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Feng Shui for Your Home

Is your home Feng Shui compliant?

By Bob SmithPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Feng Shui for Your Home
Photo by Jojo Yuen (sharemyfoodd) on Unsplash

"Feng shui" is a term over 2000 years old and refers to the harmony of the five natural elements: water, earth, fire, wood, and metal.

When we talk about feng shui for our home, we are talking about the positive connection that unites all the rooms of the house and influences our lifestyle.

The environment is under the influence of energy flows. Thus, the way we decorate the house will have an impact on our general condition.

To arrange your feng shui style home, it is important to identify those rooms that you neglect or do not spend as much time in, such as the bathroom, bedroom, or closet.

In the conception of feng shui, there must be no space that is not given importance, because, sooner or later, that place will charge with negative energy and the rest of the house.

Because the new year is just beginning, do not hesitate to redecorate your home according to the old Chinese concept, for a positive energy flow and well-being!

1. Stop hiding trash under the press

For starters, this is a great way to get rid of clutter you don't need.

These areas only negatively influence you. This activity will probably be quite elaborate and will take you a long time, but it is like a purification therapy at the end of which you will feel much better.

2. Air and light

Let the light "invade" the rooms! Get rid of closed curtains and raise the blinds, because natural light has a beneficial effect on your health and well-being.

Also, for better oxygenation of the personal space, choose plants that will give you the necessary oxygen resource and will purify the air. Don't forget the purifiers that improve air quality and reduce mold spores, air allergens, bacteria, and microorganisms.

3. Find out what element you are

Depending on your birthday, it will correspond to one of the five natural elements. Find out what your item is, then integrate it into your home decor.

For example, if you are governed by the element of fire, try to add details in equally warm colors: red, yellow, orange, gold or copper. Also, focus on objects inspired by the shape of the flame, such as a triangle.

4. Wealth

According to the Chinese calendar, starting with February, the New Year will start, that of the sheep or the wooden goat. This means that every corner of our house, according to the Bagua map, must align with the new changes.

Therefore, in the north, to increase the chances of wealth and abundance, there must be decorative elements in pink, red, purple, orange, or bright yellow.

5. Love and education

The northwest area, according to the Bagua map of your apartment, is responsible for love, but also education. Use black and blue for this space, and don't forget that a green plant (except bonsai or cacti, which bring negative energy) is a recommended feng shui element this year.

For a better channel of positive energy in the area of ​​love, add representative personal elements, such as photos.

6. Career success

Analyze Bagua and find the northeast area of ​​your house. This is what influences your career, and if you want to evolve, apply feng shui practice here as well.

Elements in metal colors such as white and gray should not be missing. Quartz and stones are also recommended to increase your success.

7. Overall success

If you want the new year to make you smile and everything you aim for to succeed, you have to take into account the eastern area of ​​the house. Decorate in metal and watercolors: black, blue, gray, white.

Also, avoid bringing red, yellow, pink, fire-specific decor items. Add a "vision board" here that reflects your goals and aspirations for the new year. Fountains and dragonflies are elements that will also contribute to your success.

Therefore, the new year is a new beginning. Decorate your home according to the feng shui concept to create a harmonious space, by your needs and aspirations.


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