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Getting Solar Panels

Learn more about energy efficiency for your home through Solar Panels.

By Kari OakleyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

One thing that will help you to become more Eco-Friendly

There has been a lot of talk about the effects of many things that help us live on a day to day bases. There are many things that have a damaging effect on the world. Many people are trying to become more eco-friendly in order to save the negative effects on the earth. If someone is trying to find ways to save money and make their home more eco-friendly there are many options such as solar panels, installing water wells, and installing smart home meters.

What Are Solar Panels and How Can They Save money?

Solar panels are panels that are installed on the roof of homes, businesses and can even stand alone in fields to help generate direct current energy. Sunlight hits the panel and flows into an inverter in order to produce energy in your home. Although solar panels work off of the sun there is also a system where the power that is not used will be stored for future use such as at night or on a gloomy day. Also, Solar panels are known to produce well over enough energy on a bright and sunny day that will be conserved for later use.

There are many ways that solar panels can save you money. For one it can lower your electricity bill by 90% as well as give homeowners a tax credit of between twenty-one

to thirty percent. Another way Solar panels can save money is by selling back the energy that is not used. Many times this is handled by the installer, but you are able to get a constant credit that can help to save you a lot of money over time.

How Are Solar panels installed

When many homeowners look into installing solar panels they may first look at all their options. The first being whether the will be purchased or if they are looking to solar lease. Also, there are many types of solar panels for homes such as grid-connected without batteries or with batteries, off-grid, solar photovoltaic, thin-film, and thermal panels. There are also a few ways to mount the panels. Once homeowners have decided which is the best option for them, they will then have to hire a contractor that specializes in installing the panels. The installation is complex, but with help from contractors, the job will get done. When installing panels they will most likely be mounted on the residents' roof four feet apart on rafters. Then there will be holes drilled in order to build support for the panels. After that, there will be support added and then the solar panels will be fastened and lastly, the panels will be connected to an electricity supply. The process is not very long and can be completed within a day or two.

Health Risk Of Solar Panels

Recently everyone has become more health-wise and would like to make choices that will help them to live longer. With the use of solar panels, there is no immediate or long term health or environmental risk. The use of panels of any type does not produce pollutants. Although the use of the material that the panels are made from have shown unclear signs of health risk.

Final Thoughts

If homeowners are looking for a positive way to create an eco-friendly living environment, there are many ways to do so. Solar panels can give you many benefits with use and should be considered by homeowners. If homeowners are looking to get Solar panels installed, then they will have to decide which panels are the best fit as well as hire a contractor that can install the panels for them. The process of installing can be completed within a day or two and the use of solar panels can have more of a profit as well as help the environment.


About the Creator

Kari Oakley

Kari Oakley is a fitness trainer from Kenosha Wisconsin. She now lives in downtown Chicago, and loves to get out. She is a big fan of anything adventure, and loves getting a workout in the outdoors.

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