaces can improve mood and reduce feelings of anxiety. Natural environments are rich in stimuli that demand our attention in a gentle, effortless way, often resulting in a state of calm and wellbeing.

Take the example of Alex, who struggled with anxiety. Walking his dog in the local woods became his daily ritual. Over time, Alex found these walks to be a soothing balm to his anxious mind, helping him feel more relaxed and grounded.

3. Improved Concentration

Interacting with nature can help restore our attention. In a world of constant digital distractions, this benefit is more relevant than ever.

Jane, a writer battling a creative block, started practicing the Japanese art of forest bathing or 'Shinrin-yoku'. She found that immersing herself in the sensory experience of the forest improved her focus and reignited her creativity.

4. Boost to Self-Esteem and Mood

Physical activities in natural environments have been shown to improve self-esteem and mood. This combination, often termed "green exercise," could be as simple as walking in a park or gardening.

Look at Liam, who turned to gardening during a challenging period in his life. Caring for his plants, seeing them grow, provided a boost to his self-esteem. It also gave him a sense of purpose and achievement, positively impacting his overall mood.

Harnessing the Benefits of Green Spaces

Now that we understand the therapeutic potential of green spaces, how can we incorporate nature therapy into our lives?

1. Regularly Visit Green Spaces

Whether it's a city park or a countryside meadow, spending time in green spaces can have substantial benefits for mental health. Even a short lunchtime walk can make a difference.

2. Bring Nature Indoors

If outdoor access is limited, try bringing nature indoors. Houseplants or a window view of trees can provide some of the benefits of green spaces.

3. Try 'Green Exercise'

Combine your workout with nature. Activities like hiking, running, or yoga in a park can double the mental health benefits.

4. Mindful Interaction with Nature

Rather than viewing nature passively, engage with it mindfully. Notice the sounds, smells, and sights. This active engagement can enhance the therapeutic benefits.


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, green spaces offer a sanctuary for our over-stimulated minds. Nature therapy, with its inherent simplicity and accessibility, serves as a gentle reminder that our mental wellbeing is intrinsically connected to the world around us. As we strive for mental health, let's not forget the wisdom found in forests, the peace in parks, and the solace in green spaces. Let's step outside, breathe in, and embrace the healing power of nature.


About the Creator

Sheri Rettew

From the front lines of severe trauma and abuse to running nonprofit organizations dedicated to supporting victims, I am passionate about supporting positive change in the world beginning with how we address abuse and trauma.

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