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Treatment options for snoring and sleep apnea

By Ahmed AliPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Did you know that one out of every four adult men snores? But in reality, in addition to the snorers, this problem affects twice as many people; you see unhappy bedridden partners who are disturbed every night.

Snoring is commonly considered "common," and it may be a point of a joke in your home. But really, not only can constant snoring affect your relationship, but it can also be an indicator of your overall health and well-being!

For this reason, it needs to be treated professionally with snoring treatment.

For example, here at The Smile Collective, we have created a wide range of treatments designed to stop your snoring, and our U.S. Board Certified Dentist in Dubai, Dr. Khurram Asgher, ensures that you & your partner enjoy a perfect sleeping experience.

But before we move on to different treatments, let's see why you snore!

Why do you snore?

Snoring is the vibration of the air that passes through the soft tissues of your throat. During sleep, the airways narrow. This is not always a problem in itself. In some people, however, the tongue and chin may also regress, narrowing the airways further.

In this case, the snorer begins to breathe air faster to compensate for this. Air intake increases to oxygenate the body & the vibration in the tissues that occur, as a result, is commonly known as snoring.

How can you know about it?

Snoring makes it challenging to get to know about it. Even if you wake up at night, it can be challenging to relate to your disease. Your partner should usually tell you if you are snoring. Your partner might be the person unable to sleep properly due to your condition.

However, you are more likely to snore. If you have any of the below!

You are a smoker

You drink


Your neck is wide

You suffer from allergic rhinitis & a common cold more frequently.

Want to Know about Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

According to Dr. Khurram Asgher, Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea and occurs when the airways are so blocked that a snoring person is out of breath and waking up. This happens hundreds of times at night and can irritate you as a person!

Although not a life-threatening condition, fatigue from constant sleep and wakefulness can cause several health problems, including:

Cardiac tension



Excessive fatigue increases the risk of accidents.

As you can see, harmless things like snoring should not be underestimated. Therefore, it is best to ask for help. But who should you contact in Dubai for Snoring treatment?

Why go to The Smile Collective?

You might think it's best to see a doctor because the dentist will take care of your teeth, right? Of course. Besides, Our American dentist in Dubai is trained to see the big picture. He can treat not only the teeth and gums but also the mouth, neck, and face. He has a clear understanding of these areas' anatomical and physiological structures

For example, here at The Smile Collective, we offer various treatments, including snoring treatment appliances that clear the airways so you can quickly resume breathing.

Every mouth is different. Therefore, each device or tongue stabilizer is made individually and carefully under the supervision of our dentist Dr. Khurrem Asgher. Our lightweight devices are made from the latest medical materials and last a long time.

Wear our appliances before your bed and while you sleep. The chin and tongue remain stable to keep the airways open. This means that the vibrations caused by the narrowing of the airways are significantly reduced.

When you wake up, you and your partner sleep better and more peacefully. Cheers!

How Does our Snoring Treatment Work for you?

For example, the mandibular extension sprint is designed to hold the jaw forward while you are sleeping. This narrows the soft tissue and opens the upper airways.

Important Fact! The appliances prevent snoring without healing

The critical point is that our snoring face masks and snoring mouthpieces are more prophylactic than therapeutic. However, while avoiding rotation, they do not entirely solve your problem. But wait! Let's learn some more facts from Dr. Khurram Asgher!

Did you know that many minor lifestyle changes can be applied to recover completely?

These include lifestyle changes such as

Sleep by your side to prevent sagging of your chin and tongue

Regular daily exercise helps strengthen the muscles needed for breathing.

Weight Loss-Small weight loss may not be enough to eliminate excess fat, especially around the neck and throat, and can cause redness.

Besides, reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking play an essential role in effectively managing snoring.

Our advice:

If you are known to have chronic snoring or your partner tells you to stop it, you need to take action. Prolonged chronic snoring causes problems. Don't be afraid to seek professional help from the Smile Collective in Dubai related to Snoring Treatment!

If you're worried about snoring and feel you need to do something, talk to Dr. Khurram Asgher. He believes in his patients' personal satisfaction, and most of the time, it starts with a first meeting!


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  • Amanda Charl2 years ago

    If you're looking for a natural supplement that's going to help you sleep better and wake up more refreshed, then snoran plus is for you. It's not an overnight fix but it's worth the money. Plus it won't put a hole in your wallet like other products. Read more about this: 👉

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