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6 Tricks to Save Money Immediately

Actionable advice.

By Bob SmithPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
6 Tricks to Save Money Immediately
Photo by Visual Stories || Micheile on Unsplash

Among the changes we are proposing at the beginning of the year is usually at least one related to money. Let's put aside a few, let's go back, let's win, somehow, more.

If you are a person who thinks that some small but clever changes in daily habits can bring some extra money in your monthly budget, then you will surely want to know what tricks to use.

Start the new year with a new attitude towards your money and learn how to save at home!

1. Stop attaching yourself to appliances

Sounds funny, we know, but it's true. Changing appliances in the house is not part of the list of the most common plans of Romanians, in particular. But even if your parents' refrigerator or microwave that you've already repaired a few times still works, it doesn't mean it's okay to keep them.

Do not wait for the appliances to break down permanently to buy others, because the old ones are no longer performing either in terms of operation or energy consumption. By investing in newer models, you will reduce your electricity bill over time and save money at home.

2. If you are not using something, unplug it

Apart from the refrigerator, which we do not advise you to leave without electricity if you care about the prepared goodies, try not to leave things plugged in or on if you do not use them. Turn off the lights in the rooms where you are not sitting and do not be fooled by the thought that “I will return immediately.” Unplug the phone if it is fully charged.

Even the microwave uses energy when you are not using it but you leave it plugged in. Think about it, when you don't know how to save money at home, that in 14 days an unused microwave oven for heating food uses as much energy as a thermal power plant would consume to heat water for a hot shower.

Everything you let run in the background, like the TV, or overnight, like a laptop in "Sleep" mode will consume energy that you will pay for.

3. When you don't know what to save at home, think about water!

Water consumption in our homes is often exaggerated and reckless.

Very long showers or running water while brushing our teeth are just two examples. Try to use exactly as much water as needed, including when washing clothes or dishes in the car.

Start the car when you have enough clothes or enough dishes for a complete wash cycle because it can consume 50 liters of water. You will see that, over time, your thinking will be reflected in the way you save other things in the house.

4. Save money while cleaning

The household instinct will tell you to buy paper napkins for the kitchen, but you will not listen to it if you want to save money at home. Buy reusable sponges and cloths to wipe small "leaks" through the kitchen.

You can also buy cleaning agents that are packaged in spray bottles to control the amount you use each time. Less expense without neglecting cleanliness!

5. Don't neglect the small flaws in the house if you want to save money

Whether you turn to a craftsman or you or someone else in the house can make small repairs, it's important to do something.

Do not live with small problems such as a faucet that constantly drips water, a faulty toilet, or a window that does not close perfectly and lets the heat out. It may not bother you in any way, but in the long run, they make you spend more money on products and services.

6. Choose what you want to pay!

This is probably the most important step we can advise you to take when you decide that you need to save money at home. Always be informed about the services you pay for, from fixed and mobile telephony to internet or heating.

Choose the packages that suit you and from which you know you will use all the benefits, do not sign a contract if you will be able to enjoy only some of them. You will pay for the others, anyway, so you better look for something useful overall.

Be one step ahead of the company's promises and you will be able to save money and energy.

The list of tricks you can save money on at home is always open and is different in every household. We invite you to tell us your secrets too!


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