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Friendship Preference Over Relationship

Why Platonic Connections Matter More Than Romance

By felix kioko kasingaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

When it comes to relationships, society tends to prioritize romantic partnerships. Love songs, movies, and novels often depict the idealized, happily-ever-after ending as finding "the one" and settling down in a monogamous relationship. However, for many people, friendship preference over relationship is a better fit for their lifestyle and personal values.

Here are some reasons why platonic connections can be more meaningful and fulfilling than romantic relationships:

Friendships offer a wider range of emotional intimacy.

While romantic relationships are typically built on the foundation of physical and emotional intimacy, friendships can offer a broader range of emotional intimacy. Platonic relationships can provide a safe space for individuals to share their thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities without the pressure of romantic expectations. Friendships allow people to connect on a deeper level without the fear of judgment or rejection.

Friendships are less restrictive.

Romantic relationships often come with expectations and social norms that can be restrictive. For example, couples are often expected to spend most of their time together, be each other's primary confidants, and engage in activities that both partners enjoy. In contrast, friendships are more flexible and can accommodate different schedules, interests, and preferences. Friendships allow people to maintain their individuality while still enjoying the benefits of a close connection with others.

Friendships can last a lifetime.

While romantic relationships can be fleeting, friendships have the potential to last a lifetime. People often have multiple romantic relationships throughout their lives, but friendships can provide a consistent source of support and companionship. In fact, research suggests that people who have strong social networks and close friendships are generally happier and healthier than those who rely solely on romantic relationships for social connection.

Friendships are less complicated.

Romantic relationships can be complex and require a lot of work to maintain. There are often disagreements and conflicts that need to be resolved, and partners may have different expectations and needs. In contrast, friendships are generally less complicated and require less effort to maintain. While there may be disagreements or misunderstandings in friendships, these issues are often easier to resolve since the expectations and boundaries are generally clearer.

Friendships can provide a different perspective.

In a romantic relationship, partners may have similar backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This can limit the range of ideas and perspectives that are shared within the relationship. In contrast, friendships can provide a diverse range of perspectives and experiences. Friends may come from different cultural, racial, or socioeconomic backgrounds, and may have different hobbies and interests. This diversity can enrich one's life and provide a broader understanding of the world.

Friendships are less likely to be impacted by external factors.

Romantic relationships can be influenced by external factors such as distance, financial stress, and societal pressures. Friendships, on the other hand, are often less affected by these factors. While it may be difficult to maintain a long-distance romantic relationship, long-distance friendships can be sustained through technology and occasional visits. Friendships are also less likely to be impacted by financial stress since they don't typically involve joint financial decisions.

Friendships can be more inclusive.

Romantic relationships are often exclusive and can lead to feelings of jealousy or possessiveness. Friendships, on the other hand, can be more inclusive and allow people to connect with a broader range of individuals. Friendships can provide opportunities for people to meet new people, expand their social circle, and engage in different activities.

In conclusion, while romantic relationships are often prioritized in our society, friendship preference over relationship is a valid and fulfilling choice. Friendships can provide a wider range of emotional intimacy, are less restrictive, can last a lifetime, are less likely to be impacted by external factors, and can be more inclusive. Building strong, platonic relationships can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.

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About the Creator

felix kioko kasinga

Felix Kioko is a Kenyan-born writer, currently living in Nairobi. As a student at Kenyatta University, my real passion lies in the realm of adventure fiction, where i explore thrilling worlds of mystery and excitement.

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