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Blood sugar is high or not, you can observe the body has this 4 performance

Do 3 more things to help stabilize blood sugar

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Nowadays, most people know that high blood sugar can easily induce diabetes, and now the number of people who have diabetes is also increasing year by year, it can be said that this is already a very common disease.

Diabetes itself is not that scary, the scary thing is that the blood sugar continues to rise, the body organs may also occur "glycation", the body organs increased burden, resulting in metabolic dysfunction, thus leading to complications, a serious threat to people's health.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to the changes in our blood sugar, and find ways to control it once it rises.

If you want to know whether your blood sugar is high, you can observe whether your body has the following manifestations, if found, be alert in time.

The first performance: always feel thirsty

If your habits do not make a big change, no major changes in the amount of water you drink every day, but you feel thirsty recently, pay attention to it, because this is also a signal of elevated blood sugar. Because the blood sugar value in the body is too high, it tends to increase the osmotic pressure in the blood, which results in the performance of thirst.

The second manifestation: is weakness and rapid weight loss

When the glucose concentration in the blood increases, the body's glucose metabolism rate decreases. In this case, glucose will be lost together with fat through sweating and urination, resulting in nutrient loss and weakness. At the same time, it can also make a person lose weight too quickly. Therefore, you can observe people around you who have diabetes, and in most cases, they gain weight first and then lose it.

The third manifestation: is increased urine volume

As mentioned above, when blood sugar rises, the glucose metabolic rate decreases, and glucose cannot be absorbed and used by the body, then glucose may be excreted into the urine when the urine osmotic pressure rises, and the volume of urine will increase. Especially for those who did not need to get up at night before but now have to get up more than 2 times, and go to test blood sugar as early as possible.

The fourth performance: slow wound healing

It is normal thing to get a small injury in daily life, and these small wounds heal relatively quickly. If you find yourself with a small injury, the wound is slow to heal and even has a tendency to become inflamed, do not ignore it, it may be that elevated blood sugar affects the platelet function, resulting in slow wound healing and easy infection.

When high blood sugar is found, it is possible to prevent diabetes if you can pay attention to it, see your doctor in time, actively cooperate with him or her in treatment, and at the same time make the necessary adjustments in your life. To stabilize blood sugar and prevent diabetes, it is recommended to do the following 3 things.

1, eat more "low sugar food"

As we all know, people with high blood is not suitable to eat some high-sugar food, want to stabilize the blood sugar in the body, we must eat more low-sugar food, which can reduce the burden on the pancreas, to help stabilize blood sugar.

It is recommended that you can eat more bitter melon, cucumber, winter melon, celery, soy products, as well as beef, chicken breast, fish, etc. in your daily life. It is worth reminding everyone that you cannot add sugar when eating low-sugar foods, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

2. Quit drinking

If you want to control your blood sugar level, you need to quit drinking as soon as possible, whether it's white wine, red wine, or beer. We should not think that beer is low, just like drinking plain water, this approach is very wrong. Because of the high maltose content in beer, which is a monosaccharide, drinking more beer will make the blood sugar rise quickly, bringing more serious consequences.

It is recommended that you give up alcohol, you can drink more water. Water is an important part of the human body, drinking more water can speed up blood flow, reduce blood concentration and help control blood sugar. However, if the kidney is not fully functional patients, drinking water is best to consult a doctor.

3, appropriate exercise

In fact, if you want to stabilize blood sugIfbody, you should insist on proper exercise, which can improve body metabolism and blood circulation, and discharge toxins in the blood. Exercise consumes excess sugar in the body, stimulating e the function of the pancreas, which is conducive to the control of blood sugar levels within the normal range.

It is recommended to exercise for 30-40 minutes each time, 4-5 days a week, you can choose jogging, brisk walking, walking, playing ball, swimming, cycling, practicing tai chi and other forms of exercise. The operation is simple and easy to adhere to.


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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