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Efficient Meal Planning Tips for Singles

Tips for Planning Delicious Dishes for Solo Dining

By Jen Sutcliffe (ZenJen)Published 9 months ago 10 min read

As a single person navigating the culinary world, I've come to appreciate the art of efficient meal planning for solo dining. While cooking for one may seem less complicated than preparing meals for a family, I have to admit that it does come with its unique set of challenges and opportunities. I‘m certainly not the expert in single dining but in all the years that I have been whipping out dish after dish for my sole consumption, I have to say I’ve become quite creative at it. Having been very familiar with the struggles that come with trying to decide what to cook for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, let me share with you some tried and tested meal planning hacks that have saved me from having to open another cup of instant ramen from the cupboard. Don’t take my word for it, but I have a feeling you might actually find solo cooking and dining more delightful once you’ve finished reading this piece.

The Importance of Efficient Meal Planning

When I first started my culinary journey. I’ve never really been into make-ahead meals. Back then, I just whipped up whatever I felt like eating. While it did work for a bit, eventually, I reached a point where I seemed to be recycling the same one or two dishes every so often. While there was certainly nothing wrong with that, I figured I needed variety. Unfortunately, when you’ve just started your first job, time really isn’t a luxury. But time I needed to get some good meals going in my kitchen. That’s when I discovered meal planning and realized how perfectly it fitted right into my rather hectic schedule.

Beyond that, I’ve learned that there are tons of benefits to planning meals that only after trying was I able to appreciate fully:

  • Minimizing Food Waste: Making a meal for one comes with the challenge of often having to deal with leftovers. Many of the recipes I worked on when I first started taking cooking seriously were typically created for at least two people. I’ve never been particularly known for my recipe conversion skills, and I always ended up cooking way too much. Efficient meal planning has helped me reduce, if not totally avoid food waste as I learned how to use ingredients wisely.
  • Balanced Nutrition: As a solo diner, I cannot count how many times I have succumbed to eating convenience foods. While they did make life easier for my time-constrained self back then, I was very well aware that the food I’ve been using to fuel my body was not healthy. When I eventually embraced food planning, I’ve since been able to enjoy well-balanced and nutritious meals every day, effortlessly.
  • Time and Money Savings: Not only has meal planning helped me save on food waste, it has helped me save time and money as well. When I learned to figure out how to make my meals ahead of time and prepare them, so I’ll always have something ready to pop into the microwave or reheat in the pan whenever I’m hungry, I’ve noticed how efficiently it has streamlined both my food shopping and cooking process. All these eventually led to more savings in the long run.

Building Your Solo Dining Toolkit

Before we jump into the world of meal planning, let's take a moment to set up your solo dining toolkit. These kitchen essentials will make your cooking adventures not only smoother but also more enjoyable. Trust me, they made mine.

  • Smaller Cookware: I would suggest investing in smaller-sized pots, pans, and kitchen appliances. Go for those designed for single servings. These items are typically scaled down to fit your needs, so it reduces the need to cook in large batches. They are easy to handle and clean too, making your solo cooking experience hassle-free.
  • Freezer-Friendly Containers: I like investing in high-quality containers that are freezer-friendly. I’d even go as far as they are a must for solo diners. They come in various sizes and are perfect for storing leftovers or batch-cooked meals. These containers are such lifesavers as now, you can conveniently store extra portions for future meals, minimizing food waste.
  • Meal Prep Containers: Make sure to buy some single-serving meal prep containers as well. They’re fantastic for portioning out ingredients in advance. You can use them to organize your veggies, proteins, or grains. What makes this so great is how they can make the actual cooking process more efficient. They are especially handy if you enjoy preparing your ingredients ahead of time.
  • Well-Stocked Pantry: Of course, you can never really get into proper meal planning territory without keeping a well-stocked pantry. I like calling it my own culinary lifeline. Essentials like pasta, rice, canned goods (such as tomatoes, beans, and tuna), and a variety of spices are must-haves. With these basics on hand, you’ll always have the building blocks for a delicious meal right at your fingertips.

With your solo dining toolkit in place, you'll find that preparing meals for one becomes a much more enjoyable and efficient experience. These essentials will help you make the most of your cooking adventures, ensuring that you can create delicious dishes tailored to your tastes with ease.

Weekly Meal Planning

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of meal planning for singles. Start by considering your weekly schedule and dietary preferences. Are there days when you have more time to cook? I always find weekdays to be super hectic, so weekends are the only time I can really sit down, decide my meals for the week ahead, create a list of ingredients, head to the store for food shopping and then get cooking when I get back. Are there specific cuisines or ingredients you love? Are there specific dishes you want to indulge in? The key here is to tailor your plan to your unique circumstances and preferences.

Plan for Variety

Even as a single diner, variety is key to keeping your meals exciting. The last thing you want is to repeat the same meals week after week after week. I’ve made the same mistake and I would never want a repeat of that ever again. I suggest planning for a mix of cuisines, flavors, and ingredients throughout the week. This could mean having Italian pasta one night, Asian stir-fry the next, and a hearty salad on another. You can even create versatile meals, which are easy enough to tweak, by pairing them with a different ingredient, so there will always be variety.

Choose Recipes Wisely

Select recipes that are easy to scale down for one person. Thankfully, there are many resources online that allow you to do exactly just that. In keeping with the times, many cooking websites have updated their recipe sections and have added features where you can choose the number of people whom you will be cooking for and it automatically converts the ingredient lists in accordance to your preferred portion. I also like looking for dishes that don't require a lot of specialized ingredients or lengthy preparation. This way, I’d take less time chopping and paring and cooking in the kitchen

Create a Shopping List

Based on your chosen recipes, create a shopping list that includes all the ingredients you'll need for the week. I always emphasize how important it is to create a shopping list and to stick to that list no matter what. It’s very easy to get lured into picking up random items that will catch your eye at the supermarket. But resist the temptation! I suggest going through your pantry before creating a list to see what staples you already have and focus on purchasing what's missing.

Efficient Cooking for Singles

Once you have your plan and ingredients in place, it's time to get cooking. One of the best strategies I've learned when cooking and eating solo is batch cooking. You’d probably think batch cooking and solo eating do not really seem to belong together in the same sentence. But they actually do! I usually make larger portions of meals that I know can freeze well. Soups, stews, and casseroles are my go-to picks. The ingredients are simple enough, the cooking process is not complicated as well and they pack such great flavors. I also love how they offer such opportunities for adding more veggies and a bunch of other nutritious ingredients to your meal. Once cooked, I just divide them into single-serving containers and freeze for future use.

Embrace Leftovers Creatively

I used to dread leftovers until I’ve learned to embrace them and I realized they can be a busy woman’s best friend! Back then, the only thing I do with leftovers is reheat them and eat them as is. But then I realized they actually hold way more possibilities than I originally gave them credit for! Instead of reheating the same dish, I repurpose them into new creations. That leftover roasted chicken last night? Turn it into chicken tacos which you can then take to work for lunch. Need ideas for breakfast? Add leftover veggies to it and make a healthy, hearty omelet for breakfast.

One-Pan Wonders

I’ve also learned to appreciate one-pan dishes in my solo meal planning adventures— you know, those dishes that do not require you to use several pots and pans and skillets and a variety of other kitchen gadgets. Simple, straightforward recipes that allow you to cook everything in a single pan minimize the need for cleanup. Surprisingly, they often result in delicious, multi-layered flavors! Think sheet pan dinners, stir-fries, and skillet meals— they’re simple, straightforward, and most importantly, require only one cooking pan to make!

Use Convenience Ingredients Wisely

When I'm cooking for myself, I've learned not to hesitate when it comes to using convenient ingredients like pre-washed salad greens, canned beans, or pre-marinated tofu. These items have become my trusted allies in the kitchen, and here's why:

  • Pre-washed Salad Greens: I can't stress enough how these pre-washed and pre-cut salad greens have transformed my meal preparation. They save me the time and effort of washing and chopping, and they ensure that I always have fresh greens at my disposal. This means I'm more likely to put together a quick and healthy salad, even on those hectic days. What's even better is that they usually come in resealable bags, so I can use just what I need and keep the rest fresh for another meal.
  • Canned Beans: Canned beans, whether they're chickpeas, black beans, or kidney beans, are my go-to for convenience and nutrition. They're a solo diner's dream. Not only are they convenient, but they're also packed with protein and fiber. I can easily add them to soups, salads, or stir-fries to enhance both the taste and nutritional value of my meals. Since they're pre-cooked and canned, I don't have to spend hours soaking and cooking dried beans. This convenience doesn't compromise on taste or health benefits, making them a fantastic addition to my pantry.
  • Pre-marinated Tofu: Pre-marinated tofu has become my secret weapon for adding flavor and protein to my dishes without the fuss of marinating it myself. These tofu varieties come in a range of delectable flavors, from teriyaki to sriracha, instantly elevating my stir-fries or tofu scrambles. Plus, they often come pre-cut, saving me valuable prep time. Whether I'm a tofu enthusiast or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based options into my meals, pre-marinated tofu is a delicious and time-saving choice.

Solo Dining Tips and Tricks: My Personal Insights

When I'm cooking for one, I've found that being mindful of portion sizes is crucial. Overcooking can often lead to unnecessary food waste, which I want to avoid. I've also invested in a kitchen scale. It's been a real game-changer for me, helping me prepare just the right amount and preventing leftovers from piling up. Let me tell you, it’s made the difference in helping me savor every bite without feeling overwhelmed or guilty about potential food waste.

Leftover Organization

Managing leftovers efficiently is an art I've honed as well. I label and date my leftover containers in both the fridge and freezer. This straightforward step keeps me organized and ensures I don't forget about any delicious meals. I've even designated specific shelves and sections in my fridge and freezer exclusively for leftovers. It simplifies locating and enjoying these ready-to-eat meals. These days, repurposing leftovers creatively has become second nature to me. It's an eco-friendly and budget-friendly way to diversify my meals while minimizing food waste.

Invite Friends Over

I've realized that solo dining doesn't have to equate to isolation. Occasionally, I invite friends or family over for a meal, and it's always a rewarding experience. To keep it hassle-free, I opt for simple yet impressive recipes that I can prepare with ease. This way, I can focus on the company and create memorable dining moments together. I also encourage my guests to bring their favorite dishes or beverages to add a collaborative and enjoyable element to our gathering.

Celebrate Solo Dining

My solo dining experiences are never mundane. I've learned to turn each meal into a mini-celebration. Lighting a few candles, setting the table with my best dinnerware, and playing my favorite music creates a delightful ambiance that makes it feel special. Most importantly, I take my time to savor every bite without distractions like smartphones or laptops. I worked hard to create the food in front of me, after all. The least I can do is to fully appreciate the flavors and textures of my meal. It's a moment of self-care and indulgence.

A Culinary Adventure for One

Efficient meal planning for singles is about embracing the joys of cooking for yourself. For me, it's an opportunity to explore new recipes and savor my favorite without constantly worrying that I barely have the time to spare. With a well-thought-out plan, a stocked pantry, and a dash of culinary creativity, solo dining can be a delightful and satisfying adventure— it has been for me, and I’m quite confident that it will be for you too!

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About the Creator

Jen Sutcliffe (ZenJen)

Jen. Writer. Fur mum.

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    Jen Sutcliffe (ZenJen)Written by Jen Sutcliffe (ZenJen)

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