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Root vegetables can prevent many diseases from cardiovascular disease to cancer

This tuber is soft, crunchy, juicy, and has a sweet taste, so it is very popular during summer days. This tuber has high nutritional value and has many health benefits.

By Ken aquariumsPublished 2 days ago 4 min read

Eleocharis plantaginea R. Br. is also known as water chestnut, has many nutrients and health benefits.

The tubers of the Chinese clematis are processed into delicious, cool, and nutritious dishes for the summer such as Chinese clematis sweet soup, Chinese clematis soup, etc.

1. Nutritional value of horseradish root

Horseradish root is high in fiber, low in calories and contains no fat. They also contain some healthy vitamins and antioxidants. Horseradish root contains up to 74% water.

In 100g of raw horseradish root provides:

- Calories: 97

- Fat: 0.1 gram

- Carbs: 23.9 grams

- Fiber: 3 grams

- Protein: 2 grams

- Potassium: 17% RDI

- Manganese: 17% RDI

- Copper: 16% RDI

- Vitamin B6: 16% RDI

- Riboflavin: 12% RDI

* RDI - Recommended Nutritional Intake

The tuber is considered to be

Chinese clematis contains a lot of antioxidants

2. Health benefits of Chinese clematis

According to folklore, horseradish root cooked with green bean powder to make green sweet soup or stewed with pig stomach can help clear heat, nourish, eliminate waste, detoxify and use in powder form with the effect of cooling the liver, stomach and intestines. intestine.

According to modern medicine, horseradish contains essential nutrients and antioxidants that help improve overall health and provide many other health benefits, such as:

- Rich in disease-fighting antioxidants

Moringa oleifera is rich in antioxidants such as ferulic acid, gallocatechin gallate, epicatechin gallate and catechin gallate.

Antioxidants are molecules that help protect the body against harmful molecules called free radicals. If free radicals build up in the body, they can overwhelm the body's natural defenses and promote a state called oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress has been linked to a higher risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and many types of cancer.

- Reduce blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease

Horseradish root is good for heart health and blood pressure because this root contains abundant potassium.

Many studies show that a potassium-rich diet can reduce the risk of stroke and high blood pressure - two risk factors for heart disease. In addition, studies also show that people who eat a lot of potassium have a 24% lower risk of stroke.

- Weight loss support

Psyllium root is very low in calories but nutritious and contains fiber, protein, copper, potassium, manganese, riboflavin and vitamin B6. They contain about 74% water and 9 grams of carbohydrates. Therefore, horseradish root can help you feel full for a long time and effectively suppress hunger, thereby limiting the situation of eating more food, excess calories and causing weight gain.

- Cancer prevention

Horseradish contains very high levels of antioxidant ferulic acid.

This antioxidant ensures that the flesh of water chestnuts remains crunchy, even after they are cooked. Furthermore, some studies have shown that ferulic acid may help reduce the risk of cancer.

In a test-tube study, scientists found that treating breast cancer cells with ferulic acid helped stop their growth and promote their death.

Other test-tube studies have found that ferulic acid helps stop the growth of skin, thyroid, lung, and bone cancer cells.

- Good for the digestive system

The high fiber content of the root helps keep your digestive system running smoothly. Fiber helps digestion by promoting bowel movements and the growth of good bacteria in the intestines. It also softens stools by absorbing water, allowing them to pass more easily and thus preventing constipation.

3. Notes when eating Chinese yam

The root of the plant is safe for most people, but it can still cause an allergic reaction. Symptoms of a food allergy include swollen eyes, watery eyes, difficulty breathing, itchy or swollen throat, and hives. If you notice these symptoms after eating this root, you should go to the hospital immediately for emergency treatment.

In addition, the tubers of the Chinese clematis grow in mud and soil, so they can be parasitized by liver flukes. Therefore, if you eat raw Chinese clematis, you may have a risk of liver fluke infection. Symptoms of liver fluke infection include fatigue, lethargy, malnutrition, yellow skin or anemia, abdominal pain in the liver area, digestive disorders, fever, dizziness or sweating, and possibly fluid in the abdomen.

Furthermore, because of its cold nature, horseradish root is not suitable for people with cold or weak physical health.

4. How to use horseradish root

The root of the plant is a medicinal herb in oriental medicine. You can cook it into nutritious and cooling dishes such as:

- Bone soup simmered with horseradish roots

- Stew horseradish roots with pig stomach

- Drink horseradish root powder - helps digestion, produces new fluids, prevents thirst, stops bleeding, detoxifies alcohol, and is diuretic.

- Cook horseradish root with carrots or coriander seeds to get rid of measles

- You can also eat raw arrowroot but need to wash and peel, remove damaged parts and then blanch with boiling water.

In short, Chinese yam contains many antioxidants, so it brings many health benefits. You should add Chinese yam to your diet regularly and combine it with many other vegetables to provide a variety of nutrients for the body.

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Ken aquariums

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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     Ken aquariumsWritten by Ken aquariums

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