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How to Plant Orchids in Pots

Do you like orchids?

By Bob SmithPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How to Plant Orchids in Pots
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The orchid is a gentle exotic flower, sometimes beautiful and fragrant, which many of us certainly want at home. As a result, we thought of talking to you in this article about how to plant orchids in pots so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible.

Orchids are those flowers that make you look at them for a long time, go close to the spot they are in, and admire them for minutes, having a special charm.

Like any other flower that is commercially available, the orchid can be easily grown in the house, being an element that will look good in any modern decor, whether we are talking about an apartment or a large and spacious house.

In the past, orchids were considered flowers with magical powers and were a symbol of nobility and intellectuality, they were expensive flowers that no ordinary citizen could afford. Due to the history and tradition behind these beautiful flowers, the orchid has remained today a prestigious flower, which denotes the refinement, elegance, and class of the owners of these plants.

Here are the steps you can take to plant a potted orchid!

Plant the orchid in an aluminum container!

To withstand well and grow well inside, the container in which the orchid is planted must allow it to have very good aeration and very good drainage of water.

For this, you have to give up the classic ceramic pots and opt for an aluminum container, similar to those used in cans. If you don't like the way it looks, you can decorate it according to your inspiration or you can put it in a bigger and elegant vase.

How to plant the orchid step by step

Here are the steps you need to take to plant a potted orchid:

1. For good aeration of the ground, it is necessary to make some holes on the whole surface of the aluminum box. You can get them with the help of a nail that will be hit with a hammer in the places where you want the holes to be.

The distance between them should be about 5 cm. To prevent deformation of the box, before making the holes, fill the container with pieces of wood.

2. Open the holes with a drill or any other tool you have at hand that you think would be useful for this purpose.

Then remove the pieces of wood from the container and fill them half with earth. Ideally, this should be a mixture of peat and tree bark.

3. Place the orchid in the "pot", then top it up with soil, making sure that the point where the roots join will remain on the surface of the soil.

How to care for the orchid

Now that you know how to plant orchids in pots, it's time to find out a few basic things about caring for this flower.

Once planted, take the flower to a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. It should be watered at most once a week and not before the soil is completely dry. The best method of watering the flower is to immerse the pot in a pot of softened water.

To obtain the latter, collect the water in a container and leave it until the next day when you can use it to water the orchid. The orchid is kept in the pot with water for 10–15 minutes, after which it is taken out on a deep plate whose role is to collect the water that will drain from the plant. The water collected in the plate will be thrown away.

If you want to enjoy the flowers of the plant in the cold season, fertilize the soil in September and October.

After finding out how to plant orchids in pots, would you like to bring this plant into your home as well?

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