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Get Go Perfect Morning

Good morning peeps! Are you a morning person? Or trying to be one? Well all of us are occupied so much with work , we often end up staying awake all night and working our ass off . And it becomes next to impossible to wake up early. It is absolutely correct if you have a managed morning , the day gets a lot sorted and you feel energized throughout the day . But the question is how to have that perfect morning to keep you going all day without feeling lethargic? Well need not to worry anymore, cause below mentioned tips are really gonna help you out in achieving your early morning goal. So let’s get ready and take a fast look.

By Neer BukhariaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Well guys , like rest of you i were also lethargic and passive when it came to waking early in the morning, going for walks, i were also too lazy, but now peeps, am never better since the day i have started to leave my bed early. Getting disciplined, i realized the perks of being an early riser. And i would really love to share what i did to get a perfect morning and how has it benefitted me in the long run. Hope it works out for you guys. Just remember all good habits require patience.


First thing first , STOP buzzing your alarm off, and wakeup at once. This is the first task of your morning and it’s not lovely to procrastinate first thing in the morning. You don’t have to wake up at 5 , just make sure you get to see the sunrise. Stop setting many alarms, make firm decision the night before bed that no matter what you are gonna wake up as soon as the first alarm beeps and step out of bed to feel the lovely fresh air.


What to do after waking up? I mean morning hours shouldn’t be spent in vain. That is the golden part of your day and you should be able to get out most of it. Put on your running shoes and step out. Breathe out the air while its still fresh and without any pollutants. Walk, jog, or run whatever suits you, few miles. Try to observe the nature around you, listen to chirping rather than listening to your music. Music sure helps concentrating , but sometimes its good to hear to cuckoos. All the best to your morning walks!


Its understandable e-gadgets play a huge role in our lives now. But we can spare them for an hour a day- the morning hour. Try to avoid checking your mails, messages, or social media as the first thing in morning. All that can wait for sure. Even if its related to work, it can be completed during working hours. You own your time. Instead of replying to that mail, check your to-do list and get started all fresh and energetic.


YES! This is a very crucial step. You should keep a draft beforehand your day starts. You should be clear about your goals. A plan should be executed according to your per day goals . A plan helps you completing your basic daily task efficiently and effectively .It’s not rocket science. All you have to do is grab your sticky notes and point down in sequence your task, meeting the deadline. This only makes your day more productive.


Hey doesn’t matter how busy you are, never forget to take your bites. This is your fuel which keeps you going throughout the day. Most people tend to ignore breakfast excusing their busy schedule. Don’t be like them. Manage your time well. It barely tales 10 mins to have your first meal of the day. Make sure its not only tasty but healthy too. Stop starving yourself and have a big mouth-watering breakfast.


A small though noticeable step. Don’t leave your bed in a mess after waking up. Its not a huge task , barely takes a min or two of your schedule. It shows your discipline, helps your room looking pretty and managed. Its a small positive habit. and you know well its small changes which makes huge difference in our lifestyles. Thus peeps don’t procrastinate and step up high.


Yes, ancient it sounds, but this habit plays a major role in our lifestyles. It for sure makes you calm, enhances mental stability, and decreases stress, thus letting you get a step ahead in your mental fitness. And isn't exactly what we want? Mental peace. Well, then you are reading the right point. Morning hours are best for meditation, the perfect time to concentrate, and put your thoughts in order, focusing on more positivity, and keeps you fresh and calm all day leading to good decision making.

I hope you have all your answers you were looking forward to have a good morning schedule. Its not tedious to have a well balanced morning. All you have to do is put little efforts . Cause you know every thing asks for efforts. All the best for your perfect mornings!

self help

About the Creator

Neer Bukharia

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