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Here's What Happens In Your Body When You Swallow Gum

Inside the Chew: Exploring the Effects of Swallowing Gum on Your Body

By avaPublished about a month ago 3 min read

Swallowing gum—a seemingly innocent act that's sparked countless childhood warnings and myths. From tales of it lodging in your stomach for eternity to fears of it sprouting into a rubbery tree, the lore surrounding gum ingestion has persisted for generations. But what's the real story behind this chewy conundrum? In this comprehensive exploration, we'll debunk the myths, delve into the science, and uncover the truth about what happens in your body when you swallow gum.

Breaking Down the Digestive Process:

To understand the impact of swallowing gum, it's essential to first grasp how your body processes food. The journey begins in the mouth, where chewing initiates the mechanical breakdown of food into smaller, more manageable pieces. Simultaneously, saliva, rich in digestive enzymes, coats the food particles, kickstarting the chemical digestion process. Once swallowed, food travels down the esophagus and into the stomach, where powerful acids further break it down into a mushy consistency. From there, the remaining nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine, and waste is expelled through the large intestine.

The Unique Case of Chewing Gum:

Unlike traditional food, gum presents a unique challenge to the digestive system. Despite vigorous chewing, gum remains resilient, retaining its cohesive structure due to its composition of natural or synthetic polymers, such as butyl rubber. This resilience means that the enzymes in saliva and the acids in the stomach are largely ineffective at breaking it down. So, what happens to gum once it's swallowed?

The Fate of Swallowed Gum:

Contrary to popular belief, gum doesn't linger in your stomach indefinitely, nor does it sprout into a rubbery sapling. Instead, your body employs its natural mechanisms to deal with the intruder. Like other indigestible substances such as corn or seeds, gum is propelled through the digestive tract by muscular contractions. Within a day or two, it's typically expelled from the body along with other waste, without causing any harm or obstruction.

Risks of Excessive Gum Consumption:

While the occasional swallowed gum may pose minimal risk, habitual ingestion can lead to potential complications. Accumulated gum may contribute to the formation of a bezoar—a mass of indigestible material that could obstruct the digestive tract. One notable case involved an 18-year-old who developed a bezoar after regularly consuming multiple pieces of gum daily. The blockage required medical intervention to remove, highlighting the importance of moderation.

Benefits of Chewing Gum:

Despite the risks associated with swallowing gum, there are potential benefits to chewing it. Research suggests that the act of chewing gum can help alleviate stress by reducing levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with anxiety, in saliva. Additionally, some studies have linked gum chewing to improved focus, concentration, and oral health benefits, such as increased saliva production and reduced plaque buildup.

Practicing Responsible Gum Use:

In a society where gum chewing is pervasive, it's crucial to promote responsible consumption habits. While enjoying the occasional stick of gum is unlikely to cause harm, excessive usage should be avoided. Moreover, proper disposal of gum is essential to prevent littering and environmental pollution. By using gum mindfully and disposing of it responsibly, we can minimize the potential risks associated with its consumption.


Swallowing gum may not result in a rubber tree sprouting in your stomach, but it's not entirely consequence-free either. Understanding the facts behind gum ingestion—its limited digestion, potential risks, and occasional benefits—is essential for making informed choices about its consumption. By debunking the myths and embracing a balanced approach to gum chewing, we can ensure that this everyday indulgence remains a harmless pleasure rather than a source of unintended consequences.


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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Hey, just wanna let you know that this is more suitable to be posted in the FYI community 😊

avaWritten by ava

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