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Age to avoid eating?

Suggestion: 5 kinds of food, can not eat, control the mouth more healthy

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

As we age, all organs of the body will gradually decline, and the gastrointestinal tract is no exception. Many elderly people may suffer from constipation, food accumulation, malnutrition, digestive disorders, and other symptoms due to a decline in digestion and absorption. Therefore, when you get older, you should learn to avoid eating properly and eat reasonably to reduce the risk of disease.

First, the age of the appropriate taboo, 5 kinds of food, it is best not to eat

People in old age, the body is gradually going downhill, so the diet needs to pay attention to these five kinds of food and advise to eat as little as possible.

1. High-salt food

Keeping a large amount of salt intake for a long time will lead to a significant increase in the risk of developing high blood pressure in the body. Patients suffering from hypertension are mostly accompanied by atherosclerosis, which greatly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as strokes.

And high blood pressure can lead to impaired kidney function, and even cause kidney failure to occur. Pickled foods, dried fruit, and other foods contain high levels of salt.

2. Refined grains

Refined grains and other foods are high in carbohydrates, such foods can be quickly absorbed and used by the body after entering the body, and will soon make the blood sugar rise. Long-term intake of large amounts of fine rice and noodles will lead to increased pancreatic load, easily inducing a relative lack of insulin secretion, causing diabetes to occur.

We often eat steamed buns, noodles, rice, etc. are refined grains.

3. High-fat and high-cholesterol foods

These foods contain a large amount of fat and cholesterol, into the body is easy to make the body "bad" cholesterol content increased, increasing the risk of vascular inflammation, arterial stenosis, and other diseases, and will lead to obesity, and obesity is an important cause of a variety of diseases.

Fatty meat, animal offal, red meat, fried food, and other foods contain high levels of fat and cholesterol.

4. High purine food

Consuming a large number of foods high in purines increases the level of uric acid in the blood. A large amount of uric acid deposited in the body will lead to an increased risk of gouty arthritis and kidney stones, and the risk of three highs and kidney disease in this group will be greatly increased.

Animal offal, seafood, and other foods contain very high purine content, daily intake should not be large.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol is a clear carcinogen and needs to be metabolized by the liver after intake. Once excessive alcohol is consumed, the liver will be overburdened and liver damage will be easily induced, followed by alcoholic liver and fatty liver, which may turn into cancer and seriously threaten health if timely intervention is not made.

Many cancers may be caused by "eating", please correct the bad eating habits

According to the data, smoking is still one of the important factors that induce cancer. In addition to smoking, the increase in obesity due to improper dietary patterns is also one of the important triggers for the occurrence of several cancers.

The occurrence of these types of cancers is closely related to poor dietary habits.

Stomach cancer

Many people especially like pickled foods, barbecued foods, and heavy foods such as spicy hotpot, which may produce carcinogens such as benzo(a)pyrene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the process of baking, leading to an increased risk of stomach cancer when consumed in large quantities for a long time.

Pickled foods contain a large amount of nitrite, which is easily converted into amine nitrite after entering the body, which is also a strong carcinogen.

Liver Cancer

As mentioned above, alcohol needs to be metabolized by the liver after entering the body, and a large amount of alcohol intake will lead to an overload of the liver, which in turn will lead to the development of the alcoholic liver.

After the appearance of alcoholic liver, it will easily become cirrhosis of the liver and even liver cancer. In addition to alcohol, moldy food is also very harmful to the liver, and such food is likely to contain aflatoxin, which is very toxic and carcinogenic and can cause irreversible damage to the liver.

Bowel cancer

As modern people have better living conditions, many people have developed the habit of eating meat but not vegetables, especially processed meat and red meat.

Maintaining such a diet pattern for a long time will lead to excessive protein and fat intake, in which case the peristaltic speed of the intestines will slow down and some metabolic wastes will accumulate in the intestines for a long time, increasing the risk of intestinal cancer.

Esophageal cancer

Some people especially like to eat while it is hot, but they do not know that eating while it is hot will hurt our esophagus, and the intake of food over 65℃ will lead to esophageal burns and easily induce esophagitis.

Without timely intervention, eating food that is too hot will lead to an increased risk of cancer.

Pancreatic cancer

Some people are fond of eating sweets, and high-fat and high-protein foods. The intake of a lot of sweets will make the pancreas secrete a lot of insulin, which will easily lead to functional damage and increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

The intake of high-fat and high-protein foods can easily stimulate the gastrointestinal tract to release bile shrinkage and other hormones, increasing the sensitivity of the pancreas to carcinogens, which can easily induce pancreatic cancer.

Third, to live a long and healthy life, what should we eat?

To prolong your life, it is very important to change your bad eating habits. Do these few things well.

1. moderate increase in polyunsaturated fatty acid intake

Soybean oil, flaxseed oil, camellia oil, and other vegetable oils contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids, appropriate intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce the risk of heart disease, it is recommended that the daily intake of about 25g can be.

2. Increase the intake of whole grains

Whole grains are unprocessed foods, including endosperm, bran, and germ, which are rich in dietary fiber and minerals and can help promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and reduce the time that harmful substances stay in the intestines.

3. less salt, less sugar, less fat

Salt, sugar, and oil are indispensable components of our body, but excessive intake can bring counterproductive effects on health. Daily to minimize the intake of these foods, diet as light as possible.

4. diet pay attention to chewing slowly

When eating, pay attention to chewing slowly, so that food can be fully chewed, reducing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time can also enhance the sense of satiety, to avoid excessive intake of food in the body, resulting in obesity.

5. Do not eat cold food

Eating cold food will lead to vasoconstriction of the stomach wall, and then affect the normal blood supply, for the gastrointestinal tract health is more unfavorable.

Diet is very important for health, life must adopt a scientific dietary pattern, eat more fruits and vegetables, ensure food diversity, and refuse bad eating habits so that they can enjoy the food while harvesting health.


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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