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How to Avoid Death by Falling Without a Parachute

Surviving without Parachute

By Vivek NandaPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

As you jump out of the plane and take in the breathtaking view of the ground below, you begin to believe that perhaps this might not be as horrible as it seems. However, as soon as you pull the line to open your parachute, your worst nightmares come true. You are now more than three and a half kilometers above the planet.

You're falling at a speed of approximately 200 km/h and there's no parachute coming out. You have one minute left until you strike the earth. Is there anything you can do to save yourself? Here's how to survive a fall without a parachute.

A defective parachute isn't always fatal, but there is a one in a thousand risk that it won't work when your life relies on it. experts in skydiving state that The key to survival is all in your response when the parachute fails, where you should place your body, if you can slow your fall, and why landing on a roof is preferable to landing in a large body of water.

You must slow down your descent as a priority initially. Like in most survival situations, the best course of action is to slow everything down, including your breathing and thoughts so you can concentrate. You should also slow down your fall to prevent splattering on the ground by spreading your arms and legs into an X shape, pointing your chest toward the ground, arching your back, and raising your head. This will create more air resistance, slow your acceleration, and give you time to decide where to land.

Second step: Do not fall into the water. Since concrete water doesn't compress, landing in a lake would be similar to landing on a sidewalk. You could position yourself to lessen the impact, but even then, you could still be knocked out cold, and being unconscious underwater does not help you survive, so let's find somewhere better. Despite the fact that the massive pool of liquid below you might seem like a more appealing landing spot than the solid ground, it would probably be just as deadly.

Third step: orient yourself toward a more Select a landing area, then use the air to get out of the water and move sideways in the direction of a safer object. A swamp, snow, or trees would be your best bets for landing spots because they would all slow you down and give you more time to decelerate. For instance, your body would slow down from 200 km/h to zero km/h in less than 0.5 seconds upon landing on solid ground, applying enough force to instantly kill you. But if you were to land somewhere with more cushioning already in place.

In order to increase your chances of survival, you could slow down your fall by a few seconds. If there are no trees, swamps, or snow in the area, your best bet would be to look for a large object to break your fall, like a bus or a rooftop. These structures aren't very strong, so when you hit them, they'll break and absorb some of the energy of your fall.

Fourth step: Now that you've selected your intended landing spot, it's time to execute the move. The best way to do this is to point your toes toward the ground and land on the balls of your feet. I know what you're thinking, and it will hurt, but the idea is that if you land feet first, your legs' long bones will absorb a significant portion of the impact energy before they break, effectively sacrificing your legs to protect the rest of your body.

Fifth step: Even if you follow all other precautions and end up bouncing on your head when you land, you won't survive, so quickly get into position should be all you need to protect your head and neck from impact. Cover your head just before landing, put your head down with the fingers of each hand locked together behind it, and point your elbows in front of your face.

The difficult part is about to begin. You must locate yourself and seek assistance as soon as possible. Don't worry, we have the perfect video to help you escape this situation unscathed.

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Comments (3)

  • Staringale7 months ago

    Your comprehensive guide on this unique topic makes me think of you being very knowledgeable on the topic of survival makes me think may be you are from an army, because they are trained for these kind of things. The information is well-researched and detailed, providing step-by-step instructions on how to slow down and position the body for impact, as well as tips on selecting a landing spot. The writing is clear and easy to understand, making it accessible to a wide audience. Keep it up.

  • Sarah Danaher7 months ago

    Well would not want to be in that situation but good information if I am. I just thought it would a hopeless situation. Very informative.

  • Test7 months ago

    it's well-written and full of valuable information.

VNWritten by Vivek Nanda

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