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The Forest of Enchantment

The Forest of Beauty

By Eze Kelvin Ogarabe Published about a month ago 3 min read
The Forest of Enchantment
Photo by Eugene Kuznetsov on Unsplash

Once there was an enchanted woodland where legends of magic and wonder came to life, in a distant kingdom cloaked in mist and mystery. Legendary creatures were claimed to live in the forest: dragons that flew through the heavens on fire wings, fairies who danced beneath the moonlight, and unicorns that galloped through fields of shimmering flowers.

An old oak tree that stood in the center of the enchanted woodland held the key to revealing the biggest secret therein. According to legend, the person who deciphered the riddle engraved in the bark of the tree would be bestowed with one wish—a wish that would alter their fate and alter their life's path forever.

Numerous courageous individuals had braved the forest to find the enchanted oak tree, but none had come back, lost among the winding trails and mystical glades that appeared to change and evolve with each step. It was claimed that the only people who could navigate the forest and discover its mysteries were those with strong moral character and clean hearts.

A young woman named Aurora arrived at the edge of the enchanted woodland one day, her heart brimming with adventure and longing. She was drawn towards the old center of the forest by an indisputable force, recalling the stories she had heard about its power and the mysteries that lurked beneath its surface.

Aurora experienced a wave of amazement and awe as she entered the woodland. The soft whisper of the wind through the trees and the lovely aroma of flowers filled the air. Warm light covered the forest floor as golden sunlight streamed through the above canopy.

Aurora spent hours exploring the woodland, taking in all the sights and sounds of the enchanted surroundings. Fairies, resembling tinkling bells in the air, were seen darting among the branches. She could hear woodland creatures going about their daily lives, and she could also hear the distant roar of dragons.

Aurora came upon the old oak tree with its gnarled limbs reaching up into the sky like fingers clawing at the sky as the sun started to set. The tree's trunk was adorned with beautiful carvings that represented the puzzle that had puzzled so many people before her.

Aurora began solving the puzzle with care and concentration, her excitement palpable. After several hours, the moon rose in its place as the sun sank below the horizon, bathing the forest in a silvery glow. And then Aurora gasped in wonder as the tree started to shimmer with a bright light, and the last parts of the puzzle clicked into place.

A quiet voice sounded through the leaves of the oak tree, causing its branches to vibrate gently like a light breeze. The voice, full of enchantment and wonder, echoed across the woodland, asking, "What is your wish, pure of heart and strong of spirit?"

The weight of her wish made Aurora's heart swell, and her mind was constantly buzzing with ideas of all she wanted in the world. She then made her request known in the air with a quiet resolution, her voice sure and steady and full of love and hope.

At that very moment, laughter and excitement flooded the air as the woodland burst into a blaze of color and light. The forest's inhabitants came out of hiding to celebrate Aurora's victory by dancing and singing. Dragons shouted triumphantly, fairies twirled through the air, and unicorns pranced through the glades.

Aurora realized her wish had come true as she took in the enchanted world all around her—not for wealth or authority, but for a place full of magic, possibility, and wonder. She had been given the gift of believing in the extraordinary, in the beauty of the unknown, and in the ability of dreams to mold our destiny by the enchanted forest.

As a result, Aurora became a legend in the kingdom, and her tale has been told for generations as one of bravery, tenacity, and the unbounded strength of the human spirit. Aurora had discovered her home in a world of wonder and opportunity in the magical woodland, where magic danced on the breeze and dreams come true.

Aurora realized that she had cracked the code of the forest and found her real calling in life—to believe in magic, to follow her dreams, and to never stop discovering the limitless wonders of the world around her—as the sun began to set over the enchanted forest, bathing the land in a warm glow and filling the air with the sweet scent of flowers.

The End.


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    EKOWritten by Eze Kelvin Ogarabe

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